Tuesday, March 13, 2012

world of tanks power leveling and increase expenditure - SUT

129756542921562500_66Xie xuren details five largest hot Finance Minister Xie xuren of fiscal policy on the current financial and fiscal work: Chinese and foreign reporters asked the proactive fiscal policy in the end what does it mean? Expenditure will be allocated this year? These issues to become this year's "two sessions" during the focus of attention. Yesterday, Finance Minister Xie xuren answer Chinese and foreign reporters, said, this year will continue to implement the structuralTax reduction, improvement of preferential tax policies for small micro-enterprises, and increase expenditure, control local debt scale and the promotion of people's livelihood "Excellencies," expenditures for transparency. Continued implementation of structural tax cut said Xie xuren, tax cuts this year will further improve the structural policy, reduce the burden on businesses and residents, promoting tax levying VAT, reduced the proportion of indirect tax will become the future of tax reformDirection. Key words: "increasing camp-modified" range "to promote the tax levying sales tax pilot project, improvement of structural tax cut policies. "Xie xuren, said yesterday that the business tax reform tax reform is an important content of structural tax cut this year. Specific directions for reform, said Xie xuren, change your services business tax to sales tax, and correspondingly reduced business taxes, and theShi, currently pays sales tax manufacturing is also in the process of reducing the burden. Services for the manufacturing industry provides a variety of services, and you can move on to offset range of manufacturing enterprises. China's value added tax reform has been ongoing for years, a few years ago promoted the reform of VAT transformation in China, from productive sales tax to consumer sales tax, the measures to significantly reduce theEnterprise tax burden, the original machinery and equipment purchases of fixed assets investment is not deducted, will be deducted after the transition. As of January 1, 2012, is in part of the transportation industry and modern service industry in Shanghai to pilot. At present, Shanghai has 120,000 enterprises included in the pilot confirmed range. Among them, general taxpayers nearly 35,000 households, smallTaxpayers more than 85,000. Preliminary 2012 arising from tax relief amounting to more than 10 billion dollars. In addition, the Beijing municipal local taxation Bureau is also pay close attention to the investigation of more than 54,000 households in the city business tax taxpayers. Key words: the proportion of indirect tax for attention problems of the higher proportion of indirect tax in China, Xie xuren response yesterday said: "indirect and directOn the tax ratio is that we promote further improvement taking into account the reform of the tax system a problem, now a direct tax and indirect tax rates will be adjusted progressively in the reform process, is to further increase the share of direct taxes in the general direction, gradually reduce the amount of indirect taxes. "Too heavy a tax burden in recent years has been much concerned with the issue, research shows that China's tax burdenExcessive heavy primarily because of indirect taxes has caused, because indirect taxes in our entire tax revenue accounted for more than 70%, resulting in the overall tax burden larger. In this regard, Xie xuren response said: "these figures for the calculation are in China, the proportion of indirect taxes in total tax revenues and the proportion of indirect tax in foreign countries to do more, to launch products inside China than the amount of tax is included in the price of foreignHigher. I believe that this measure is not accurate. "How to reduce the proportion of indirect tax in China? Xie xuren, for example, promoting the pilot, such as property tax reform, perfect the system of transport taxes, advance the property class tax reform is a way to increase the proportion of direct taxes. "From now on, through deepening the reform of the tax system, further optimizing the tax system, and gradually increase the proportion of direct taxes. "He said.Establishment of local debt risk early warning mechanism against local debt problems, Xie xuren, said yesterday that it will take further measures to strengthen work on local government debt management, effectively preventing and reducing financial risks. Keywords: reimbursement system "of government debt, debt Fund to be established to co-ordinate use of local financial resources to do a pay. "Xie xuren said,Local government debt Fund should be established in time to meet its obligations. Place the debt problem has been closely watched. After the Audit Commission figures showed, local debts totaled $ 10.7 trillion. By the end of 2010, reimbursement responsible for the national provincial and municipal and county-level local Government Debt-to-GDP ratio of debt outstanding and comprehensive financial ratios of local government is 52.25%.If in accordance with the local Government to guarantee liability calculation of all debt into government debt obligations, Debt-to-GDP ratio is 70.45%. How to repay the debt of local governments, Xie xuren yesterday asked the local government, should be based on principles of category management and treated differently, progressively solving the, dealing with debt repayment and subsequent funding of the project under construction. To control the debt rulesMode expansion, Xie xuren also says: "to continue to clean up the code for financing companies, strengthening the financing of financing