Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling ifRights and benefits clearly - ORO

129756355343750000_61"" Financial report "on March 7, at its 11th session of the National Committee held five" members on the construction of social housing and management, "Press Conference. Public figures without party affiliation on community members, school of Economics and management of Tsinghua University Li daokui, Director of the Department of finance said in the construction and management of affordable housing, there are three points I'm afraid is about over, is a position clearly, is the second interestClearly, three are management socialization and marketization. He said that collective security housing built on the land, first position wot power leveling, who is the security housing for living, Mrs LAU also said, if it is to give young teachers of Tsinghua University, and rent growth a little later, with the development of the economy as a whole is possible. He future income equivalent to today's construction costIs able to have a return on investment, future growth of rent should be able to cover construction costs today, because today's land is a form of collective instead of after auction, land cost is zero. II is clearly right to future benefits, who rent in the future, collective what, how many local governments world of tanks power leveling, investors, to speak clearly, ifRights and benefits clearly, then to the introduction of social capital will be relatively easy.   In contrast, if the usufruct could not speak clearly world of tanks power leveling, it will leave a great risk, and caused a lot of disputes in the future. Third, managing also to socialization, marketization, and according to our experience in the other areas of research, if such a security housing completely by the Government one of theDepartments to carry out day-to-day management, often give rise to many contradictions, efficiency is not high, you can introduce a social form of tender, introduce some institutions operating company by tender, to engage in property management, management of the daily rental fee and so on. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Deng Meiling)

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