Friday, March 9, 2012

world of tanks power leveling low light - TNZ

129747311180937500_7Since new year's day this year, Zhejiang Province shrouded in fog most of the time world of tanks power leveling, the temperature is low, record low sunshine hours, tea production estimate would be postponed. 26th reporters from Zhejiang meteorological observatory was informed that since January 1, oligo-as rainy weather in the province, lower temperatures. Sunshine hours throughout the hour only 45-150 than perennialLow 30% per cent over the same period; the province with an average of 93 hours, less than all the 50%, history of at least the same period. At the same time, number of days with precipitation in Zhejiang province's average 30 days, 8 days over the year period, for the historical third. The province with an average temperature of 5. 4 ° c, over the same period year low 0.   7 degrees centigrade. Weather alert in Zhejiang Province, Yin-low temperature for a long timeRain, precipitation wot power leveling, humidity, low light, led the field of stagnant water, had an adverse impact on the agricultural, such as vegetables, greenhouse crop growth deviation, tea production delays; wet weather causing the common cold for a long time the number increased public attention cold to keep warm. In addition, rainy days, accumulated rainfall, resulting in soil water saturation, the soil loose world of tanks power leveling, the Meteorological Department recommended that thePay attention to preventing prone to landslides and other geological disasters in mountainous areas.

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