Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling said Chen Shui-bian has coronary heart disease symptoms - BFX

129756477780625000_64China Taiwan network on March 7 as far as Taiwan "Central News Agency" reported this afternoon that the Taiwan authorities "Executive Department of health" of Taoyuan hospitals Vice President Xu Jinchi said, after checking, the former Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian has coronary heart disease, a need to perform a cardiac catheter operation requires diagnosis and treatment at the hospital for observation for a week. Afternoon DPP "legislator," adds money to visit Chen Shui-bian Xu world of tanks power leveling, adding wealthAfter visiting quoted remark world of tanks power leveling, Chen Shui-bian's heart is the most urgent problem, a cardiac catheter operation needs to be done, and cardiac catheter some "emergency" can no longer be dragged, the hospital will be dealt with immediately. After Mr Liao Huixing visit in Taoyuan County to Chen Shui-bian's family also said Taoyuan hospital wot power leveling, Chen Shui-bian needs to rest for a week. In this regard, when Xu Jinchi in telephone interviewsAlso confirm that the record straight, said Chen Shui-bian has coronary heart disease symptoms, been in need of a cardiac catheter operation requires diagnosis and treatment at the hospital for observation for a week. (China Taiwan network Liu Haiwei)

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