Sunday, April 22, 2012

tera power leveling 13 times - OHL

129784668191928750_318Joy ball resources today to purchase guide NetEase finance, April 9-joy global sources online purchase today, following is a guide to purchasing. Stock code: 601,388 shares the name Yi ball purchase code resources: 780,388 listed locations: Shanghai Stock Exchange purchase price (Yuan/unit) 13 release earnings: 18.06 online number of shares (million shares): 10,500 total number of issued shares (Unit): 8,400 purchase quantity limit per household (unit): 8.4 main business: main business is the use of recovered from used cars, building materials, electrical equipment, machinery, packaging, equipment and production processes in the production of aluminium waste aluminum slag tera gold, scrap and so on various aspects of resources, make alternative regeneration of primary aluminum aluminum products in order to achieve the purpose of aluminum metal resources recycling. SponsorAgency huatai securities valuations on securities joint stock limited liability company: Yee ball interval $ 9.13 per cent resource inquiry we expected net earnings growth of-2012-2014, 13.2% and 37.5% tera power leveling, according to total shares after the IPO of 410 million shares fully diluted EPS $ 0.65, 0.78And $ 1.08. Refer to the comparable companies valuation levels, giving companies PE levels respectively in 2012-2013 times tera gold, 13 times, the corresponding shares were 11.7, 10.14. Reasonable interval to the value of $ 10.14-11.7, recommended price range is $ 9.13-$. Hong Yuan securities: Yee balls resourcesInquiry section 10.8 per cent to $ 410 million shares after the release of total share capital calculations, company 2012-2014 diluted EPS $ 0.72 to $, $ 0.97 and 1.29 respectively. Based on the principle of caution, given industry and comparable valuations of listed companies, we believe that given the company in 2012 times the level of PEIt might be appropriate to reasonable inquiry to 10.8 per cent of the company. Others:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera gold " said bigotry to old law - FDU

129784668229116250_413Yong-Hao Luo to try into the mobile phone industry and jobs than high Old English founder of Yong-Hao Luo Luo according to Chinese entrepreneurs network on April 9, old Luo Yong-Hao Luo founder English Twitter statement said "to register a new company phone". His remark, friends have viewed also has questioned. Yong-Hao Luo responded that "the desire to not be laughed at is not worth achieving". Yong-Hao Luo also expressed their wishes to try jobs high. He said: tera power leveling, "Love tera gold, aesthetics, marketing, user experience, perfectionism tendencies of the five I don't lose jobs, but a reality distortion field, but my personality is far from won. "And also on the current mobile phone industry enterprises of disdain that they are" turtle and stupid. "Yong-Hao Luo Bo Niu network and let users know of old Romanian English training, recent and SimonAnd Fang fighting gives users insight into his more obsessive side. Many netizens for the old law to do the phone's behavior is also expressed support. Netizen "big shining on his face," said bigotry to old law, haggle, phone products will not be disappointed. And many friends also gave Yong-Hao Luo of the new mobile phones a name "LuoyuPhone���� But friends say, despite the appeal of the old law giant, but the phone is not an easy thing. User "dabaobaoz5" says "do not think a little mid-life switch; reincarnation of taste and design ideas to Steve jobs. "Except for Yong-Hao Luo phone company's future business model tera gold, market positioning, marketing methods, and other aspects of doubtOutside, old law how to reconcile "the old law training" with energies between the phone company and also let people take a wait-and-see attitude. Others:

