Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling the abundant talent development and utilization of nuclear energy - DUG

129773928491718750_101Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly comments > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: China author: music star since the nuclear option does not exclude StatesThe right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy cannot be denied, and disasters of a nuclear accident consequences and do not stop at national borders, way out there is only one: nuclear energy for human services more securely and efficiently. March 26, the second session of the nuclear security summit in Korea Seoul, the follow-up meeting to the Summit 2010 Washington nuclear security Summit, leadership of the 53 countriesPerson or representative and head of the United Nations and other international organizations meet in Korea, again to discuss nuclear safety issues, descriptions of the urgency of the challenge of nuclear safety and the international community attach great importance to. ����Hu Jintao once again attend shows China's responsible attitude to nuclear safety issues. Current international nuclear safety situation very serious security concept includes two aspects, nuclearSafety (nuclear safety), severe accident occurred in preventing diversion of nuclear energy industry, second, nuclear facilities and nuclear materials against malicious abuse of nuclear safety (nuclear security), in the prevention of nuclear terrorism. ����In recent years, both on nuclear safety problems chances are on the rise. First, the nuclear power industryHigh speed development increase the possibility of a nuclear power plant accident. Global shortage of energy States the prospect of strategic choice of nuclear power as a solution to energy problems. Currently has more than 430 nuclear reactors in operation in the world, there are 65, is under construction. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency disclosed by 2030 to increase at least 90 nuclear power plants in the world, only in 2011About 60 countries and the International Atomic Energy Agency negotiations start nuclear power projects, most of which are developing countries. ����Superior economic power and technology of the United States (three mile island), the former Soviet Union (Chernobyl) and Japan (Fukushima), large-scale nuclear accident has occurred. Second, the weak link of the chain of nuclear power industry increased. Nuclear power station in the world of universal nuclear primaryMining, processing, transportation, handling, storage, showing layout of an extensive global network of decentralized, social unrest if the countries concerned, monitor went out of control and its possible weaknesses, at every point, for the illegal sale and open the door to nuclear raw materials, providing opportunities for terrorist attacks. Furthermore, the international terrorism situation even more severe. In recent years the international situationVolatility, particularly in West Asia North Africa related to the volatility of the situation and with this interventionist wars, national economic base have been severely damaged, that tens of thousands of people and the news, hundreds of thousands of millions of people lose their livelihood. Turmoil and ruins of war and hatred is a hotbed of extremism and terrorism to fester. Increased vulnerability of nuclear industry chain as well as terrorist attacksHit the motives of highlights, the unprecedented threat of nuclear terrorism. Humans select the inevitability of nuclear power if so many problems of nuclear energy, human society is it can cancel the nuclear option? The answer is ' no '. Earth's non-renewable fossil fuels and growing demands of human society is a structural contradiction. United Kingdom oil companies in 2007Cloth of the world energy assessment report of statistics, calculated according to the consumption of oil and natural gas in the world at that time, proven oil and gas reserves in the world can only meet the requirements of 40 and 60, respectively. Similar reports from other research bodies, specific data is not exactly the same, but the conclusions are the same tera gold, the depletion of oil and gas resources of the Earth Day is every day closer to us, if peopleSociety doesn't want to back to the pre-industrial era, we must explore new energy. Step back and say, even if there are no shortage of energy, combustion of fossil energy emissions, human society will bring unbearable consequences. At current world emissions calculation, to the end of the century, the Earth's temperature will rise 1.2-3.5 degrees Celsius, logarithms to millions of coastal residentsAs a threat. If humans do not want to face the disaster brought about by climate change, we must change the current energy mix. In alternative energy, is also the value of the largest production of nuclear energy. ����Therefore, exclude nuclear energy options is not the way to solve the problem. So, can be envisaged only allows developed countries with strong economic, science and technology advanced, the abundant talent development and utilization of nuclear energy? Answer withSamples were negative. ����Based on the sovereign equality of the basic norms governing contemporary international relations and the international community has reached a consensus, as long as any State has complied with the relevant international treaties such as the nuclear non-proliferation Treaty requirements, you have the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, or group does not have any State monopoly right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Human instinct: the pursuit of a better life in developed countriesRepresented by the fragrant luxury cars of high consumption has become a symbol of the good life, which depends on the accumulation of energy consumed to keep it. According to statistics, the amount of per capita energy consumption in developed countries is 35 times in developing countries, an American energy consumption equivalent 500 India people's consumption. Cannot believe that such a gap is reasonable and ethical, depriving the developing countries in the peaceful uses of nuclear energyRights without a legal basis, have no moral basis, or operability. Address nuclear security issues must be both, since nuclear energy options cannot be ruled out, the right of States to the peaceful use of nuclear energy cannot be denied, and disasters of a nuclear accident consequences and do not stop