Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling do not know how cooperation will spark - XRS

129762893027187500_49 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>Venus hosted Arts: don't cooperate I is afraid of being robbed by Zhou LIBO Venus turned arts presenters. (A) Venus TV abandoned dance from the March to be a Chair? (Video)-Oceans network of Guangzhou daily reported March 14 recently, of the dancing forest to the General Assembly of the "poison tongue judges", modern dance artists show up Venus of the Venus into Mars ' launch event. Venus be up arts presenters on the show and hotComment on social issues. Collection of programmes broadcast in the field, Venus "dating show" tera power leveling, "bear taking bile", "slaughtered the Sanya" hot hot discussions on social phenomena. Venus has time and again stressed that "don't treat me like a moral judge, I is the views of both sides are showing up buy swtor, rub the broken things, audience on this matter have an accurate judgement,Who are not judges of the community ". Venus says he still talk about is social observer, just focus on the social life of man, to an identity of the artist to discuss questions people want to know, after 10 years may have the qualifications. Venus revealed that each program will have a 20-minute talk show separately, female, fashion, Chinese plates, life, marriageDepravity, and so on are going to talk about. Without left stars face of Venus, they will often be put "hype" label, but the gold star of the show "stars won't be the focus of life, will only have an impact on society for discussion". Venus will be personally involved in the subjects, topics of their choice. "And Zhou LIBO's point is not the same" live broadcast of flowers, Venus ridicule "Zhou LIBO's feudMe, because they are afraid, I grab the limelight ". Venus said in an interview, Zhou LIBO show that he is a very interesting person, but has never met, do not know how cooperation will spark, perhaps disagreeable might hit it off, this unknown not to judge. Venus is not afraid and the one of zhouliboxiu, "our point, Zhou LIBO's comic playOrigin, is more of a joke shook burden, was talking about the acute problems of the last great smile ". But Venus topic is not funny, is thinking, you talk of Venus "tangled", and "How could our society", the two programming periods (click to see a period film the event?! ) Paint is different. Very popularTaiwan variety shows of the Emperor Kangxi to the small s is also famous for its spicy. But Venus said "small wind is considerably more in the s language, coupled with the rational of Kevin Tsai, suited particularly well". But any one any one program, is not comparable. "Swearing is not my happy" is both the judge and the Facilitator, so often the screen appearance affect VenusPerformance plan? Venus said 30% was now TV, 30% dance, 40% is the family. Recent viewers found that the dancing forest to the General Assembly on Venus not so sharp, averaging. Venus said it did not stay sharp style of the Venus into Mars, as a professional judge, Venus considered themselves to be "carrying amount through comments communicated to the audienceTasks and angry curse is not my happy for no reason ". Others:

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