tera gold have begun to take positive action - MFQ

129784668267710000_513Several clothing brands such as Zara is aeration sishe pipe illegal sewage Many people like to fashion, beautiful clothes and shoes, but few people know that situation behind these fashion products, may think of some international and domestic famous brands there are serious environmental violations. 9th, friends of nature, human environmental studies Center, Dahl to ask, friends of science and technology, Nanjing, Central green stone combined with its green channel 5 environmental organizations such as common in BeijingThe select textile brand for fashion trash green--investigation report on pollution of the supply chain. According to a number of large textile and clothing retailer of brand supply chain in China there are serious environmental violations, serious impact on the water environment in China. According to the Director, Center for public environmental Ma June introduced, fiber processing volume of Chinese textile industry accounts for about half of the world 's, textile and clothing exportTotal world 34%. The textile industry "workshop of the world" status to promote China's economic development and employment, made in China cheap fashion clothing also decorate the world. However, the textile industry produces nearly 2.5 billion tons of waste water and other pollutants, pollution of rivers, lakes, the sky, the sea, even the soil and groundwater. Report shows that China's textile industry emissionsLarge, low water use efficiency. Emissions account for the entire textile industry wastewater of printing and dyeing waste water emissions 80%, constituents of complex, may contain a variety of harmful substances. Meanwhile tera power leveling, the textile industry in terms of circulation water lags far behind most other industries, resulting in extremely low water use efficiency. "A large number of textile enterprises environmental violations recorded, cannot achieve stable discharge. "Ma June told journalists, Only China pollution map database included more than 6,000 textile enterprises, part of which sishe pipe, sewage discharge, abnormal use ultra-sewage treatment facilities, exceeding total emissions of pollutants, punishment was or was not time for treatment. In these enterprises, many of them large supplier of international and domestic brands. According to the introduction, through investigation and study a preliminary comb MonsterStandard violation textile products manufacturer and supply relationship between famous brand, environmental organizations on March 22 tera gold, 2012, 26th and 29th, issued a letter to 46 enterprises CEO. Ma June told reporters, after prompt letter issued, part of the brand has made a reply. These Nike, Esquel, Wal-Mart, HM, Levi's, adidas tera gold, BurbeRry, have begun to take positive action, and push to resolve a query. Some brands in addition to environmental protection organizations outside the specific issues referred to in the reply, and also participation in Chinese environmental protection and environmental groups have expressed support. Nike said in reply: "as a green choice long term members of the Union, we (the company) support public environmental research centre (IPE) and Chinese environmental protection organizations to promote corporate environmental and social responsibility in China. "" Nike not only their own public information database collected in using IPE, as well as in China and their supply chain partners to invest in your own environment, in the case of need, also called rectification and reform plan announced. "Levi's company said in reply:" we believe that theDatabase is a useful tool to determine the compliance of our suppliers in China. It reveals problems in the industry, and helps to focus attention on the urgent need for regulation and participation of vendors. "Adidas said:" We welcome the green choices in recent years Union in efforts to promote corporate environmental and social responsibility in China, also commended the IPE in advance on pollution and ringsBorder against the disclosure of information has played a leadership role. "" If violations of the law, including environmental and pollution control regulations, we ask the vendor to take corrective action. If violations cannot be rectified, we will write a warning letter to follow up, the situation (in the worst case) may lead to termination of the business relationship. "While CA, Tesco, GaP, Li Ning, Target, Next, such as Uniqlo brand, although not with the environmental protection organization before Exchange, but still able to communicate within a relatively short period of time, and depth of some enterprises have begun to research the vendor violation, consider the establishment of supplier search system, to be sure. "However, in 48 brands still have 32Did not respond. "The report said, which includes both Marks Spencer, Esprit, international brands such as Calvin Klein, Armani, Carrefour, include 361, Anta, younger erdeng a well-known brand. Zara reply said, "I'm sorry we couldn't answer from schools, universities andProfessional individual for our business model, such as response to the problem. "" It is true that some companies failed to respond to possible is due to objective factors, such as response time is limited, internal information delivery process, language, and vendor name confusion. But some brands did not return, because of its resistance to community supervision. "The report said. According to the report, ZaraSuspected suppliers, there is a serious problem. Zara as one of the world's largest fashion retail company, its website claims that "good faith and social networking with a wide range of stakeholders continuing dialogue with stakeholders and the previously mentioned social organizations and, finally, transparency of business activities as a whole, especially the sustainable development strategy to be transparent. "" We recognizeZARA violated its commitments, we appeal to the ZARA stop to business model as an excuse, responding to questions about environmental groups as soon as possible, promote their supply chains to solve the pollution problem. "Ma June said. "Textile industry efforts to reduce emissions is not the biggest problem is that there is no enough power. "Report recommended that the Government strengthen its supervision, expanded information, and marketing tools to guide enterprisesEnergy-saving and consumption reduction proposed textile brands and retailers use the information made public, with stakeholders to promote supply chain emissions; suggests textile manufacturer conform to social expectations, implementation of cleaner production. Report also recommends consumers focus on enterprise environmental performance, pull the green to green, for their love of fashion products eliminate the pollution. Others:

tera power leveling Mario Balotelli FA may be toughPunishment measures. Then I met and Mancini - KQ

129784631305053750_342 <a href="">tera gold</a>Broker denies return to inter Ba Shen boat launch only to welcome less handsome Yeah sporting April 9: last night in one of the Premier League, Mario Balotelli who accumulated two yellow cards were sent off tera power leveling, and he soon after opening a kick with the sole song bad fouls escaped a red card. Manchester City boss Mancini Mario Balotelli went without a brain has deeply disappointed after the game and he even said that "may" in the summer of this year to sell Mario Balotelli。 But laiaola think that the media misinterpreted the Mancini, Mario Balotelli broker. News of the Inter net: Broker layiaola denies rumours of reintegration of Mario Balotelli inter layiaola said, "I hear Mancini said, I can assure you that Mancini was not to sell Mario Balotelli. Mancini had told me, Mario Balotelli FA may be toughPunishment measures. Then I met and Mancini, Manchester City, perhaps there is a misunderstanding between, but Mario Balotelli after the end of the season are not prepared to transfer, he and the city also has a copy of the contract. "Rumors come in buy back Mario Balotelli inter and inter club Branca said" always for Mario Balotelli inter gate opening ", while inter newBoss sitelamaqiaoni at his press conference, Mario Balotelli burst and sent best wishes tera gold, which was seen as Mario Balotelli from inter active overtures. But layiaola denied this, "Mario Balotelli to participate in press conference of sitelamaqiaoni, just simply want to welcome him in Office. But at the moment does not exist between Mario Balotelli interAny links, and that's it. Mario Balotelli will not return to Italy to play football, we don't even consider such a possibility. Mario Balotelli has always said his wish is to stay in the premiership. "Mario Balotelli went negative news not only of his position in the Manchester City team, possibly out of this summer's European Championship. Layiaola said about this, "Italian national team need Mario Balotelli, if the European Cup to be without Mario Balotelli is a disgrace, but I was unable to determine the list of national teams. United Kingdom tabloid reporters always like Mario Balotelli made, his behavior will be magnified. ” Others:

