Thursday, March 29, 2012

tera power leveling with the deeper understanding of the banking - EOW

129773160545156250_216In recent years, with the popularity of the application of information technology and electronic banking functionality continues to improve, as technology advances, the rapid development of electronic banking. Bank data show that by the end of 2011, Bank of China number reached 126 million e-banking customers. Compared with 2010, 158.86% corporate online banking customer growth, growth in personal Internet banking customer number 121.67%, phone number of bank customers grew by more than 30 times, achieve scale double for three consecutive years. Bank of China electronic business 67.78% of the total number of all lines of business, become the main channel of customer transactions. Electronic banking service advantage of around-the-clock, across geographical and is recognized by the public, electronic banking now has become a preferred customer banking channelRoad, but electronic banking brings convenient and at the same time, its a security risk should not be overlooked. E-banking is quick spurt the development of electronic banking and universal, in addition to continuous improvement and the construction of network infrastructure external favorable factors such as e-commerce to flourish and, more importantly, is also fit for safe, efficient and convenient financial services customers urgent needs, andAnd, use of electronic banking also save a lot of manpower and financial resources. According to the Deputy Chairman of China Banking Association said Yang Zaiping, electronic banking usage has now reached 60%, and electronic banking business it costs only a fraction equivalent to counter business. Because there are many inherent advantages of diablo 3 power leveling, with the deeper understanding of the banking,Business development, electronic banks gradually become the main development of the financial services sector, rapid popularity of electronic banking. It is understood that currently has included inquiries, transfers, e-banking, investment banking, credit cards, personal loans of more than 130 more features, full coverage of personal financial products and services. Sharp increase in the number of e-banking users. According toBank of China released data show that by the end of 2011, Bank of China number reached 126 million e-banking customers. Compared with 2010, business Internet banking customer number 158.86%, personal Internet banking customer number 121.67%, phone number of bank customers grew by more than 30 times, achieve scale double for three consecutive years. ICBC is currently the lineElectronic banking business volume has exceeded the percentage of 70%, by the end of 2011, electronic banking year turnover also increased from $ 2 trillion in 2000 to $ 288 trillion in 2011, an increase of 144 times. Electronic banking convenience to consumers in recent years, the banking to promote electronic banking business, both launched self-silverLine, Internet banking, telephone banking, mobile banking, SMS banking, television Bank of rich electronic banking products to meet the different needs of modern banking, increased banking channels, and channels. Consumers in addition to access to cash through bank counters, or outside of self-service banking, other businesses can easily, quickly and easily through a variety ofBank channels to go through. At home, over the phone, mouse, PC, you can complete the fee paid, transfers, shopping and other kinds of non-cash transactions. Electronic Bank favored by young people, is not only a simple operation that, in operational time can also be free. Users don't need to carry a variety of red tape when you search the Internet for information cards, just remember that the card number and passwordRelated personal information, such as you can easily access your account information at any time, easy to master account dynamics. Compared with the traditional banking, electronic bank online banking tera power leveling, mobile banking, phone banking, self-service terminals, which greatly facilitates the financial needs of the people. And for people like investment, now has set up funds for Internet banking, foreign exchange, goldFinancing tools, supporting some of the wealth management capabilities. Customers can at any time analysis, investment funds, insurance, futures, foreign exchange, gold, bonds, and so on, for all aspects of finance and investment. In addition, natural e-banking with paperless, low consumption and high efficiency as well as conform to the trend of the development of energy saving and environmental protection in the world today, in upgrading the level of banks ' ability to service customers andAt the same time, also led the Bank of green financial services access to e-finance, development stages. ICBC launches online bank accounts, e-statements, e-receipt, Bank Messenger, electronic payroll and a series of electronic banking is typical of resource-saving business, directly for the customer saves a lot of paper, ink, and other consumable resource. E-banking is convenient but you want toUsing secure e-banking is convenient, but it will also bring more risks to consumers, consumers in the use of electronic banking security problems cannot be ignored. Users who often use online banking to carefully distinguish between true and false Bank Web site, in addition to open online banking business may apply for open text messaging features such as transaction verification and balance change reminding in order to keep abreast ofAccount information. If users open the phone banks, should take care of the phone and password, set reasonable limits of transfers of payment, after you use the mobile banking should be timely clear accounts, passwords and other sensitive information stored in the mobile phone; password for phone banking service is made up of six Arabic numerals with zero failure, users can set their own, and may at any time by telephone banking service to your own passwordTo make changes. Any institutions or individuals does not ask for password to you, set a personal password and should be avoided when personal data, do not use the identity card number, date of birth, telephone number and some easily guessed numbers as passwords, recommends that the selection of mixed letters and numbers to improve password cracking harder. E-banking security or not, mainly is the userKeeping the personal information. At present, many of the cardholder for card safety awareness is very weak swtor credits, but only put the money in the bank card security, bring advantage to criminals. In fact, identity loss, regardless of the occasion with friends to show off, and fraud SMS reply, are likely to be personal information leaking out. In 2011, the case of electronic banking securityPrimarily in the online "phishing" and brush two debit cards, credit cards stolen, there are information disclosure in these cases result in customer online banking, debit card, credit card information is copied, and then stolen brush. Therefore, individuals need to enhance self-protection awareness, forming good habits of using e-banking. Banking as a special agency, safety is an importantKey issues, also needs to be aroused great attention to banking. All major banks in general online banking to pay using online banking u shield, u shield mechanism and the implementation of PC, mobile phone, are different from ordinary storage devices, had not been implanted Trojan. Ensuring the security of e-banking to a large extent. But u shield applications involving client, transmission channel, the server threeLinks may be being hacked. Currently banks have introduced a variety of way to replace u shield application environment, there may be a problem. For example, online banking using the second generation u shield to cover the application links potential security issues. In short, electronic banking in the future will be an easier, faster, more secure, more efficient, but there are many issues that need study and exploration, and only through constant innovationWith progress, adapt to the needs of the age. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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