Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 gold *ST Nam Fung. 2 - DEE

129764786801718750_581, best track-sector capital flows to this large net inflows of the plate: small, wine and food, energy and materials diablo 3 power leveling, chemical fiber, non-ferrous metals. Today large outflows of the sector: none. This week the two cities funds accumulated a net outflow of $ 5.15 billion, and a net inflow of $ 1.92 billion last week reversed. NET this week into the top plate is:Wine concept of food, medicines and lithium battery, magnetic material. Net outflow of top plate this week are: real estate, automobile stocks, coal oil. Good track-related hot plates and a unit are as follows: small, a net inflow of larger units: suning appliances, Yunnan germanium, Super technology, young eagles, space electronics, agriculture and animal husbandry double Egret, pharmacy and Shenzhen globe Union, Chenzhou mining, Jerry shares, Pearl River, Qiming information, Shandong Ruyi, hanwang technology, haixiang pharmacy, God open shares. Vintage food, large stocks of inflows: Shui Jing Fang diablo 3 power leveling, Victoria Victoria shares, Guizhou moutai, wuliangye, Hui spring beer Golden wine, hops, seeds, Hainan yedao, Luzhou old cellar, Portuguese, drunk wine, shunxin agriculture in ST. New energy and materials, a large net inflows ofShare: baotou steel rare earth, Xiamen tungsten, carbon, the East Hengdian magnetic, Ningbo yunsheng, China Baoan, Jiangsu sunshine, CITIC Guoan, CSG, ankai bus, investment and energy, Hainan yedao. Chemical fiber, large stocks of inflows: xingfa group, Mao Shihua, double-ring technology, Long Cheng, Cheng star shares, Zhejiang Salt Lake stake, *ST Nam Fung. 2, the marketNet purchases of data recorded in the flow of funds this week are as follows:-, 38,-241,-, 7.8 million. This means that this week the market is slightly out of phase. 20-day cumulative net inflows of $ 43.4 billion. 3 diablo 3 gold, the actors Fund passes in and out of the analysis of the main trends of the market this week is as follows: net inflow of Super agencies 6.22 billionYuan, institutions net inflows of $ 6.7 billion, large net outflow of $ 3.8 billion, a net outflow of $ 12.5 billion, retail investors net outflow of $ 1.8 billion. We track capital flow model appears, the current market is in the body hood, floating capital killed fell, cut meat retail stages. 4, summing up the two cities today have a total turnover of 207.73 billion yuan, compared with the previous session by 198. $ 700 million, net inflows of about $ 13.2 billion. This morning the two cities index swing low, continued to fall, hit again after the 120-day moving average of 2,364, capital began to return, in particular the "medicine to drink" more out of orgasm, rare earth, at the same time stocks rebounded sharply led by media sentiment, recycling all the plates. According to better track funds and statistics: small, wineFood, energy and materials, chemical fiber, non-ferrous metals ranked forefront of the net inflow of funds. Shanghai composite index rose 1.3%, closed at 2404.74 points. Maintenance judgment last week "2430-2450 is another pressure index rebounding in the area, according to the current number of recycling, to break the pressure above still have difficulties, not blindly high. "This weekDay shock, this bar is considered stage rally was over, shocks to index fell is the theme of a month the future, first targeted 2,300. "but during the structured row of plates, such as wine food, defensive medicine, new energy. ����Expected next week on the index is still in attack power, rangebound in 2360-2430. Online statement Gold: Gold line goAs set out above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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