Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 gold people on the issue of differences in society - KIG

129756355353437500_86"" Financial report "March 7, five plenary session of the national people's Congress meeting News Media Center multi-function Hall held a press conference. Yin Weimin, Minister of human resources and social security on the "current employment situation in China and the development of social security" related question answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign reporters. Mr Yin said that our employees in State enterprisesPension is currently a surplus of 1.9 trillion, pension income last year was about 1.3 trillion, spending about $ 1.2 trillion, slightly balances. Mr Yin said, we note that recent concerns about the height of pension market in the community, there is extensive discussion, of course, there are some completely instead, different points of view. In accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act, to cast an old age pensionOwned operations to achieve value. Our "Twelve-Five" program on pensions investment operation diablo 3 gold, the appreciation put forward clear requirements.   So in the case of pensions investment operation to achieve value-the direction is very clear. Mr Yin said, the pension for employees of enterprises of our country is currently a surplus of 1.9 trillion, pension income last year of about 13,000Here, spending about $ 1.2 trillion, slightly balances. So, from a national perspective, pension gap is not a problem. Our balances have accumulated balances of those years. Last year's employee pension benefits was about more than 180 billion, if the deduction of the financial assistance, 13 provinces there are gaps, but this is a process of continuous improvement. That is ourI started setting up enterprises employees ' pension insurance as all charge is not worth supporting, gap gradually narrow, now has been reduced to 13 provinces, but coupled with the financial assistance of all in rate. Mr Yin said, on the question of pensions investment operation we are conducting active research, the direction is clear, but specific measures for the investment and operation of our justification. As we all know, Enterprise and individual pensions make money is life insurance money, so be sure to the spirit of "safety first" principle. Different from our pension fund and the National Council for Social Security Fund, it is Government money will be used for a long period of reserve of the Fund, we of this Fund is the common money enterprises and individual workers, mainly collect pay diablo 3 power leveling, some accumulation. So no matter what investmentOperations diablo 3 power leveling, we must guarantee issued in the period, protecting the safety of funds. Experts, people on the issue of differences in society, we must extensively listen to the views, careful research, we will put forward our proposals in due course. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: LV Qiang)

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