Tuesday, March 20, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling without population bonus - KYK

The biggest question is in economy to allocate structural deviation Wang Ling at land and fortune a lot of economy problems come from Fu Jingjing the structure is screwy daily of the first finance and economics: What kind of opinion do you have to the macroscopical economic situation 2011? Do you think Chinese economy is current what is the biggest question? China unripe: Say objectively, chinese photograph is otherer than the world burgeoning developed country, for instance the country such as India, Brazil, Russia, macroeconomic growth and inflationary circumstance are close friends more. If for the angle from control inflation, although was not achieved,decide a goal formerly this year, but inflation already showed descendent trend. In the world the circumstance with economic queasy happening falls, the developed country encounters so great difficulty, burgeoning economy area also is pounded, opposite for economic performance of China cannot calculate difference. I think current problem is crucial is policy shift too short-term change, deal with a gender, not be the method that solves a problem truly. So although took a lot of step, but main problem still did not get settlement, the situation that face is very grim still. Some problems can reappear again now, and still continueing to develop. Accordingly, the biggest question is not to say to perhaps saying very close future at the moment, chinese economy meeting faces how old crisis, depend on policy shift however short-term change the prospective development that bring about but durative. Daily: Specific for, do you think what issue can affect prospective China economy to you can develop continuously? China unripe: It is relative that a lot of problem that Chinese economy appears now has deviation on old structure with us. So old will say to want structural adjustment all the time, but basically do not have substantial adjustment. The adjustment that tells now structure often that is to say develops burgeoning property, say that does not make structural adjustment strictly. Burgeoning industry can say to developing change ceaselessly, that basically is the thing of enterprise and market. Tell from governmental point of view, adjusting a structure basically is urban and rural n duality structure of structure, finance income and expenses and income allocate a structure, and these structural markets are not moved, it is duty place of the government. The structural question with Chinese the biggest economy is urban and rural and binary structure. The course is changed in the city in the center, several people enter a town from the country, this is the oldest economy on Chinese history and social changes, but this structure puts in very big twist: There is registered permanent residence after so much person goes into town, how to reside without the place, tall house price is the report of this circumstance partly actually, this follows land system and census register institution is together repeatedly. A lot of problems that Chinese economy exists now are to follow this structure twist to matter. Wen Zhou, E Er is for instance much this of medium and small businesses go bankrupt problem, medium and small businesses why is financing so tight? Among them a main reason is, capital does estate to do usurious. Why to go doing estate, usurious? This is together repeatedly with land system again, because capital is to go to the place that can earn money to run, tell with respect to employer of lukewarm like city, hundreds of people do his factory one year to still sell a house to earn money as his wife. So problem of current tall house price, of Wen Zhou industrial and hollow turn an issue, capital flows to finance and real estate, these reflect the problem that exists on our structure. The question with the biggest another is the problem of difference of the rich and the poor. Difference of the rich and the poor still is expanding quickly now. Allocate pattern unbalance to be able to bring a series of issues necessarily, include to consume the social problem such as the problem on the structure, education. For instance the number of the university on rural child decreases now, also contact together with difference of the rich and the poor. Urban and rural difference expands basically is worth difference expand. Because the farmer is versed in income rises quickly in recent years, urban and rural income gap has tended contractible. This narrows this year more apparent. So difference of the rich and the poor cannot treat income solely. Include wealthy person's emigrant issue, all also do not matter with belongings allocation, calculate him not to leave, also want to do an immigrant, feel safer, these matter greatly too with fortune difference. In the final analysis, these problems appear with our main economy structure deviation significance is great. Daily: How does ability solve the deviation on these economic structures effectively? China unripe: I feel to want the core problem with manage contradictory Qing Dynasty above all. Current core problem is this big setting is changed to fall in the city, these two old structures gave land problem and issue of the rich and the poor big error, and did not adopt truly significant step to answer the structural question that has created so far, I feel this is essential. Inside the period that we spend at a city, among them core problem is land and census register, another is problem of difference of the rich and the poor. Change a course in the city originally in the center, the farmer entered a town, economic standard rises, income gap should narrow ability is opposite, but in fact difference of the rich and the poor is expanding however, arrangement of system of repartition of the finance revenue policy that is whole certainly then, society gave bigger question. So, go up from economy for, want to solve basic problem, I think to be afraid is to want from land problem, allocate problem proceed with. With respect to economy character, these two are the problem of materiality. Because financial problem is to follow land issue relevant, finance comes out with land impawn. Housing problem is land problem at all, branch building distributes land namely actually, the ground still is afraid of don't have a house? And the rich and the poor is far apart one part also is to follow land problem to be connected together. Daily: Land system is a problem that compares core really, how should be changed next? China unripe: Clearer is, land finance is to cannot continue for certain. The government sells the ground to make money, this whole world is done not have such, the government should rely on taxation. The government is the first do business, so estate business more in high spirits, they say governmental earn is more than