company management and credit management of the banking and financing institutions. Breaches security firmly against the Government and Government departments. "Keyword: management mechanism for preventing debt risk, Xie xuren, yesterday once again that the classification of local debt will be gradually included in budget management. His tablesLike this: "research and establish and improve the system of local government debt management and risk early warning mechanism will gradually classifications included in the budget of local government debt management, financial risk prevention measures and establish long-efficiency mechanism combining further perfecting local Government's debt management system. "In fact, previously issued by the State Council on strengthening local government financing platform company managed the askNotification of a problem have made clear, to debt payments into local government budget management, formation and management, efficient running of the local government debt financing mechanisms. In this regard, industry analysis, said after the debt into local budget management, which is on the specification management. Financial expenditure 19.8% spending growth this year will focus on the people's livelihood to the people's livelihood areas italic�� According to the arrangements of the central financial budget, this year for the people's life is directly related to education, health care, social security and employment, affordable housing, cultural aspects of people's livelihood, such as spending 1.3848 trillion yuan, up 19.8% over the previous year. Key words: Medicare benefit standard "further deepening the medical and health system, further improve the new-style rural and townResident basic medical insurance financial assistance standards. "Xie xuren, said yesterday that the continued optimization of fiscal expenditure structure in China this year, and will improve the standards of medical insurance benefits for urban residents. According to the information Ministry, China's medical and health expenditure by 174.778 billion yuan last year, complete budget of $ 101.2%, an increase of 17.7%. Analysts said that with theGradually advancing health system reform, China's fiscal expenditure this year will be more inclined in the medical sector. Key words: "San Nong" expenditures concerned with health care investments at the same time, investment in agriculture in China will also continue to increase this year. "This year, we should vigorously promote the construction of Water Conservancy works and other aspects of rural infrastructure construction, to focus on promoting the innovation of agricultural science and technology andTechnical progress, further increase the intensity of poverty, thus contributing to increased agricultural output, increasing peasants ' income and rural prosperity. "Xie xuren, said yesterday. Data show that in 2012, the central financial for "farmer" schedule of expenditures totaling $ 1,228,660,000,000, an increase of 17.9%. Zero control "Excellencies," funding for on the control "Excellencies," financial implications,Xie xuren, said yesterday that the annual budgetary arrangements when they are stressed, generally follow the zero to arrange "Excellencies," funding, while further compression. Keywords: openness "in July of this year, after the final report to the national people's Congress for examination and approval of the Central, will further announce 2011 three ' expenditures in 2012 and three' Budget situation. "This year" Excellencies, "funding open time, Xie xuren, made the above remarks. In fact, as early as last July, part departments of the Central Government and the provinces to the society launched the 2010-year "Excellencies," expenditures for 2011, as well as "Excellencies," budget. According to the 2010 central unit "sangong"Funding funding expenditures of about $ 9.47 billion, go abroad on business funding 1.773 billion yuan, the official used car purchase and run $ 6.169 billion funding, official hospitality funds 1.528 billion yuan. 2011 central level for financial provision "Excellencies," budget is $ 9.428 billion, go abroad on business and exit requirements were $ 1.99 billion, using cars for public affairs$ 5.919 billion was spent on acquisition and operation, civil servants received funding of $ 1.519 billion. Budget and last year compared to the previous year and further reduces the $ 42 million. Keywords: control systems in addition to promoting "Excellencies," public funds, also in the future the establishment of long-term mechanisms to control the corresponding expenses, Xie xuren said yesterday that will establish and improve a savingsLong-acting mechanisms. On how to control the "sangong" funding, Xie xuren, make specific recommendations world of tanks power leveling, general administrative expenditure control also serves as an important element of strengthening financial management, meeting management, expense management, travel expenses will be strictly controlled. Increase small micro-enterprise support, will do a good job last year introduced fiscal and taxation policy in the second half of this year, and thisAt the same time to further improve fiscal policy measures to support small micro-enterprise development. Yesterday, Xie xuren, made it clear that, will continue to take measures to support small micro-enterprise development. Keywords: development of special funds to support small development of micro-enterprises, will continue to increase investment in China this year. Xie xuren, will further increase this year to support small scale of special funds for the development of