Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera gold have begun to take positive action - MFQ

129784668267710000_513Several clothing brands such as Zara is aeration sishe pipe illegal sewage Many people like to fashion, beautiful clothes and shoes, but few people know that situation behind these fashion products, may think of some international and domestic famous brands there are serious environmental violations. 9th, friends of nature, human environmental studies Center, Dahl to ask, friends of science and technology, Nanjing, Central green stone combined with its green channel 5 environmental organizations such as common in BeijingThe select textile brand for fashion trash green--investigation report on pollution of the supply chain. According to a number of large textile and clothing retailer of brand supply chain in China there are serious environmental violations, serious impact on the water environment in China. According to the Director, Center for public environmental Ma June introduced, fiber processing volume of Chinese textile industry accounts for about half of the world 's, textile and clothing exportTotal world 34%. The textile industry "workshop of the world" status to promote China's economic development and employment, made in China cheap fashion clothing also decorate the world. However, the textile industry produces nearly 2.5 billion tons of waste water and other pollutants, pollution of rivers, lakes, the sky, the sea, even the soil and groundwater. Report shows that China's textile industry emissionsLarge, low water use efficiency. Emissions account for the entire textile industry wastewater of printing and dyeing waste water emissions 80%, constituents of complex, may contain a variety of harmful substances. Meanwhile tera power leveling, the textile industry in terms of circulation water lags far behind most other industries, resulting in extremely low water use efficiency. "A large number of textile enterprises environmental violations recorded, cannot achieve stable discharge. "Ma June told journalists, Only China pollution map database included more than 6,000 textile enterprises, part of which sishe pipe, sewage discharge, abnormal use ultra-sewage treatment facilities, exceeding total emissions of pollutants, punishment was or was not time for treatment. In these enterprises, many of them large supplier of international and domestic brands. According to the introduction, through investigation and study a preliminary comb MonsterStandard violation textile products manufacturer and supply relationship between famous brand, environmental organizations on March 22 tera gold, 2012, 26th and 29th, issued a letter to 46 enterprises CEO. Ma June told reporters, after prompt letter issued, part of the brand has made a reply. These Nike, Esquel, Wal-Mart, HM, Levi's, adidas tera gold, BurbeRry, have begun to take positive action, and push to resolve a query. Some brands in addition to environmental protection organizations outside the specific issues referred to in the reply, and also participation in Chinese environmental protection and environmental groups have expressed support. Nike said in reply: "as a green choice long term members of the Union, we (the company) support public environmental research centre (IPE) and Chinese environmental protection organizations to promote corporate environmental and social responsibility in China. "" Nike not only their own public information database collected in using IPE, as well as in China and their supply chain partners to invest in your own environment, in the case of need, also called rectification and reform plan announced. "Levi's company said in reply:" we believe that theDatabase is a useful tool to determine the compliance of our suppliers in China. It reveals problems in the industry, and helps to focus attention on the urgent need for regulation and participation of vendors. "Adidas said:" We welcome the green choices in recent years Union in efforts to promote corporate environmental and social responsibility in China, also commended the IPE in advance on pollution and ringsBorder against the disclosure of information has played a leadership role. "" If violations of the law, including environmental and pollution control regulations, we ask the vendor to take corrective action. If violations cannot be rectified, we will write a warning letter to follow up, the situation (in the worst case) may lead to termination of the business relationship. "While CA, Tesco, GaP, Li Ning, Target, Next, such as Uniqlo brand, although not with the environmental protection organization before Exchange, but still able to communicate within a relatively short period of time, and depth of some enterprises have begun to research the vendor violation, consider the establishment of supplier search system, to be sure. "However, in 48 brands still have 32Did not respond. "The report said, which includes both Marks Spencer, Esprit, international brands such as Calvin Klein, Armani, Carrefour, include 361, Anta, younger erdeng a well-known brand. Zara reply said, "I'm sorry we couldn't answer from schools, universities andProfessional individual for our business model, such as response to the problem. "" It is true that some companies failed to respond to possible is due to objective factors, such as response time is limited, internal information delivery process, language, and vendor name confusion. But some brands did not return, because of its resistance to community supervision. "The report said. According to the report, ZaraSuspected suppliers, there is a serious problem. Zara as one of the world's largest fashion retail company, its website claims that "good faith and social networking with a wide range of stakeholders continuing dialogue with stakeholders and the previously mentioned social organizations and, finally, transparency of business activities as a whole, especially the sustainable development strategy to be transparent. "" We recognizeZARA violated its commitments, we appeal to the ZARA stop to business model as an excuse, responding to questions about environmental groups as soon as possible, promote their supply chains to solve the pollution problem. "Ma June said. "Textile industry efforts to reduce emissions is not the biggest problem is that there is no enough power. "Report recommended that the Government strengthen its supervision, expanded information, and marketing tools to guide enterprisesEnergy-saving and consumption reduction proposed textile brands and retailers use the information made public, with stakeholders to promote supply chain emissions; suggests textile manufacturer conform to social expectations, implementation of cleaner production. Report also recommends consumers focus on enterprise environmental performance, pull the green to green, for their love of fashion products eliminate the pollution. Others:

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