us. So whole structure arrangement is incorrect. This very easy of course addiction, but this is a crooked road. Of course this is faced with big adjustment. It is land accrual allocates an issue additionally. The land of Taiwan is private ownership, but average land ownership, rise in price give to the public. Our land is state ownership, the pocket of the person that rise in price to fall to business of government, development and room of store up of store up ground completely however. Must want to have the change on an old structure so, and in this reform process, must take care of a farmer especially the interest that the farmer is versed in. Daily: Allocate like the income that a moment ago you speak of, since this year, "925 " also mention among the program, want to drive growth through consumption. But look in fact from the data this year, consumptive growth is not satisfactory. China unripe: Consume even if be together repeatedly with income, because allocate uneven, the person that has consumptive capacity does not have money, wealthy person did not consume the tendency. Ke Saizao of actual mount a horse said this a little bit to be clear about, because the poor does not want to consume,not be, however they do not have fund spending diablo 3 gold, because fortune allocates not all, the consumption of wealthy person always is finite, he is not consumed, can deposit. Consuming a problem is to allocate an issue substantially. Population bonus decreases need not panicky daily: The data of the 6th census that publishs from this year looks, china is aged speed is being accelerated. According to scholastic research, china has entered inflection point of Liu Yi Si, be faced with labour force to supply decrease stage by stage, population bonus is progressively reductive situation. You how look upon this problem? China unripe: This is an issue that OK discussion. Because inflection point of Liu Yi Si is not,one is made clear, the dot of OK and scientific magnanimity. Population this problem is more one therein long-term issue, not be problem of a short-term. As to say China entered inflection point of Liu Yi Si 2013, and population bonus is opposite the contribution of economic growth decreases greatly, this affirmation has exaggerated factor. Population bonus of China now is most the period of at the height of power and splendour. Some are forecasted is to say China wanted to enter turning point 2013, change a word that is to say now is population bonus the biggest best when. But best when how? Had better not also be labor shortage all the same? Be to appear all the same use labor shortage? So these two are not one and the same. Not be to said benefit of our person lipstick to be done not have to acme conversely at the same time, say profit of our person lipstick is the biggest however change arrive at acme, can decrease slowly next. Decrease to also want to reduce population bonus 20 years to just can disappear, so this is not problem of a short-term. Bonus of look upon population should use a rational eye. The factor that affects economic growth is very much, population bonus is one of a lot of elements only. And the influence size that it increases to economy sees be dug adequately even. Daily: Look from 6 general data, work now the scale of age population is highest really. But highest when appear again the barren that use worker worker, be the problem that goes up because of the structure? China unripe: Have the problem of sex of a lot of structures of course, but this also not only it is a structure go up, it shows the demand to labor really. A reason of the barren that use worker worker is to many country person has not come out. Because they do not have method how to be resided firm in the city,did not come out. Go up from some kind of meaning so, it is China from now on with respect to labour force insecurity, is unemployed problem not serious? That is not certain. From the point of the developed country, the developed country is population mostly aged, without population bonus, have population deficit instead, and the problem is the developed country still faces serious unemployed problem. We go up in this problem now, often be too simplification. Aged, population bonus decreased, is labour force insufficient? Not be so simple question. Now the main problem of the United States, Europe, it is unemployed. So much of population of our working age, population extra dividend is so high, we are simple labour force is insufficient still, still make the uncultivated land that use worker worker. There is too much element to be in inside this effective, have a lot of reasons. Aged the problem that can face unemployment euqally later, the vigor that follows whole economy system, demand that follows labour force is relative. This cannot simplification. And, the main problem that China faces is not the problem with insufficient labour force, however we a moment ago spoke of, appeared on a few major structural sex problems screwy, chinese future must want answer this. Chinese economy adds fast measurable be issued to lower levels is not evildoing reporter: Look from current statistical data, chinese macroscopical economy has given the trend that shows be issued to lower levels. A lot of is opposite 2012 of economic foreground forecast express not hopeful. Is your viewpoint what kind of? China unripe: From the point of current data, really Chinese economy has appeared trend of clear be issued to lower levels. But I think what to economy increases rate should be wait for to put delay in light of the manner with a reason. This is not what evildoing. Alleged pessimism estimates hopefully, because the level is different,be. Some people are more pessimistic, they grow 10% to be a standard with Chinese economy, under 10% panic-stricken, say bad, chinese economy coast. This is not necessary. The economic increase rate this year is hundred, still be high rate, compare with posture of world other country especially. And to China, economic growth drops moderately be helpful for adjusting economic structure, also be helpful for reducing environmental pressure. E.g. , china burns 3 billion tons coal one year now, should go to 4489 tons immediately. What concept is 3 billion tons coal? The coal of whole world half is burned completely in China, is our air so good? Is lung cancer little? China " 925 " 5 years of compasses delimit average economy increase rate is 7% , if have,this is meant is 9 years 5% or 6% also be normal, because some year are likely,be 8% or 9% . Development is wave type just has durative. But economics bound, public opinion bound has a very big problem now, when economic high speed grows, he approves GDP assume leadership, had not fallen down the least bit, begin panic-stricken, say to want to maintain growth. Does so rapid growth need to protect? Although growth of next year economy arrives 8% remain