micro-enterprises, supporting smallPromoting structural adjustment of micro-enterprises and scientific and technological progress. In addition, this year China will set up a National Fund for small and medium enterprises development, guide, venture capital companies, as well as other Community funds to increase support for small micro-enterprises. Earlier, State Department says that Central Government will set up a $ 15 billion this year from the SME Development Fund to support the development of such enterprises. KeyWords: support public financing in addition to direct release of funds, the State Department also said it will support a small micro-enterprises listing and financing, building small enterprise credit reward appraisal system, and will support eligible banks issue special for small micro-enterprise loans, financial debt, problem to solve the financing difficulty of small micro-enterprises. Xie xuren also said yesterday, will continue to support the financing of guaranteesHealth policy measures for the development of industry norms, increase the boot on financial institutions, to support the small micro-enterprise financing. Tags: clean up unreasonable charges "to further clean up the various businesses involved charges of not planning, increase the intensity of inspection and supervision, establish a protection mechanism of enterprise-related charges. "Said Xie xuren, this year will continue to take measures to clean up reasonable administrative fees to reduce theSmall micro-enterprises ' burden. As early as last year, our country has will introduce the policy for small micro-enterprises are exempted from 22 administrative charges. This 22 administrative charges related to management, registration, license classes and so on. Including business registration fee, customs charges, tax invoice, certificate of origin of goods, agricultural machinery supervision fee. In this regard,Analysis said the waiver of administrative fees, reasonable costs of clean up, though only slightly reduced business costs, but smaller micro-enterprise support policy development is clearly the intent of. Business newspaper reporter Lin Chai Ding Kaiyan sail/storm/NPC deputies and CPPCC members was taken "tax reform" in key industries, small and medium businesses are in tax cut focused on Cui Junhui deputies to the national people's Congress, the State administration of taxationFormer Deputy Director of in recent years, countries and the implementation of a number of structural tax cuts, have achieved good results and won praise from all walks of society. For example on "San Nong" and part of the preferential tax policies for small profit enterprises wot power leveling, as of September 1, 2011 wage and salary income minus personal income tax rates increase from $ 2000/month to 3$ 500/month, with effect from November 1, 2011 raising value-added tax and business tax collection point, to the small micro-enterprise loans for financial institutions are exempted from stamp duty within three years of the contract world of tanks power leveling, and so on. However, we must also see that in order to speed up the transformation of mode of economic development and the adjustment of the economic structure, must further increase the intensity of structural perfection and implementation of tax cuts. Recommends that the Inland Revenue DepartmentIn the course of implementing structural tax cut pay attention to three aspects: is conducive to promoting the transformation of economic development and economic restructuring, key industry tilt. Support technological progress, promote industrial optimization and upgrading, with a focus on supporting the development of the real economy, and actively guide more social investment funds and banks to optimize the structure of investment, consumption, and exports. Second, we mustHelp protect and improve the people's livelihood, inclined to SMEs. Concerned to statistics, small and medium enterprises in China with more than 11 million accounts, accounted for 99% more than the total number of enterprises, provided nearly 80% jobs in cities and towns, while individually more than 34.52 million households registered in China more than 70 million people, thus supporting the development of SMEs in good to increase laborAnd disposable income, consumption, domestic consumption is critical. But SMEs are less risk-resistant ability of its population, especially current and face higher financing costs, labor costs advanced variety of pressures, some even to the point of unsustainable. Efforts to increase tax on them, to help them through difficult times, to enhance the vitality of China's economic power, toAnd capacities for sustainable development, are very important. Third, we must also help to promote the reform of tax system and optimizing the tax system structure, tilt toward focus on taxes. We must actively promote the VAT "spread around" and the personal income tax reform, deepen the reform of property taxes, further reducing the tax burden. At the same time imposed on the consumption tax, "and withdraw from others" and "increased reduction" of policy adjustments, high energy consumption and highConsumer goods and luxury goods increased tax regulation of pollution, on residents ' daily necessities policy downward adjustment of consumption tax, consumption tax into full play to promote energy-saving emission reduction and adjustment of income distribution. Comprehensive reform of the tax system, and research to promote environmental tax reform. Structural tax relief still need more power to Jia Kang, Member of the National Committee, Director of the Institute of fiscal science, Ministry