Wednesday, March 7, 2012

swtor credits along with the popularization of computers - DOW

129747570754687500_342Report from (reporter Dietmar Hamann) along with the popularization of computers, computer gives us easy at the same time, but also brings to our skin radiant. Many people feel the skin of the face all day computer work worse, appeared heavy dark skin, spots, large pores, acne, etc. This phenomenon is also called "computer skin". How to avoid "computer skin"? WangDirector Li Guangrui reminded Beijing hospital Dermatology: first, avoid as far as possible in front of the computer for a long time, about every two hours, should be moving about. Second, when the computer is shutdown, the first task is to clean skin, liquid cleanse face thoroughly with warm water and clean surface tera gold, electrostatic adsorption of dust is just washed away, and then coated with a mild skin care products may harm reduction. Third, oftenDrink green tea, tea polyphenols in green tea has a very strong anti-oxidizing effect. But it is important to note, menstrual period comes every month, and pregnancy should not be dark green tea to drink. IV, focus on increasing skin moisture every day to ensure adequate drinking water, stick to liquid for moisturizing dry skin to prevent moisture loss in the face. In addition rift platinum, desk, placing green plants, to a certain extent swtor credits, absorption of computer radiation, such asCactus. On the computer too long, green plants, can also ease eye strain. (Editors: Sun Libin)

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