Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling men drink more wine - HEI

129773438972343750_1103 <a href="">tera gold</a>Numbness of the mouth to bite his tongue after drinking 30,000 compensation for each other party which ended 8-month report from this morning (Intern Wang Xiaofei) "then a lot more drink tera gold, don't know why just want to bite his tongue. "Dr a gulp. Caused by drunk friends to argue for the sake of arguing as numbness tera power leveling, Yang was each other's tongue bite. This morning, Yang was charged with the crime of intentional injury in West side Court. It is understood that 4Yang and Yang with 3 years old living in a hotel, is the next door neighbor, and to set up a stall to sell some jewelry for a living. So Yang all right love called Dr so and so to their room to drink. September 2, 2011, Yang and Dr for drinks in the room. Two people drink a lot of drink and began to argue for the sake of arguing. To 3 o'clock in the morning, men drink more wine, argue for the sake of arguing it into the mouthArgue corner, two people even come to blows. When Dr tongue sticking out when you spit, Yang cling to Dr x, snap Dr tongue. Dr yelled at so and so has been caught red-handed, front-end is biting off the tongue, blood DC. Landlord heard Dr so cried out, went to the room to see what made a report to police found blood on the ground. Today, at 10 o'clock, Yang was on the judicial policeThe Court. When after the Prosecutor read out the verdict, Yang said the allegations and without objection. "At that time a lot more drink, don't know why just want to bite his tongue. "Yang said that when they drink a lot of wine, and does not remember what happened. It is reported that Yang has paid for the young families of certain medical expenses more than 30,000 yuan. Finally, the Court heard an oral decision,Dr a guilty of intentional injury crime facts established, turned himself in because of the plot, was sentenced to 8 months ' imprisonment. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

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