ofDespite the context of macro-economic regulation and social development in our country in recent years has taken a series of structural tax cut measures, such as tax unification of enterprise income tax, value added tax transformation, stopped collecting interest tax, reduction of stamp duty on stock transactions, increase the earnings from the personal income tax collection points and improved tax rate design, small and micro-enterprise sales tax sales tax collection points, but with the current economic adjustment and aObjective of promoting economic transition, social restructuring needs, compared to the obvious necessity of structural tax cut still has more power. Should be selective to lower tariffs on import links are appropriate,; also for the present small and medium small and micro-enterprises are facing difficulties of reduced demand, costs rose sharply, all local governments should be central to the enterprise value added tax, on the basis of improvement of the tax collection points,Forming the implementation details. On the enterprise's investment in research and development, technological transformation project and definition of innovation activities, as well as strategic development of new industry projects, animation and other cultural and creative industries, countries should also match the appropriate income tax credits, sales tax and business tax to reduce tax rates and the related financing of structural tax cut measures such as tax breaks. In addition, the protection directly related to people's livelihood and the massesBasket works, national vegetable wholesale, while exempt from retail sales tax, cleaning and logistics related to the restructuring charges and reducing other real burdens, in the interest of improving people's livelihood. Deepening the reform of personal income tax, should also create conditions with "comprehensive income" and "the family deduction" mechanisms for fostering this important principle of middle class, reflecting stronger knotsReconfiguration of the tax relief arrangements. Due to lower import tariffs to avoid outflow of domestic sources in Europe, Member of the National Committee of the Tianjin Municipal CPC Committee of the DAB Chairman is currently actively expanding domestic demand is a major transformation of mode of economic development, 2011 while took out many of the initiatives of local governments at all levels, year retail sales of social consumer goods reached 18.3919 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.1%, but still a 1.2% in 2010 to reduce, consumption there have been signs of atrophy, which is one of the causes of brain drain resulting from an excessive tax. Beginning in 2010, has become the world's second-biggest consumer of luxury goods in China, during the Spring Festival this year, Chinese foreign luxury goods consumption cumulative reached US $ 7.2 billion, a record high. WorldLuxury Association 2011 publication data also show that Chinese consumer spending abroad was 4 times as much as in the domestic market, with nearly $ 400 billion a year "fertilizer into the outsiders", for stimulating domestic demand, it is undoubtedly a great loss, the departments concerned should take active measures, changing consumption status of brain drain due to too heavy a burden. Recommend appropriate reducing imported energy dissipationFei Pin tariffs, import tariffs on imported goods, according to China's 2011 new revised rate tables provided, imported luxury clothing tariffs generally reaches 130%, bag leather shoes are 100%, shopping or in a foreign country can take advantage of rebates, due to lower tariffs on imported consumer goods, consumption abroad to return home in the affluent, stimulating domestic retail business prosperity, national financePolitics may be shizhidongyu, but the roundabouts. Revenue flows to the common man should have a good understanding of Truong Quoc Tuan, Member of the National Committee of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian limited audit partner CPA firm tax revenue at well above the GDP is growing at a rate of increase over the years, revenue growth compared to last year reached 24.8%, compared with GDP growth of only 9.2% leftRight, is beyond the normal range. In addition, the tax structure is reasonable, to indirect taxation and taxable items and tax rates, and some have even involved in the production and consumption chain double taxation. Which is dominated by direct taxes on the international common practice with very inconsistent. Not only that, to date, released details of the local governments or departments of the Government budget is still a very small number, and ordinary taxpayers cannotKnow how taxes are dominance, how to use them, and which are hard to come by, tax monitoring is impossible. Should improve the transparency of government budgets at all levels, so that taxpayers have "good understanding". Strengthening the people's congresses and CPPCC committees on Government budget constraints. NPC deputies and CPPCC members to be truly representative of the community, maintain a serious, serious about rationality of government expenditure on each trial. If the tax is notTo achieve its intention of its collection, and the collection process expensive and cannot be open and fair, using improper configuration and wasted on, then it should be radically reduced taxation levels, avoid unnecessary losses to taxpayers. (Beijing business) online statement Gold: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constituteInvestment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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