Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold according to GB26130-2010 - EOQ

129788454858750000_98Experts to review "of tea residue" report An environmental group reported 18 tea sampling issues enterprises are to clarify tea circulation Association said experts would re-evaluate "tea residue" reports published for an environmental organization "9 domestic brand of pesticide residues in tea samples check out" one thing, related companies and associations are declared yesterday. China tea Marketing Association has commissioned expert on tea on the market inSecurity assessment results will be made public. Enterprise voice products in line with the national standard in recent days tera power leveling, some environmental groups reported, their sample purchase of 18 kinds of pesticide residues in tea samples are displayed, check out some samples have also been against the use of pesticides. Sampled companies have today issued a statement in response to the report. Tianfu tea issued a statement on the Exchange, said had not received the domesticAny notification of regulatory agencies, and the organization within the meaning of biluochun tea and Longjing tea of the test results, in applicable food safety guidelines and standards within the Mainland. In addition tera gold, involving some tea in Beijing also said in the report, its products meet testing standards. Teas standard Committee report one-sided tera power leveling, incorrect results for this report, national tea Standardization Technical CommitteeWill Weng Kun said the Secretary-General, the report has a number of one-sided, incorrect conclusions and information. "Only talking about checking out, not to mention the limited index which is itself misleading. "This reporter learned that, at present China's indicators of pesticide residues in food, there was a mandatory national standard of the food such as paraquat in 54 pesticide maximum residue limits, the standard is April 1, 2011 were actuallyApplied. Weng Kun said, according to the data released, was released 18 products only in Hainan State farms in Pak Sha green tea check out disabled pesticides, other products are in line with our current national standards. Reporters found national standards of comparison, methomyl the pesticide residue, according to GB26130-2010, the highest residual value substance in tea is 3mg/kg, and the Agency announcedResults of the survey are between 0.02 and 0.04, fully in line with national standards. At the same time, Weng Kun said, according to the data released by the Organization, even if the EU and Japan limit indicators, 18 products also meet the requirements of most indicators. Its sampling results and not against a national standard or European standards, will directly come to the conclusion that will provide consumers with a big misunderstanding, andAgainst the industry, it is not responsible. Tea circulation Association will organize experts to evaluate reports China tea Marketing Association Secretary-General Wu Xiduan said yesterday, "pesticide residues" and "excessive pesticide" are two concepts, the concept of environmental organizations use ... surreptitiously to supersede .... Cannot be said to detect pesticide residues in tea is not secure, the key to see if in the standard range ofInside. Weng Kun said, with the deterioration of the global environment, as a plant food tea-inevitably be subjected to all kinds of pollution. Less but because the absolute consumption of tea, that is safe for the vast majority of food. At the same time, Secretary-General Wu revealed that academician Association invites top of tea industry in China, the International President of the Codex Committee on pesticide residues Chen Zong-Mao on theAn assessment report, results are expected to a day or two out. Others:

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