at national borders, way out there is only one: nuclear energy for human services more securely and efficiently. To do this, We need to strengthen international cooperation in the field of nuclear safety and strengthening global governance in the field of nuclear safety. This is where the significance of global nuclear security summit. The Washington Summit is the main topic of the prevention of and the fight against nuclear terrorism, nuclear facilities and nuclear materials against malicious abuse issues of nuclear safety, the Washington nuclear security summit work plan adopted by the Conference, stressed the need to promoteThe universalization of the International Convention for the Suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism, and to enhance the authority of the Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material, nuclear safety, to support the International Atomic Energy Agency in accordance with its series with their activities around the world, States to exchange of information on nuclear safety, nuclear safety culture cultivation tera gold, nuclear security training, and so on. These measures are very urgent and important, but they are stillIn the "symptom" level, to fundamental aspects of nuclear terrorism problem, must seek both a permanent cure. ����"The root", we should change the international imbalances, the disparity of social development, the regional turmoil tera power leveling, frequent ethnic and religious conflict, the abuse of force, make poverty and hatred, fundamentally eradicate the soil for breeding grounds of extremism and terrorism. The international nuclear safetyMechanism for a real difference, there is also a need to address the issue, it is not for international nuclear security mechanism for other purposes, not introducing Summit disputes among States, much less in this policy of double standards. If the nuclear security Summit into a utilitarian tool of foreign policy, international nuclear safety regime would lose the neutrality and credibility, there is no way to unite the international communityMeet the challenge of nuclear safety. China on nuclear safety issues in a responsible manner on nuclear safety issues in China is very serious and responsible attitude, not only responsible to the people, is responsible to the international community. In the field of non-proliferation and the fight against nuclear terrorism, China is "global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism" of the founding partners, China actively participated in the countryThe formulation of the Convention, has joined the United Nations on nuclear non-proliferation and suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism in all international treaties, and strict implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions. In the area of nuclear power industry safety, the Chinese Government at the beginning of development of nuclear power, has clearly formulated the "safety first, quality first" guidelines, and from the design, construction, operation, monitoring, staff, funds, agencies and other partiesSurface to be implemented. ����For decades, China has maintained a good record of nuclear safety. In the 2010 nuclear security Summit for the first time, Hu Jintao President to leave a deep impression on the five-point proposal, that is, national commitment and responsibility for effective implementation of nuclear safety, and consolidation of existing international law framework on nuclear safety, to strengthen international cooperation on nuclear safety, and help in the development ofNational capacity to enhance nuclear safety and handling well the relationship between security and the peaceful use of nuclear energy. President Hu on China's series of positive efforts in the area of nuclear safety, including international obligations on capacity-building in nuclear safety, nuclear security, participation in international cooperation on nuclear safety and nuclear security, international assistance. Hu also said China was considering cooperation with relevant countries, in China to build nuclearSecurity Centre. ����China in the field of nuclear safety responsible attitude won consistent affirmation of the participating countries. Progress in recent years in the field of nuclear safety from the nuclear security summit in Washington and now, less than two years, China achieved a number of positive developments in the field of nuclear safety. In the area of legislation, administrative regulations, legal, 8 1 27 departmentsRelative improvement of rules and a number of local laws and regulations on nuclear safety on the basis of the legal system, in 2011, the safety of radioactive waste management was adopted Ordinance. In addition, the Act on nuclear safety have entered a substantive legislative procedures. Japan Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station after the accident, nuclear power in China is to accelerate the development of nuclear safety rules and adjustment of medium-and long-term development plans, to improve nuclear facilities-End natural disasters and nuclear emergency response capacity. In the context of national civil servants and institutions preparing for strict control, in 2011, the Government approved the large-scale expansion of nuclear and radiation safety regulators, before making the number of more than 300 people to expand to more than 1000 people. Nuclear and radiation safety research bases built in Fangshan, Beijing will become China's nuclear safetyImportant base for training of technical staff, will also be an important platform for international cooperation on nuclear safety. ����The Chinese Government also approved the establishment of the national nuclear security technology center, nuclear materials management, technical support of the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities, is responsible for construction, operation and management of the Centre for nuclear safety, enhance the security of nuclear materials management technology. In 2012Year two sessions in the Government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao made a "safety and high efficiency nuclear power" point of view, this "security" and "efficient" and "development" three key words: perfect annotation of China on "handling well the relationship between security and the peaceful use of nuclear energy" basic positions. (Author, Director of the China Institute of international studies) Others:

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