Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold settle the housing needs of disadvantaged families. After one day - PZL

129774133160937500_173Vice-Minister of housing and urban-rural development of the 25th held in Guangzhou Lingnan said at a forum in the first, since the beginning of 2012, national housing prices overall stable, prices in cities started to loose, regulation is moving in a target constantly, and achieve tangible results. Centre for China and the world economy, Tsinghua University, held the day before yesterday "economic analysis"Shang, Director of housing and urban-rural development policy research center Hong Chin, a retaliatory rally in prices this year of the subjective and objective conditions are not in place. Resolutely curb unreasonable buyers demand Qi ji believes that real estate prices are too high in some areas, investment demand trend of overheating, central efforts to increase regulation of real estate, curb unreasonable speculative demand, curbFast-rising, appeared gradually.  Since the beginning of 2012, national housing prices overall stable property prices in some cities start to loosen, regulation is moving in a target continued to deepen, and achieve tangible results. Currently, changes in the real estate markets, market the self-development law of, and conducive to the healthy development of real estate. We will continue to implement the national deployment of stick controlPolicy task, adhere to regulatory measures should not relax, promoting the return of affordable. On one hand, strict implementation and gradual improvement of differential taxation, credit and restriction measures, resolutely curb unreasonable buyers demand.  And to strive to increase the ordinary commodity housing supply, and credit help to meet the reasonable demand of the residents. Two-wheel-drive hard home House liveEnforcing that, through the Government housing support policy, solve the low-income families and staged in difficult family problems of the lack of capacity to pay.  We adhere to the two-wheel-drive, continue to implement the housing project, settle the housing needs of disadvantaged families. After one day, Qi JI said at a seminar in Shenyang, according to estimates, by "Twelve-Five" the realization of the objectives of myCoverage will reach more than 20% affordable housing, housing conditions of low-income people will be significantly improved.  Qi JI said, "Twelve-Five" during the modification of planning and building affordable housing and squatter settlements throughout the country of 36 million, has started more than 10 million sets last year, 2012-year plan starts over 7 million units. Introduction to Qi JI, since 1998In addition to promoting the commercialization of urban housing, and actively explore the housing support work. In particular, since 2008 tera gold, through the large-scale implementation of the city's affordable housing program, accelerating the pace of resolving housing to low-income families in difficulty. "Eleven-Five" during the national housing starts building all types of affordable housing and squatter settlements reconstruction of more than 16 million, by the end of 2010, a national TrojanSolved nearly 22 million urban low income family housing and parts of the middle and downwards. Is considering expanding property tax levy city Guangzhou, Shenzhen was selected for pilot rumours of expanding the scope of real estate tax, enforcing clear clarification on that day, "I responsibly say now widen the scope of real estate tax has not been decided. Has not been determined which is the new city property tax "。 Qi JI tera gold, Ministry of housing and the Ministry of finance, State administration of taxation summary of pilot experiences of Chongqing and Shanghai property taxes on expanding the property tax levy city.  But the next city which has not been decided. The previous day, Hong Chin said that house prices this year appear retaliatory rise of subjective and objective conditions are not fulfilled. She explained that, on the one hand, and so far the housing market still in the digestive tract of inventoryStage, enterprises can, increase sales, while central authorities to take effective measures to increase the supply of common commercial housing, the housing market will be dominated by common commercial housing consumption this year, average price of commercial housing prices as a whole will not be too much of an impact. Hong Chin believes that discourage investment and speculative demand in the housing market is a long-term process, in addition to the restriction of theSample policies, and tax. She said pilots achieved a certain degree of effectiveness of the property tax, "property taxes in the future must be imposed, but comprehensive introduction on how long after I don't know".  She said, the pilot's goal is not to try and try, but to roll out to try. News IRS Xiao Jie, Director of VAT systems need breadth coverage to 2012On March 25, which was held in Guangzhou "first Lingnan Forum", Xiao Jie, Director of State administration of taxation statement said VAT system needs to be to the breadth of coverage. Xiao Jie said, according to the 2009 measurement, after the tax levying VAT, to spur GDP growth largely 0.5%, added value of tertiary industry increased 0.3%, consumption growth 1%Export growth can pull 0.7%.  At the same time, can also bring about 700,000 new jobs. Xiao Jie said that since January 1 of this year, Shanghai 126,000 taxpayers into the scope of the reform. Pilot reduces the tax burden for most people tera power leveling, taxes have fallen more than the 40%. Xiao Jie, as the continuation of the pilot, a summary assessment in a timely manner,A step to improve policies, this expansion of the reform on the basis of pilot regional and industry levels. He says that hope to carry out the pilot project in Guangdong province because the PRD joined the pilot will be new addition for modified business tax sales tax pilot demonstration effect. Others:

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