more than " 925 " of the program. Daily: It is hopeful that a moment ago you say to grow judgement to economy because the level is different,still be pessimistic. Is your standard? China unripe: I think China maintains 8% right-and-left economy to increase rate very good, than " 925 " the program is expensive still percent. And we should allow economic growth to have wave motion, wave pattern is ongoing, namely one year arrives 7% very good also, because still have tall when, mix high low pull not low. Should see us present environmental resource pressure already so big, you think economy grows again, must want to rely on a technology, rely on to serve industry, cannot rely on resource to come again. The first cannot rely on to distribute a money, can have inflation in that way. The 2nd cannot spell resource, chinese environment had gone all out not to rise. Daily: Begin first half of the year from 2012, a lot of place debt expire centrally. You how is look upon local the financing risk problem of platform? China unripe: The place exists since debt problem is long-term, as these a few years land financial develops, economy is stimulated since 2008 especially, financing platform of the place develops greatly further, debt load is aggravating, this is a potential risk. But, look from whole, the indebted rate of Chinese government whole is lower still, so local debt from at present this level did not form real danger. But its problem is very earnest, what actually it is faced with is the function of a local government and the problem that restrain a mechanism. This is the problem of an essence. What we see is to jump over rich place to get land finance more, money jumps over much great ambition to jump over insufficient flower greatly more, not be the problem of money so, it is function problem of the government. What be the government should work after all? 2 be what restrains him what to work not to work? This involves political system innovation. Local government is at the beginning of this century before do not have land income basically, the time also passes well. Land income is as much as revenue income now still call end, does this thing rely on money to you can be solved? The function that core problem is it follows a tie. Be being mixed temporarily now so can mix the past, next year is OK, the year after next also can mix the past, but 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 8 years the likelihood can erupt big crisis. Daily: Be based on these circumstances that you speak of, do you think Chinese economy looks to have a growth that can you last forth? What is the biggest challenge that we faced 2012? China unripe: I think our problem is not short-term problem, not be to say next year did not go down too this year, say the problem of these structural sexes that we accumulate however, can expose sooner or later come out, can let us suffer sooner or later namely, want to begin to handle these issues so. Chinese economy grows, from it is very big really for latent capacity. A lot of 100 million farmers still are changed without the city that finish, major population still is rural population, the metaphase before be what change transition at the city at most. Our true now city population is in 30% much, be equal to say 1/3 it is urban person, 2/3 it is rural person. In fact, phase of growth of economic high speed wants when of total population 3/4 had made urban population. After this inside need to grow ability to meet slowly abate, realized area of Taiwan of the Japan of modern transition tera power leveling, Korea, China successfully, cardinal principle is such. But we the city of population influences ability now 1/3. The move of major population can be brought breathtaking inside need diablo 3 power leveling, build from the foundation, arrive from the building all sorts of society establishment, tremendous inside need enough for economy growth is offerred prop up. But if do not have structural adjustment, do not solve corresponding income and problem of capital structure correspondence, so latent capacity is released do not come out. So now the key of the problem is inside needed latent capacity is released. Typical for instance Shenzhen, it is arms of the person at the head of a procession of reforming and opening originally, but its present census register population has 200 only much, often live population 15 million above, immigrant population is 45 times of population of this locality census register. Resemble ancient Greek Athens a bit, only the small number of people is freeborn. So I feel Shenzhen has dropped the last person in a row that reforms to the society from the arms of the person at the head of a procession of reforming and opening. Shenzhen wants scour off disgrace in this respect, should go up in social reform go ahead of the rest one pace, want to solve problem of this census register namely above all. Daily: Be based on you the judgement of macroscopical to next year economic situation, on specific monetary policy and policy of policy wealth tax, what proposal do you have? China unripe: On short-term policy, it is forever benevolence person the person that see Ren Zhi sees wisdom. But ought to see, as economic slowdown, finance income is in the four seasons is spent this year already fall after a rise, also be this trend next year, governmental fund basically is land income, this year, it is to decrease considerably next year, the finance income of broad requirements can be critical quite. If do not wish to produce large finance deficit, next year vigorous finance policy does not have a space. Feasible is the finance policy of structural sex. This need reforms with great quantity, should view a government whether the major key that determination has finance income and defray structure is whole. Monetary policy needs to be changed alive from dovish Xiang Ling stage by stage however. Because move toward a balance as balance of payments, foreign currency occupies a paragraph to decrease, fundamental money contracts automatically, monetary policy is not adjusted is no good. Such seeing come down, can do truly next year with what the space is done, it is policy of structural sex finance and flexible monetary policy, other catchword are not actual and feasible. I thought larger possibility is the opportunity that brews reform and policy adjusting 2012, want to study exploration, strive for 2013 or 2014, there can be big movement on structural adjustment. This includes to be changed in the city, tax of land, wealth and income allocation respect have adjust greatly, have big step. So I emphasize all the time, chinese problem is not short-term problem, either the annual meeting after next year gives what business, but be afraid of accumulate for a long time after coming down, big question can give after a few years.

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