Friday, April 20, 2012

tera gold we cannot afford to drop points again - JEG

129784631306928750_347 <a href="">tera gold</a>Martin Carthy that battleships may lose the champion gods: Real Madrid play good today Yeah sporting April 9 report: Real Madrid in their own home and failed to get 3 points, but was forced by Valencia 0-0, unfortunately, the whole team. Captain Casillas even said in an interview after the game Real Madrid could not get this season's League champions. Valencia Heroes you think Real Madrid played good today. The Aspen news,Tower: I just do not let the opponent goal, Captain of Real Madrid's Casillas said in an interview: "no one thinks the game is so hard before the match, but have to say this is an exciting duel. The last moments of the match we had more chances, Valencia as well. We all have a chance to win 2 points. In any case the game is over, we need to lookTo end with the Himno del centenario de than, of course, none of the game so that everyone could forget. Real Madrid could lose that almost get League champions, team no too much recently. "Galaxy warships gods words have no absolute confidence, say Real Madrid could even get to the League champions of discourse. Another Real Madrid midfielder Harvey-Alonso saidDeeply disappointed by the draw of teams in the arena: "arena of every one of us want to get 3 points, but had said nothing, can only look to eyes. However, regardless of the difficulties encountered tera power leveling, Real Madrid's indomitable will to overcome it, right now, Real Madrid lead Barcelona 4, although it is not a great score tera gold, waiting for opponent to catch up with Real Madrid will not be standing in the same place. ��Player of the match when the goalkeeper is Valencia, Valencia, Real Madrid, 13th all shut out was shot 10 times, called team draw the Chief hero. He said in an interview after the game: "I would like to continue as team goalkeeping, I stand at the door is to block the opponent to attack, saying the truth, opponents doing great today. "WallenHeroes of Western Asia also said: "now there are 7 rounds of the League, Valencia is currently ranked third, the next game will be a match with Malaga, we cannot afford to drop points again, and I believe that the team can do it. Finally, I would like to say, the team played a great match today, I believe most of you then can also play the game so well. "Bishop of ValenciaPracticing Emeri said it was due to team unity, relies on a solid defensive end in bonawu the body and back: "for the visiting team to bonawu is not always a good place, Real Madrid's strength is powerful, they attack anything, we must be more careful to promise not to throw the ball carefully, of course, also depends on a little bit of luck, luckily the end result is this. OtherOutside on the one hand, today, my team has created at least two scoring opportunities, but did not hold. "He said he recognized the main work of judge Gomez also says that he did a good job. Others:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera power leveling continue to rotate - ZZO

129784631218647500_118Permanent insurance is lost by rotation of an overwhelming effect of Jin Lee jangsoo Hang on and when to 25 minutes a game, after it was replaced because of a low-level mistake, Pallan uses his fists like a Buddhist monk ' s alms Bowl a fist down on the lounge on the glass doors of the team, his anger is a State of mind. At home, advanced the ball by each other, hang very recently, and the anxiety that comes from the heart, was detonated by the fist. Compared with the people of Guizhou province andIn the Guangzhou evergrande (clubs official Twitter) continue to rotate, Pallan first played for the fourth time and Feng Xiaoting partner centre. It is constant in the last year in a very very fixed routines, but the combination of the satellite had not thought of this year. 22 minutes, Pallan in relation to each other in a single striker Mousley, who shot the ball under the hard life and grab each other to 1:0. after a few minutes, Pallan was transferredOff the field. People seeing such a scene from the field: long walk to the restroom at the gate of sudden temper tantrum, a fist down on the lounge window, breaking the glass of the window as a whole, then stormed into the lounge. Constant staff see this scenario is all ears, translating small Palace immediately ran into the restroom to comfort the Pallan, other staff members immediately clean up the glassGlass, then take newspapers and blocked where broken Windows. This is since Ruggiero, Renato was changed in the middle of last year issued reached, the second outburst as a result of the players in the match. Pallan was left at the intermission of Tianhe Stadium, vehicles riding club home alone. Lee jangsoo replaced Pallan this decision after the game has been explained, "change this thing, coachGroups make decisions tera gold, don't ask who now two-player breakdown of line operations, not play player matches feel bad. Changed like Pallan, is also acceptable, as a central defender he has this or that problem. Taken into account at that time, long impulse, after the failure, afraid that he can't control emotions, is also a motive change; also the team behind cases,We have attacks on players or common sense. "But this is not the first time Pallan dispersal in the Middle, in the match in the away defeat to r, Pallan as a first appearance, but the first half foul gave each other a penalty within the closed area, an intermission is Cleo replaced. Evergrande recently always have such problems, in the case of teams at a disadvantage, rotation of set in advanceWill not be able to adhere, Pallan victim of just such a situation, once Cleo on rotation, and this one is a rotation of the Conca, next would be who? Entanglement of rotation: exactly who should be trusted? Yesterday, Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong provincial CPC Committee and Governor Zhu xiaodan, provincial and municipal leaders sit in the stands and watch the game, in a night of heavy rain, Zhu xiaodan do not see a good showerLi's victory. A draw is not good news for the constant, they fight the double line under pressure, has two lianping panshan. For a dual-line operations of the team, even if the rich team such as Guangzhou evergrande, still cannot handle it well. But it is worth pondering, yesterday the game they just replaced the 2 first episode player, Conca take turns to rest, Xiang was also a round of League matches on the red card suspension�� Do not know why, Lee jangsoo not as previous away large rotation, and in the case behind, took more than 20 minutes to put on Conca, equal to play in AFC Champions League squad after last week without rotation. Results are what? Physical death, Pallan was hard before eating each other forward, is Feng Xiaoting to less than. Lee jangsoo admitted: "today the players physical decline significantly, isThe whole team this is the case. This beat many players, physical visible behind the; didn't play as Pallan, competition is less. "Visiting team for constant research, coach Gao Hongbo said:" two-line operation is the team's biggest problem, staffing and powerful, commuting, the time zone change, have an impact on everyone, poor physical causeDown, cause a reduction in line with the level of understanding. "Yesterday, Guizhou and stick is the counterattack, but no one's death last year, Gao Hongbo was annoyed. But why did Lee jangsoo no firm rotation? Lee jangsoo for this very uncomfortable, he said: "if by 11 new players to play, what will happen? On Pallan before today, butStudents ' special status. Dual-line operations will face this problem. "Rotation system is a tangled, Lee jangsoo is less trusted replacements, the most obvious example: the last League match, Feng Junyan entering to win the ball, and that he was only in the second half of the play, halftime, he was shot 3 times, same as the Cleo and Conca. Team physical on the one hand, and the otherRotation of one hand cannot implement tera power leveling, this tangled, Lee jangsoo says not out, but the pressure was very obvious. 60 minutes of the second half, Lee jangsoo wears neat white shirts and trousers, stood in heavy rain, for up to 5 minutes long. Lee jangsoo said: "the feet have an umbrella, you can play, but the team is not smooth case, umbrella is not so good. "Teams in the AFC ChampionsSuper two lianping panshan, full-blown negative factors of double-line operations. In order to prepare for next round of AFC Champions, evergrande for Hangzhou Greentown game, on April 13 and extension, Greentown has agreed, but it was rejected by the Football Association. This means that, evergrande still need to face the pressure of double-line operations and tests. This ridge, Lee jangsoo how do you want to spend? This time, the effect of money cut to hang in Guangzhou evergrandeThunderbolt campaign won the League Championship in the last year, but this year after 5 League, they had lost 4. Last year, their domination of the League, with the double-line operations, and other clubs increase investment and reduce. Yesterday the game opponents in Guizhou province and operated a total of 610 bonuses, winning $ 6 million, $ 1 million, this is Super LeagueSince the beginning of the history of the highest win bonus programme. Guangzhou-510 last year shocked even winning awards. And Guizhou maotai liquor was obtained this year after input of up to $ 50 million a year, becoming the new League. Guangzhou Fuli to $ 2 million of guaranteed minimum, maximum bonus of difficulty adjusted to match policy, as another compelling teams,Guangzhou evergrande field in the Derby, was issued a single win bonus of 5 million, 5 have sat in one fell swoop to the League after the field header names. Single winning prize this year reached $ 2 million the Dalian aerbin, of course they because some special problems tera gold, poor grades, and is currently bottom in the League. Gao Hongbo said yesterday that "after five rounds this year, no oneEvergrande alone last year, thanks to all the clubs are in the input, intense competition than ever before. "Money is a double-edged sword when evergrande slam sword in hand last year when cut to the other teams, it has very sharp; this year, sword-for this handle to Guangzhou Fuli and Guizhou and hands, they are all single field over win bonuses evergrande team. This is a coincidence or necessity? DangWhen you lose the advantage of bonuses, the League first throne, constant hand make room. Others:

