Saturday, March 10, 2012

world of tanks power leveling the Governor of Guangdong new 2012 to speed up the building of a new

129742938831093750_162Just past the 2011 year is known as the real estate market "control year" worthy, just last year, China's property market "award-winning speed up" strange phenomena had finally ended. 2012 for real estate and what year was it? Spread has been published in 28 provinces and cities (in addition to Shandong, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia) the Government work report, foundAlthough the provincial government in 2012 the different mission objectives focus on, "implementation of the real estate market regulation" without exception to enter the content of Government around 2012. Premier Wen Jiabao held on January 31, the sixth plenary session of the State Council, pointed out to consolidate control of the real estate market. Continuing strict implementation and gradual improvement of curb speculative investmentNeeds of policy measures, prices reasonable return. Take effective measures to increase the ordinary housing supply.   Do well the construction of low-income housing and management. Local government work report 2012 task Wen is also reflected in the requirements. Mentioned in the report on the work of Beijing Municipal Government continues to strictly implement policy measures to curb speculative investment demand, promotion roomPrices reasonable return. Shanghai has made strengthening "four in one" building housing security system. At the same time increase the common commercial housing supply, adjust the ordinary commodity housing standards, achieve its steady drop in new housing prices. Referred to in the Government work report, the Governor of Guangdong new 2012 to speed up the building of a new, affordable housing, social housing as the main housing security system world of tanks power leveling, physicalMatching combination of lease and rental subsidies. Different countries however are referred to in the report to implement the national real estate adjustment and policy, promote the healthy development of real estate market, but only Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Ningxia and Gansu in five provinces, refers to "price" on this point. Which is only presented in Shanghai and Chongqing in the Government work report "the steady drop in house prices" and "price increase does not exceedIncrease in disposable income of urban residents "prices in two more specific control objectives. Although in recent years the real estate has been in the Government work report for "frequent flyer", but through the Government work report found that the content relating to real estate all over the Government work report this year, all the provinces spontaneously around the "construction and supplies House" this content.Beijing, Shanghai wot power leveling, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, and 26 provinces were given specific affordable housing starts, completed or admission number. Among them, Heilongjiang province made this year a new construction affordable housing program 520,000 wot power leveling, completion target of 420,000 sets, compared with other provinces, generally added two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand units of affordable housing goals, was particularly acute. In addition,Made arrangements of 11 billion yuan province, Shaanxi Province and 30,000 acres of land targets, as a single column of fiscal funds affordable housing construction guarantees, which let the crowd see hope local housing difficulty. The end of last year, the national work Conference on housing and urban-rural construction Jiang Weixin, Minister of housing, 2012 national modification of new construction affordable housing and squatter settlements housing more than 7 million unitsBasically built over 5 million units. According to the journalist 28 provincial municipal government work report concluded that urban areas reported in the 28 provinces specifically 2012 new affordable housing project in the target provinces, there are 25, promised a new start protect the room Number Sets are nearly 6.2 million. Made in Chongqing "newly started social housing 13.5 million square meters, with rent 100,000"Commitments.   If you are able to complete the work report of the project number, so this new target of 7 million affordable housing units should not be difficult to achieve. Previous year said House, says House prices, think of how House prices down. Starting from the 2011 affordable housing is held on the "being", from the central to local levels, Governments at all levels to achieve the "home ownershipIts "commitment of new hopes.

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