Sunday, March 4, 2012

age of conan gold - ZZA

129742915507500000_278Girl jumping (circle). (Source: Xinhua) February 17, high school girls in the yuzhong Han suddenly jumped on the six floor of the Office building of the Government of yuzhong County fell into serious injuries. On February 18, reporters learned in yuzhong interview, Han, a jumping has nothing to do with government departments, or with their own personality and stress-related. February 17 at 8 o'clock in the morning, ElmCounty Government Office building in the guard-in master view when parking in parking, a freshman in yuzhong Han managed to enter the Government building. "See into the building, then I will catch up with it", wife says girls walk very fast, when he got 5/f still didn't catch up with, but on the 5 floor stairs to see the girls leaving the hat and gloves. "IAt first thought she was going to toilet, 6 floor, go to the toilet, but waiting for a long time and no one came out, I went to knock at the door and no one answered, and then into the bathroom to find her, but is not found. Then, I heard a noise downstairs, she jumped through the window. "At this point rift plat, parents-teacher didn't notice the bathroom window is open, leave footprints on the window sill. For which theAccident, all staff of the Government Office building was very surprised and shocked. Lucky is that when a falling outside the window from bathroom is Han, happen to fall on a Chery cars parked downstairs. "The car was hit seriously distorted, but the little girl had survived. "Subsequently, Government girl flat on the staff side, at 120To get help. After a few minutes, an ambulance arrived on the scene, the Han to the yuzhong County people's Hospital for emergency treatment eq2 platinum, then transferred to the provincial people's Hospital. It is understood that the Han family lives on Chengguan town hancun in yuzhong County, high school students in the Department of yuzhong, school is in the remedial stage. Yuzhong yuzhong County Government Office building just 200 metres in a distance. Han age of conan gold, a teacher in charge of the residence the teacher willLitigation reporter, Han belonging to non-, better academic record, first-year students are ranked in the group, and studies is concentrating hard, is more introverted. According to di teacher memories, a stage before the incident, he didn't notice the Han there are exceptions, but on February 15, Han's father told him Han was a day off, said to be going to the doctor.16th, Han to school on time, and is usually different, Han wears a more conspicuous new clothes. Di said that, after the incident, he asked students in the class, a personal emotional entanglements in Chinese issues were found. Han, a sudden jump moves, hancun almost all villagers on "was very surprised" because Chinese has always been good in the eyes of their children, better learningGood. Han, an uncle who told reporters, including Han, a parent's relatives are not found Han had anything unusual, people cannot understand why Chinese jumping in the House. This reporter learned from the foreign propaganda Office in yuzhong County, Han is just jumping from the building suddenly went to the Government, personnel does not have any relationship with the Government. A source who spoke on condition of anonymity, told reporters, according to his understanding, Chinese jumpFloor or within its own personality and stress-related. On February 18, the reporter learned from the provincial people's Hospital, Han a arms, waist and pelvis fractures, heavy but non-life-threatening injuries. At present, yuzhong police investigate the matter. (Reporter Li Wentao Zhang Zhihua trainees)

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