tera power leveling - HJC

129785355686562500_14Big gamer itch [bow, the] Smith PA wedding photos show Journey is a "small cute", who knew he would feel that he loves wacky, happy together and he will always be with you. And 9 were also selected for the player representatives of the Forum tera gold, Mike dance performer, and we also put on a one man comedy (notes on the shouting but, when the camera running out of juice tera power leveling, Hey! )。 April 2012Today, our little journey and his girlfriend into the marriage hall, let all the big players to wish them "happy, a long life together", of course, is an early one and he cute baby like myself! Bow, the: Smith, PA show: 36 tera power leveling,350 return journey to the West area of 2 home page enter "w/b Valley" ForumAnd talk about the journey to the West 2, recommend hot: [voice news] NetEase CC102 rose invites you in the field together sharing the ten of war [ten battlefield report] oral game full outlet list | Knockout video download [Player interview] a group of 3 teams played in ten visits [One falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn.] dream rain loulan gang [Player interview] put down the scores consistent externalAn interview with [lingshan Fortune] blood rain family [Player interview] farewell ten interviews [Heavenly Bodies] cave 3,136 hyper-sensitive male demon Others:

tera gold Close your eyes and imagine - DIV

129788443003125000_121Close your eyes and imagine: filled with smell of flowers in the air, sit in a spacious balcony, Sun Lounge and sprinkle in the body, the breeze touching leisure sth This Garden House life, through time and space in architectural history, is being evaded. Construction of Furong and in court (comments on the Forum type photo album sample room map search), the provincial government's core principal pure OceanRoom for life demanding wife, gentlemen offer a perfect luxury home ownership. Dragon pulse home, are the property of Metro construction of Furong and Court, provincial government plates occupy huge appreciation potential tera power leveling, and the provincial government building, Tianxin District Government building only 5 minutes by car, is the central administrative area the last native House of high-end residential communities. While Line 1 subway line supporting stands almost at the door,Not only change the traffic situation around the project, to facilitate car travel, but also for owners in the present case provides a comfortable green way to travel. Italian-style Palace Gardens, life infinite taste with essence of European garden art in court, project in the style of sculpture, court classic reference on tree species selection, path planning regulations, and in the middle of 10,000 square metersCarefully set within a private broad-Park is a luxury many landscapes, and an East-West Center of landscape axis and two trees shade the green belt, has joined these landscapes, interoperability with each other tera power leveling, walking, frozen: change of scenery, full of inspiration and charm of the landscape, life is full of unlimited fun. Super wide cross Hall, comfortable living and then upgrade original 7 m wide cross Hall, commendable.Luxury design, only can be seen in the villas class luxury. Reducing the transition space, significantly optimize the use of the living room features tera gold, ample indoor area more spacious and comfortable.����At the same time, super wide to capture more sunlight, increasing indoor air circulation, comfortable living experience further enhanced. Time the courtyard, ideal first home "joyWho is blue substance, idyllic scenes represent days ", long time lived in the downtown area for people, all in a quiet inside. Home Garden, more happy busy interesting thing is, except in the case of "one day", but also has a vestibular backyard, home gardens, viewing balcony, staggered balconies, from the most desirable state of residence, with a vestibule back yard of the House for the first home is the best. Project location: Furong road, two, section (South of provincial government) experience line: officer Bo: the above information is for reference only, and eventually released to developers. This manuscript for SINA Locke independenceOriginal manuscripts, all rights reserved, referenced or reproduced, please indicate the source. Subscription members published in the US real estate property discounts and the latest trends sent directly to your email subscription subscribe to Locke members published in the process see more home buyers: hot real estate search real estate news room latest latest model price query type: 3,000Over 3000-4000 4000-5000 7,000 provide real estate information if you need help, please call Sina Locke House knowledgeable person: 400-606-6969 Others:

tera gold compete for UEFA Champions League qualification more passive - JLM

129784631284741250_289Wind color 12,049th winning focus red streak Nova undefeated Stable bile: Manchester United Asia generally out of the Manchester United ball half-high water or a water ball/ball in half, the reds leading Manchester City 8, its details in the premiership and Ferguson's immeasurable, Vigan instantly mired in Baoji area, however the team with significantly in the near future. Asia morning common high water to Manchester United ball in half, trailing overwhelming United tera gold, morningA little deep, and future early withdrawal a half ball/ball pattern, heat take down plates move to ease the visiting team, home team Baoji war combined with the main battle, makes part of the support chips on shunt, when the company opened a low ball for betting Act of circumvention, the reds problem this small victory is unlikely. Recommended: 0 stable bile: it's not Loija instant universal out that's not the mainA ball/ball half high water disc, that does not Doppler upper whorl lost off has and Lazio race three of 6 min of war, compete for UEFA Champions League qualification more passive, Atlanta 2 war even defeated, State with for lower, Asia disc early disc to that does not Doppler main let a ball/ball half high water advantage up disc, to performance advantage of that does not Doppler has with home rebound background tera gold, Atlanta recent bad, early disc deep pull uplift Shang disc intervention difficulty balance raisedCode means a larger, water levels on the afternoon trend good for the home team, current trends that have not penetrated to win confidence still weak, the home team at the victory rally. Grade: 3 popular: paermaya instant general out of the Parma a ball high water behind Genoa, fourth last as much as 10 minutes tera power leveling, Nova Baoji is in trouble, however, team melee is still affected by low under the circumstancesBaoleng beat black bone chicken with Siena, the team have not given up hope, Palma the main strong-weak, but two Nova all track record defeat. Asia morning common semi-/to Palma to the main advantages of a low water, take the two teams in early trading situation of Baoji differences to give the home team rebounded, future rise early high water situation but there is nothing wrong with a ball, this intervention on the uplift of the rising difficulty, increasing disk GuideHome team rebounding advantage, in accordance with the method, is thereby water levels are expected to drop again on low boot, it has been difficult for two real disparity reflected, too boot you Palma baoleng possibilities, not low. Grade: 10 Others:

tera gold settlementAs may be relevant here. For this - RPX

129784668250991250_470Wuhan community settlement hundreds of owners of large area affected Yesterday afternoon, contact our hotline at 82,333,333, call themselves after living Lake garden phase ⅲ building settlement occurred in several places in Hankou, "look particularly frightening". Reporters contacted the developer, the other side will be processed on Monday took out programmes. Reporters at the scene saw, 18th in the community, in front of the building there was a large depression, before the shop on the first floor and floor tilesRupture due to squeeze. Due to the steps of the corridor was tilted high and low, and owners on the bench under the bricks. Before the 19th floor tera power leveling, reporters found, building the base for the ground sinking there was a large gap, through a gap of bare ground can be seen below (see figure reporter Yang Tang's photography). Rough measurements of the reporter, gap's widest at the close30 cm, almost forming a "Castle in the air". After a reporter has learned, 18, 19, 20, and so much community building have suffered different degrees of settlement, owners up to hundreds of families affected. In addition, roads, car parks and fountains in the community pool also has a cracking tera power leveling, tilting phenomena. It is understood that the community is to be completed by the end of 2007. Live15/f, 18th weeks told reporters the owners of themselves two years ago when, this has already occurred tera gold, and has recently become more and more serious, "now living at home is ill at ease, fear of anything. "This reporter interviewed community property. A staff member told reporters, because here the site as wetlands and ponds, geology is soft, settlementAs may be relevant here. For this, they have been reported to the developers and up to them to decide what to do with. Journalists then get in touch with the community of developers, they said, the current staff has opened an investigation into the matter, specific treatment plan will be issued before Monday, and reply to the affected owners. (Reporter Yang Jing) Others:

