Thursday, March 29, 2012

tera gold to 3 - ZIA

129762943189843750_78"Air forces" adhere to jiancang positions expire contracts limited Many funds in settlement when approaching the game has yet to give up on the old main. CSI 300 index futures market this week and will usher in the delivery, IF1203 contract will expire on Friday, major contracts to keep the transition from IF1203 to IF1204 in the market. However as at the Tuesday close, there are still a large number of positions are stranded on the IF1203 contract, although theAbout total jiancang 7,988 hand yesterday, total position fell to 28,468 hands, but it is still higher than the IF1204 contract 21,367 hand positions. And IF1203 contracts traded was up to 277,000 hand yesterday, not only the day before yesterday, about 16,000 in hand swtor credits, or IF1204 contracts traded more than 5 times. Follow the trading lever, 5 times yesterday IF1203 positions remaining in the contract and its 2676.8 some rough calculation of settlement prices, there are still up to more than $ 4.5 billion of capital on the IF1203 contract for delivery in "protracted war". From IF1203 contract seating position, despite empty seats on the top 20 of the most concentrated on Tuesday that showed a dense jiancang, a total reduction of 6,073, butOn the first few seats "air force" apparently haven't fully moved to IF1204 contracts. Guotai Junan and permit futures IF1203 contracts of short positions on the seat by 1635 respectively and 542 hand in hand, guotai Junan futures seats was yesterday at the contract reducing the empty single seats up to, but it is still two seats remain empty 4,424 hands and 4285 hand seat clearance up to 2,546 respectively and 3,268 hand in hand, high clearance before the seats a maximum of two of the contract. Haitong futures before empty seats is also gather more IF1203 contract, but as delivery approaches, the seat IF1203 shorts yesterday only 811 on hand. In the IF1204 on the main contract for the future,Haitong futures increased short position 890 seats Tuesday, to 3,953 hands, while net short position at 2,938 hand, makes the seat IF1204 maximum "air force" seats. At the same time permit guotai Junan futures and Futures IF1204 contracts null 3,114 respectively on the seats and 2 tera power leveling,054 hand in hand, and clearance for 2,377 and 548, hand in hand,Significantly lower than the two seats in the IF1203 number of short contracts. In addition, those stranded on the IF1203 contract of short positions tera gold, most of its seats from the brokerage Department of futures companies, currently IF1203 contract in the empty seat on the top 10 of the most concentrated, only one is not a brokerage seats on the futures company. Experts explained that in the pastNearly two decades of experience, futures contract at the settlement week Monday to Wednesday jiancang and traded down sharply, on Thursday and Friday mass jiancang appears occasionally, IF1203 contract is substantially jiancang estimated Wednesday. And he pointed out that, not only is a short position in futures companies, mostly from brokers ' seats, before the long positions up to 20 seatsMost brokerage Department occupies the futures company, this is the futures market share was "brokerage Echelon" occupation, could not explain the large organizations through the imminent delivery of large short positions in the futures contract to influence prices, futures trading desks on all positions change customer behavior. Others:

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