Friday, March 16, 2012

diablo 3 gold gate of the tianhu hotel in Chenzhou - JRS

129756711721562500_1148News on December 23, 2003 in Chenzhou, this newspaper, gate of the tianhu hotel in Chenzhou, a man strapped explosives force to hold a man who just got off, remote control of explosives was detonated, 6 2 death induced by injury. This shocked the country "human bomb" cases behind the scenes directed by Zhou Longbin is Linwu County's richest man, the biggest local mine owners, after he and the deceased Zhou BingyuanMining dispute rather deep grudges. Today diablo 3 gold, Chenzhou city intermediate people's Court will be hearing the case, Chenzhou city prosecutor's Office representative of the prosecution section will appear to support an indictment the prosecution authorities, this staff will continue to monitor the case. Zhou Longbin long-standing animosity between the $ and the soldiers, two earlier because of dispute over Homestead, but really hate it is Zhou Longbin after involved in the mining industry. Zhou Longbin timesTransborder exploitation under, in the face of Zhou Bingyuan brothers after the block, will fight each other to serious injuries. Since then, the two once again produced a series of lawsuits and disputes. Giant corruption in Chenzhou city of CHENZHOU, Zhou Longbin was former Secretary of the discipline Inspection Commission Zeng Jinchun (death penalty) of a guest. After the suspected explosion was arrested, Zhou Longbin families by means of a money bribe, was replaced several times by their place of detention, and the mostChanging the Yizhang County Detention Center, Yizhang County Public Security Bureau when Lei Jun Zeng Jinchun's son-in-law. Arrested for murder, was detained in the detention of Zhou Longbin diablo 3 power leveling, "care" like free men under weekly can also go out to eat, accompanied by civilian police. On November 10, 2005, Zhou Longbin intact for 1 year in custody out of the detention center,CHENZHOU city Procuratorate "facts are not clear, there is insufficient evidence", issued on its decision not to prosecute. Zhou Longbin was released due to the dissatisfaction of the families of the deceased, the case attracted the attention of high level in Hunan province, the provincial party Committee organized special teams investigate. At this point, Zeng Jinchun on suspicion of corruption were subject to the relevant departments. On February 2, 2007, the provincial procuratorate issued 20071th year notice of errors corrected diablo 3 gold, case, revocation of Chenzhou city Procuratorate on Zhou Longbin's decision not to prosecute, and decide on its implementation in connection with explosion intentional homicide case for supplementary investigation prosecution. The cause of specialists from Changsha took over. The same year, the Ministry of public security will be implemented Zhou Longbin listed as grade a fugitive arrests. On July 29, 2011, in operating the farm of sika deerZhou Longbin captured by police in Hubei province. Reporter Liu Zhijie intern Dan Yuanyuan (Editor: Ning Zhaogang)

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