tera gold particularly in terms of debt repayment priority - JCD

129784668153022500_218 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>P: Greece may need further debt restructuring Greece has completed replacement of bonds under the laws of that State, but delayed the replacement of parts under foreign law, and has three extension, and a number of foreign law under Greece debt will be due next month. Greece Ministry of finance and banking industry officials said, according to the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) requirements, Greece Government in any case must be decided as soon as possible, becauseExpires on May 15 will have 450 million Euro bond. If we can complete most of the debt Exchange plan tera power leveling, Greece will be provided by the EU and the IMF in March promised new aid money and help ease the worries about euro-zone debt crisis, at least for the time being. International rating agency standard and poor's (hereinafter referred to as "p") in Greece on March 12Evaluation of new bonds issued by a group identified as the CCC. P Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) sovereign ratings Director Craemer (Moritz Kraemer) recently said that p's CCC rating is "extremely low ratings", "means that we believe that there may be further debt restructuring". Craemer, explained that thisRisk is because of crisis management, particularly in terms of debt repayment priority: "more and more official creditors begin to jump the queue in front of private creditors, we have the International Monetary Fund (IMF), now a European stabilisation mechanism (ESM), the European Central Bank (ECB), especially for Greece, occupied by official creditors in the debtShare a growing private sector creditors continue to be squeezed to the last. This means that as soon as Greece debt restructuring again, official creditors will receive priority payment, risks of private sector pay raises. "At the same time, Craemer also pointed out that Greece has gone far beyond the macro-level of risk in the future, leading Greece into a social crisis:" the GreekLa youth unemployment is as high as about 50%, who could not find work, there is no hope, and this has changed the social nature, has changed the nature of political, changed Greece facing social policy choices. "Craemer believes that in addition to a series of austerity measures, Greece should find a way to restore economic growth and social stability, which for GreeceStatement remains a formidable challenge. Therefore tera gold, a new round of debt restructuring, "Although it is difficult to say when, but may occur at some point in the future". Rating agencies in the role of the European debt crisis, Craemer believes that "sovereign credit rating agencies to view gives the possibility of default by a country, and that's it." For many years, pGreece downgraded is to send out such a signal �C Greece's credibility is deteriorating. He pointed out that the p Greece downgraded began in 2004 for the first time. Others:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera gold 28 - KBM

