Friday, March 23, 2012

tera gold project completion inspectionReceived preliminary acceptance through static - CQK

129764484658906250_50The people's daily reported, in the acceptance process in Han-yi of high-speed railway embankment settlement over by aeration in recent days, aroused public concern. Construction quality problems of excessive settlement is? Design is has been on "bridge traffic" change?   For these issues, conducted a survey of reporters interview. Han-yi high-speed rail is "four longitudinal four horizontal" Hu Han Rong in the backbone network of the railway passenger transportPart of the line.   In recent days, is still in the approval process of Han-yi Gao Tieqian section of roadbed was excessive aeration deposition, raised public concern about the problems of engineering quality. Section of railway subgrade 30% settlement near exceeding the normal reinforcement is not quality problems on March 9, some netizens claimed that, Han-yi high-speed rail in qianjiang city Haokou Town nanwancun road has three collapseCollapse accident. Subsequently, the railway construction Office, owners of units in Hubei Province Hu Han Rong railway iron 12 zhenhai in the construction of Hubei company limited diablo 3 power leveling, company officials said construction site held a joint news conference, there have not been reports of Han-yi railway viaduct collapsed and the roadbed collapse accident of, reality qianjiang excessive part of subgrade settlement and construction units are groupWeaving repairs. At the meeting, 12, Deputy General Manager of Fe in Sun Shengjie said that acceptance of this section in a static process, found from some of soft Foundation settlement exceeds the allowable range of 3 mm per month, up to 3-4 mm.   Proven, decided on the road 5 km long embankment reinforcement. Railway Hubei Hu Han Rong Shi Hanfeng said company Deputy General Manager, project completion inspectionReceived preliminary acceptance through static, dynamic acceptance, acceptance, security assessments, national acceptance of 5 stages, now is the reinforcement of rectification and reform of normal links in the approval process.   Office Director Wang Zujian said the construction of railways in Hubei Province, Han-yi railway there is a local issue, is not a quality issue. According to one of Hubei Hu Han Rong railway company in charge ofAnd the need for pipe pile in subgrade reinforcement 7.2 km, from iron 12 within this section of the Board, pavement 22.9 km, that is the road to the settlement of nearly one-third. According to reflect local farmers, this section once settlement has been seen over last year, to repair. In response, Deputy Hu Han Rong railway company project in Hubei ProvinceMinister Jin Haiting said works are not two settlement last year after is acceptance not standard, experimental, with a cement piling method can solve the problem.   Proof status, does not resolve the problem, so you want to reprocess. Issues section of bridge traffic owners that are designed as pavements in an interview, some construction workers to rememberRevealed that excessive settlement area was an area of small lakes in the past, then slowly dry the field, comparison of soft soil layers are more thick, so more suitable for construction of the viaduct. Contractor calls told reporters, who asked not to be named, issues section for "bridge traffic": the original design is the viaduct, but you want to cut back on spending, then switched to road repairBase pavement.   Because of the relatively thick soft Foundation in this area and prediction of subgrade and pavement repair on this low, so a settlement over. For modifying the design of a thing, iron 12 says "unclear", at the same time, they said, exploration, design, construction, supervision, owners of multiple links, construction is relatively weak units, some inconvenience to the problem description. Sun Shengjie to rememberSaid he was from Headquarters to deal with the problem, after the construction process is not clear. Owner Hu Han Rong railway company in Hubei on the negative. Head of the company who asked not to be named said: "design is the foundation of construction unit admission, is not a bridge, there is no ' bridge traffic ' things. "But the person concerned toReporters, this original design is viaduct, at that time, was due to control railway "bridge and tunnel" tera gold, the second is to cut back on spending, into the pavement. This person said, a km viaduct at a cost of $ 60 million, and km less than 50 million yuan of subgrade and pavement. "But tossing down this section of subgrade and pavement of expenditure must have been higher thanExpenditure of the viaduct. "According to the specification for railway project in China, if you want to modify the original design, usually a change in environmental conditions during construction, objective requirements on modified; owner for operating, capital, management and other considerations, offered to modify requirements; also has a design originally found the problem, you must modify the. View questions raised by reporters to the construction sectionRefurbishment programme and other related information in writing, to the press, also failed to see the material. Zhijiang section whether there is significant potential railway project quality and report of fabricated last year, railway construction and earth-moving provider "Ni Hongjun" had public reporting in Han-yi Gao Tiezhi section of crushed Earth in place of at least 90,000, saying it will lead to the foundation of heavy rainWaterlogging of prolonged soaking and softening during deformation, there are significant security risks. In this regard, Hu Han Rong Hubei company official to reporters with a copy of the agreement signed on March 5, 2011. Agreement, soil and rock provide Li Defu, Hung Lee father and son acknowledged reports of the construction division of gezhouba erjiang was motivated by personal gain fabrications, to apologize. The responsible person said:"This ' Hung Lee ' is Ni Hongjun. "It is reported that last year, Hu Han Rong railway company in the South of Hubei university civil engineering testing center as an independent third party, to check the problems section of subgrade quality.   Zhihou, the test report issued by the CSU, conclusion to "qualified", the report was sent to the Ministry of railways. According to company, Central South UniversityDetection of Justice compliance. Test results have been recognition of Ministry of railways.   Han-yi railway construction quality is qualified, the problem does not exist. Opening date has repeatedly delayed the railway side according to the procedure, the first is to guarantee safety in Han-yi railway commenced in September 2008, plans completed and put into operation in late 2011. In October last year, iron in Hubei ProvinceRoad sector foreign said Han yi railway opened to traffic will be delayed until March 2012. At that time, the railway authorities said Han yi railway project was basically completed, and upcoming track finishing, dynamic, static, acceptance for fine tuning stages of acceptance. According to the plan, October 28, 2011, the section started full transmission, run test of January 2012 to complete, 20February 12 finish overall acceptance, safety assessment.   Running traffic in March 2012.   Last December, railway authorities said, according to the new plan, Han yi railway will be available by end February 2012 running truck, May open front row coach. Now, reporters learned that this section has just achieved power, is still in and acceptance of the initial static acceptancePhase, test run is far away. Hubei company official said Hu Han Rong, is under control, according to the law in accordance with the requirements of railway construction step by step. He said: "the opening of the railway in May could, depending on the specific situation, security is first and foremost.   "As for the delayed opening of the objective reasons, the official said at present does not disclose. According to the Wuhan Railway Administration insidersAnd delay causes are complex. "Some because the credit problems, lending difficulties, duration, delay; some construction quality to a unified, alignment. "The head of another," said current requirements is the need to guarantee security, open time is secondary. "As far as I understand, at present, Han-yi high-speed rail has completed the main project diablo 3 power leveling, but transferred to the acceptance of Wuhan railway BureauIs not complete. Wuhan railway Bureau, "said sections of the report may also be reviewed to ensure project quality. "According to reports, in accordance with established procedures, Han-yi railway after the conclusion of the settlement of the problem to rectify, through expert review, dynamic acceptance, including the joint trial, all procedures are adopted and qualified before the official opening. "Author:Magazine Roundup "(Editor: Enami) Others:

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