Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera power leveling CNN - VRV

129757007341718750_1CNN: debt swap deadline is approaching, Greece fate uncertain comments view mobile phone free March 08, 2012 Gold network in some countries faced many key moments in the past few years, but Greece is facingOT; moments than any other country. Private investors will be Thursday night to decide whether to participate in Greece debt swap plan. But Greece's attractiveness for private investors, the agreement is not enough. They will be forced to voluntarily participate in the debt swap scheme, and bear the losses of up to 75%. Private investors in Greece writedowns on bonds program is in the country for the European Union and the International Monetary Fund(IMF) provided a second $ 130 billion euros of bailout funds last obstacle. If Greece debt swap plan successfully completed, euro-zone finance ministers to be held in the Conference call sign bailout agreement after the last item. But if it is better to imagine the smooth diablo 3 power leveling, Greece won't get relief funds, while the State Treasury bonds this week will face disorderly default. In accordance with international financialAssociations (IIF) estimates that Greece caused a disorderly default panic will spread to the whole of the eurozone, and other countries and regions, scale will lose more than 1 trillion euros. Impact Greece debt swaps well under way is the key to the private investor participation, is the ratio of bond holders voluntarily accepting the loss. High Frequency EconomicsSaid Carl Weinberg, Chief Economist tera gold,Financial institutions agree to participate in the debt swap plan. Financial institutions to hold Greece debt total size of 84 billion euros tera power leveling, 40.8% per cent of total holdings of 206 billion euros of private investors. International financial associations in 70 countries, there are 450 members, representing private investors and Greece for negotiations by the Government. Institute of international finance said in a statement that allBond holder must decide whether to participate in the debt swap scheme, based on their own interests, as well as their company on the consultant's recommendations. While 34 members of the Association of international finance announced voluntary adherence to the scheme, but most analysts believe that the private investors ' participation in the plan is not enough. In order to improve the participation of private investors on the debt swap scheme, Greece Government willThe unofficial standard for 66%, below this standard will be able to convince the country to legitimate100% and smoothly get the second bailout funds in the country. Others:

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