129788442978906250_58Right left for Barcelona ceramic Sina Locke (Edit Li Ting) ceramics of Barcelona (forum comments on the album type a model map search) senior price $ 7,900 per square metre, sale apartment area of 83 square metres to 100 square metres, multilayer average $ 11,000 per squareM type selling for 100 to 120 square meters, estimated time is late October 2012. Now 98 percent one-time payment of the purchase, loan 99 percent discount. Barcelona Crystal property firm Savills, property costs 1.5 Yuan/square meter/month.  Sale card number for Shen, pre-11,204th. Crystal is located in Yunfeng Street and NorthRoad Interchange, the southeast corner of Barcelona, close to the Subway Line 1 line. Project Fusion advanced construction concept, for northern climates, living habits and other characteristics, high quality life to Shenyang. Proud city of 120,000 square metres of fine residential community center, designed by a top team of multilayer, high differences of products meet the residence requirements of different customers. 50-13Type 0-square series upgrade the living quality and its location and landscape design to create unique products and stimulating tiexi's Habitat new benchmark.  Crystal is located next to the Subway Line 1 line, good location, convenient transportation and surrounding supporting complete. Above information is for reference only, and eventually released to developers. This manuscript for SINA Locke exclusive original manuscripts, all rights reserved, referenced or reproduced please specify source。 For project details, please call Sina Locke free consultation hotline: 400-606-6,969 views for more hot real estate around the subscription member real estate magazine, our latest hot trends sent directly to your mailbox ceramics of Barcelona there are 9 comments click here to read more comments and more commentsBingbing59 2009-03-24, I looked at the 26th floor, about 100 square meters (two) House (House for the traditional pattern of two room Hall and North bedroom Windows with balconies), found on the balcony there is no way, kitchen leading to the balcony and dew ... [More details] said:Good (27) against (0) replies to the comments netizens view of 2009-02-13 really regretted watching Jue Shi di no when to walk 200 meters North and fog to buy view Jue Shi di, Belgium to Spain, 24,000 to 83,000 to 270,000, Canada DFS landscape design company and do not ... [More details] said well (6) against (45) replied to the comment sky 01 2012-03-20 Crystal was good with lots of Barcelona! Type, housing quality problems are many, Park row, but based on BarcelonaPrevious property does not at first glance, many issues, but a ... [More details] say good (0) against (0) replies to the comments of Prince Edward 2011-11-02 in Shenyang in the regulation are not impressive, ceramics of Barcelona without a price, Maybe the Shenyang is second-tier cities less slow, but many projects have already started discounting the, I think, is where the ... [More details] it's better (28) against (0) Locke replied to the comments netizens 2009-05-13 21:13:48 minibus property is very worrying, clearPrivilege, part 1 dig deep no one----this is the huaxin property. May House not a couple, when the men's southern accent of arrogance, a pair of lounging ... [More details] say good (43) against (5) replies to the comments of Prince Edward 2011-11-02In Shenyang in the regulation are not impressive, ceramics of Barcelona without a price, maybe is a second-tier city in Shenyang response slow, but a lot of projects have been started at a discount tera gold, and I thought it might have been the ... [More details] it's better (28) against (0) replies to the comments bingbing592009-03-24, I looked at the 26th floor, about 100 square meters (two) House (House for the traditional pattern of two room Hall and North bedroom Windows with balconies), found on the balcony there is no way tera power leveling, kitchen leading to the balcony and dew ... [More details] say good (27) against (0) Locke replied to the comments netizens view of 2009-02-13 really regretted watching Jue Shi di no when to walk 200 meters North and fog to buy view Jue Shi di, Belgium to Spain, 24,000 to 83,000 to 270,000, Canada landscape design companies of DFS and not ...[More details] said well (6) against (45) replies to the comments and more comments and more · Crystal October 2012 arrival of Barcelona (map) · Barcelona ceramic multilayer average $ 11,000 (photo) · Barcelona Crystal block 98 percent of the purchase (photo) · Barcelona CrystalAverage price of $ 11,000 (photo) · shop buy discount Crystal new year's day the Festival of Barcelona (map) · Crystal tall $ 7 tera gold,900 per square meter of Barcelona (map) · Crystal Cup senior price $ 7,900 per square meter of Barcelona (map) · Crystal 100 South to Barcelona apartment price 7,900 (photos) · hundred Dutch Bay shops selling price of 130Type 00 84 to 106 square meter · peninsula leading to price $ 8,200 in June 2012, Horizon City room (map) · senior price $ 5,500 rooms in blue water and weight watchers city in December 2013 · Kahlil Gibran International is open will be determined the age of the property cost $ 2 (figure) · Beaumann square price under $ 7,500 home buyer 98 percent discount (map) · BoDouble e price $ 6,700 in Hong Kong between 41 and 81 