Sunday, March 11, 2012

wot power leveling Li Jinhua - SIT

129756500992656250_38Li Jinhua, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, 6th in the CPPCC group discussion suggested that the increase in the Government work report "thrift oppose extravagance". Li Jinhua said that "if we bear in a bear in a province, the style is slightly improved, hundreds of millions of dollars in a year is out of question. "(March 6, Xinhua) Li Jinhua, Vice PresidentWords, uttered the aspirations of the people. A few years ago, China Youth daily Social Research Center did a reader survey, 90.3%, realizing that the Government wasting more serious than personal. Data show that there are millions of the bus in China, consumes more than more than 200 billion dollars, which accounted for one-third of the real public service; public funds each year to eat and drink on the rough estimates of the cost ofBillions of dollars; officials abroad and training continued to heat up, free to go abroad for a year at a cost of billions of dollars in Sth   To say Government frugality can save as much money, this account is not hard to count. "A porridge of rice, when thinking not; half wire and half, constant reading material difficulties". Order of the Chinese nation proud of the diligence and thrift, ashamed to extravagance, however, civil simplicity of traditional moralityThe Government level but all of a sudden failure, from a pig, abroad, to launch large-scale development projects, luxury purchases, some localities and departments of excessive luxury staggering.   Such strong contrast is wot power leveling, root cause lies in the three consumer spend is taxpayers ' money, "standing by to spend master money to be irresponsible". Government extravagance, but goes perfectly in the economics of the "tragedy of the Commons" when fundingSource or many owners of property, each of them has the right to use the resources, but no one has the right to stop others from using, which led to the excessive use of resources. In recent years, the repeated injunctions of the central building economical Government, civil society had also been called on "changing the waste must start with government departments". However, the actual results have been unsatisfactory, the crux lies in this. For government agenciesAs the taxpayers ' money is the concept of a virtual, Office funding more like reach out and inexhaustible resource, which would be quite easily created a non-rational economic mentality, forming high not low, buy expensive do not buy on the collective unconscious. Under contrast world of tanks power leveling, "United Kingdom civil service to weekly fight 18" stories of venerable. In 1964, the officials to the United Kingdom TreasuryWrite, reflect the comparative rough toilet paper provided by the Government, want to swap with soft paper towel, Treasury was rejected, on the grounds that if hard into soft paper, will spend a year of 130,000 pounds. Later, similar proposals have been rejected many times, until 1981, was the medical expert "soft toilet paper it's better for health" demonstration of support, United Kingdom civil servant on the useLess rough toilet paper. 18 the fight for toilet paper, looks like a square, unsympathetic, but reflects on the taxpayer in awe. Paper towels are small wot power leveling, it is taxpayers ' money, so must go through rigorous scientific evaluation, not random decisions or changes to the original rules; at the same time, under the supervision of Government decisions in the parties, officials in the mediaIn order to maintain a high level of concern, always find fault, government staff, will have to mind your p's and particularly frugal. If you want to save hundreds of millions of real money a year, three public consumption must be out of the "tragedy of the Commons". First, the powers and responsibilities clear from your system. Three public resources cannot be any grazing "public Grassland", each provision must be open and transparent, clearly,Media and public scrutiny; administrative expenditure at all levels has also built up a set of standardized systems and processes, the rigid principles of establishing savings for the taxpayer, not to the small group of self-interested behavior can be taken. Second, incorporated into the legal system. In early 2009 two sessions, on people's Congress proposed to amend the criminal code to establish "crime of extravagance"; the two sessions this year, jiusan society centralSubmitted on "three waste" to incriminate proposal. When moral teachings have been unable to cut Office prodigal souls, only bringing up the weapon of law, ignoring official corrections to taxpayers, to get it valued every penny in my hand.

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