Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera power leveling and the fullPromote scientific and technological innovation - QYL

129765921283018750_12Li keqiang: change the mode of the development imperative reform has entered a crucial stage On March 18, the CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee member and State Council Vice Premier Li keqiang at the China Development Forum "for China and the world: macroeconomic and structural adjustment" Economic Summit, said that China's economic development to key stages of a transformation of mode of economic development without delay. He said: at present, we will make further efforts in the following focus areas: one is based on expandingDomestic demand, expansion of domestic demand is a strategic point for China's economic and social development, particularly in the international market continued to slump this year, expanding domestic demand is of important practical significance for China. China's urbanization is the biggest potential to expand domestic demand, 50% urban proportion of the population in China has more than a year ago, but still well below the level of developed countries, is below the world average. We will CommissionRaise urban and rural development, in strictly protecting farmland, food security, and constantly improve the production and living conditions in rural areas without actively and steadily promote urbanization, promoting the coordinated development of industrialization, urbanization and modernization of agriculture to realize "three" simultaneously, so you can release an enormous consumer potential to stimulate investment expansion and the development of related industries, stimulating sustained economic growth. Expanding domestic demand should alsoTo put the service in a more prominent position, compared with equal income levels for developed and developing countries, significantly low proportion of service industry in China, in addition to vigorously develop the advanced manufacturing, high-tech industries, speed up the development of production and life services, which not only can be a lot of hold jobs, and to raise the level of industrial development, is the growth of the real economy and effectiveWay. Expanding domestic demand also better together and improve people's livelihood, we are conducting the construction of affordable housing, even poverty in the new round of health reform, set, this is not only a major livelihood projects, is also a major development projects, and major measures of income distribution and mediation. To guarantee people's basic livelihood. We should focus on protection of people's fundamental needs to implement thisSome major projects, and focus on developing the economy and improving the income of synchronization process, improving residents ' consumption ability, enhanced consumer confidence of the residents, promoting positive interaction between consumption and investment, improve people's livelihood development Foundation, national shared development outcomes. Second, strengthen innovation-driven. Innovation is the maximum vigor of economic and social development, promoting economic structure adjustmentWith enterprises as the mainstay, take the market as the guidance, strengthening government guidance, enhance all aspects of investment funds, comprehensively promote technological innovation, management innovation and product innovation, improve the economic ability of self-growth and innovation-driven, thus to achieve structural and industrial upgrading. Research and development expenditures in China this year is expected to reach $ 1 trillion yuan, this will be conducive to supporting innovation and technologyOf innovation. Innovation requires talent, development needs of highly qualified workers, over the years, China has trained tens of millions of scientists and engineers, with millions of industrious and skilled industrial workers, every year there are millions of graduates entering the work, we will work to many characteristics of the population into human resources, rich human resources advantage, and the fullPromote scientific and technological innovation, increase the intensity of intellectual property protection, encourage innovation, promoting economic growth by mainly relying on material resource consumption to mainly rely on scientific and technological progress, to boost domestic demand, management changes, in order to maintain long-term, stable and rapid development of the economy to lay a solid foundation. Third, rely on reform and opening up. China's economic development to the order key to change the mode of economic developmentWithout delay. Transfer is a system of innovation is the fundamental mechanism of reform and opening up is the fundamental driving force for economic restructuring and promote the modernization, China's reform has entered a stage of tackling tough problems, we will deepen the fiscal, financial, pricing tera power leveling, Enterprise, and other aspects of the reform of income distribution system, efforts to have breakthroughs in key areas and crucial links, better play of the market in resource allocationBasic role, resolutely get rid of restrictive economic and social barriers to the development of institutional mechanisms to enhance development of endogenous dynamics. Expanding domestic demand in China under conditions of transition is opening innovation tera power leveling, we not only need to expand domestic demand and to stabilize and expand exports. In the course of promoting the balance between imports and exports, innovation and introduction of foreign capital and foreign investment in the way for all kinds of enterprisesProvides a good environment for fair competition and common development. Today, attended by many entrepreneurs in China and abroad, we are very concerned about the development of China's open economy, I can tell you this, I wish the Chinese foreign trade and foreign direct investment this year also have the potential to maintain double-digit growth, imports will total more than $ 1.9 trillion tera gold, so that a large number of foreign enterprisesParticipate in equal competition in the market to provide enormous business opportunities in China. More important is that in the "Twelve-Five" period, according to our calculations, in accordance with steady growth, China's total import and export volume is likely to reach more than 10 trillion dollars, which is making a huge business opportunities and potential. 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