square meter apartment for sale (photo) · step Yang international apartments starting at $ 6,888 is expected in August 2013 (photo) · Chang-Jia garden price $ 7,000 buy 98 percent (figure) [Shenzhen real estate] side of Ting Lan, Angelica [Dalian real estate] Beijing Park [Sichuan real estate] Ivy [Beijing HouseProduction] peacocks in chaobai River City [Shenyang real estate], Copenhagen [Xian real estate] very beautiful [Tianjin real estate] peace time [Dalian real estate] Hawthorn xinjing Bao Wyatt color [Chongqing real estate] Shui mu Nian hua [Xian real estate] Swan Lake [Sichuan real estate] sound village [Shanghai real estate] rural scenery [Xian real estate] light of million hope [Sichuan roomProduction of] my University [Sichuan real estate] Indus [Nanjing real estate] Xi [33,364 owners forum type posts] [24] [virtual map 62] price: $ 7,900 loan calculator phone: 28,416,666 Sina mentioned Locke for more favorable location: tiexiQuyunfeng North Street, 33rd Developer: Shenyang thawing Sino Land Company Limited PK Mao ye East time square in Barcelona, Barcelona Ceramic Crystal PK PK Toyochika Xin Jing Haocheng Barcelona Ceramic Crystal PK fishing days love edge of Crystal City Barcelona Barcelona, seventh Crystal Crystal PK PK new Moore residence in Barcelona Barcelona, international community in CrystalPK PK, block Island Long Island, international ceramics of Barcelona, one peninsula led to the horizon PK poetry to Barcelona City Barcelona Ceramic Crystal PK PK new Lake Pearl City urban garden Barcelona Ceramic Crystal PK and others in Barcelona PK Barcelona ceramic Lion City Classic effect where Community type real map diagrams ${picture-in-pictureUnder total text} under sunny · Barcelona: what to love you, my property 137xxxx2 · Shenyang gold easily in addition to taste a radical toilet drains back to taste what · Barcelona visits Locke within the Crystal user · 75 room enterprises stock rose 9 months cycle up to 54 months Locke netizens · card problem users · Chinese workersMiddle $ 4,134 per month income does not mean half the world macro · "Barcelona March 2012" moderator post payroll and monthly list of the top 10 online reward! Looking to work together to build a better community! Locke netizens · meet April 2 tasting three Cheng Yi King Blue Bay-wide boiling Shen Beile netizens · between Arc de Triomphe and the Crystal, what should ISelected! Locke netizens · first mortgage rates back to special times Locke netizens · 143 a Prince in danger school district five of the Pearl River School middle school by two of the best schools in Shenyang North travelling merchant circle $ 7,550/pingle profile ┊ About Leju ┊ advertisement ┊ partner ┊ contact us ┊ map┊ Jobs ┊ register ┊ products ┊ site lawyers answer ┊ feedback CopyrightServices, technical support, customer service hotline: 400-606-cent real estate navigation: [129 cities] joined the recruitment Others:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling comment in Forum type photo album sample room map search - KRI

129788443010625000_140 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>--In the bustling Wharf, complement life community, becoming alcohol BREW of life--every classical building, but have excellent genes in order to success! The wharf, tempered with the century time, continually changing again and again to create brilliant, and now, the classic buildings, has long been the city's bustling endorsement. Continuous journey tera gold, wharf, more new development attitudeStationed in mainland China, deep in East China, brought new international living experience. In Changzhou, a bustling Wharf in (comment in Forum type photo album sample room map search), adhering to the high-end building excellent vein, Hong Kong feelings into humanity in Changzhou, with excellent building quality, flexible interior space, with beautiful landscape gardens, creating a Rong Yiju master,Happiness lives. French style, the classic romantic France, a nation known for romance, whether it is the luxury of the Louvre, the Eiffel Chun Yat, imposing Arc de Triomphe also is the scent of Provence, the magnificence of Paris, Cannes fashion tera power leveling, France architectural charm has spread to every corner of the world. Building 1 in the bustling and, for the use of elegant French styleStyle, fashion beauty strokes out, stone veneer, into elegant and luxurious building textures, to respect the local architecture, respecting the culture of Changzhou City spatial layout of the southern lifestyle, pursued by Changzhou high-end class noble accommodation full of expression. Building 2 in the form of architecture considerations to pure three-stage design, Central construction bottom, andUpper three levels respectively, coloring, dark brown stones on the bottom, to two layers of decreasing color depth and the whole high building full of sense of depth, stereoscopy; using vertical and horizontal lines to decorate the fronts, and equipped with texture coating, with a strong modern sense and unified visual effects. Rich in exquisite detail, show the beauty of the neo-French style, gives a years worth of fresh, like stand inArt treasures of the city. Previous page 1 2 3 next page Wharf zhenpin us home in the bustling city of exclusive elegant and beautiful home cozy fairyland landscapes natural treasures Others:

tera gold now on the domestic automobile market - JYQ

129788661511718750_3Appearance: sturdy and fully integrate sport 2012 Geneva Auto show, Ford issued a European version of the Ford Kuga, this name was also the Ford Kuga models used in Europe and in the Mainland of China by name, same models in the North American market, called Escape. As we all know, now on the domestic automobile market, SUVBecome a Xiang Bobo, every manufacturer in this on the market segments that consumers are increasingly concerned about a cup of soup, as the United States one of the three major brands Ford will not be reconciled. Ford Kuga and Volkswagen Tiguan the balance of competition in Europe tera gold, and turned out of the domestic view of pedestrians occupy a large share of the compact SUV market, in the face ofFord will not keep this "sweet cakes" sent to competitors. Ford Kuga is concerned, it is a compact city SUV, the car in the 2008 official visit overseas markets, its design originated from 06 Iosis x concept car released by the Paris Motor Show, and the North American version of the Ford Escape baseThe same, but under different area with different product names. Like the Ford focus and Ford Kuga tera gold, Kuga has come from the Ford C1 platform. As a compact city SUV, Ford Kuga rivals Honda CR-V and VW Tiguan. It is reported that the Ford Kuga will be in the upcoming 2012 at the Beijing International Motor Show for the first ceremony of the Asia-Pacific region, and along with Fox's overall domestic production, the Ford Kuga will be made later, became Ford's first home-made SUV. Sturdy and fully integrate sport in front tera power leveling, Ford Kuga with Ford's new front design style, compared to the Ford model generation of xFront styling, new family front seems to be quiet a lot, but reflect the extent of Hale in the front is not reduced. More regional and large fog lights in a larger network, make this face before the Ford Kuga was like JAWS. With the new design style of the headlights just as the front was very strong and hard breath, arranged in a fontDaytime running lamp, allow it to comply with the provisions of European law. On the engine cover "edge" design, design trends of today's SUV, which we also see Nissan Xiao. In addition, metal decorations on the bumper, also increased the Kuga SUV elements. Others:

tera power leveling ICBC 6 benchmark interest rate for banks to resume.  After entering April - B

129788442969843750_34First mortgage is 85 percent, for VIP-only in March, Changzhou first mortgage rates finally "break the ice", such as Bank, agricultural Bank of China, ICBC 6 benchmark interest rate for banks to resume.  After entering April, to restart first mortgages as much 85 percent discount, the mortgage "loose tide" also extends to the Changzhou. Changzhou 8 banks yesterday telephone consultation,Jiangnan rural commercial bank, Huaxia Bank, and the first set of mortgage interest rates had already performed a 90 percent discount, Jiangnan rural banks, which is 85 percent discount for VIP customers implemented. However, Hua Xia Bank launched 90 percent favorable conditions are very harsh, is "recognition and recognition of loan". "The purchasers name cannot have a property, if it is a husband and wife, two person shall not under the housing, which is the first suite; in addition,Records of other banks do not have housing loans, so they can enjoy a 90 percent.  "The Bank's staff said. Jiangnan rural commercial bank and is responsible for the business manager Feng told reporters that as long as the property of the cooperation with the Bank, shall enjoy a 90 percent discount, no other conditions. In addition, the Bank also introduced 85 percent discount for VIP customers, and in theCustomers will have $ 300,000 deposit over six months, in principle for 85 percent discount, "but depending on circumstances". 6 other Bank, agricultural Bank of China and the Bank, the Bank of China Construction Bank, industrial and commercial bank, CITIC tera power leveling, Jiangsu benchmark interest rate currently is also implemented, but the Bank staff told reporters that "implementation benchmarks for the time being, does not exclude a downward trend in the future. "300,0020 years, 85 percent less 45,000 for Changzhou mortgage is loose, the industry believes it is expected to promote the market you want to speed up, promote market volume will make a positive impact. Mortgage interest rate discount tera gold, buyers can purchase cost less? Reporters measure, take 300,020 years to repay loan as an example, in accordance with the matching algorithm of principal and interest, if the implementationBenchmark interest rate month supply $ 2,334; 90 percent discount as interest rates, monthly payments are $ 2,210; 85 percent discount as interest rates, monthly payments are $ 2,147.  Then multiply by 20 years, around 90 percent discount may also interest on $ 30 tera power leveling,000 less, around 85 percent preferential interest is also less $ 45,000. However, current market, Changzhou, implemented 90 percent or 85 percent discountBank is not very great.  Although compared to 1.1 times times before there is a marked loosening, but in 2009 there have been 70 percent discount on current preferential margin is obviously also has space for the decline. In addition, the "old home loans" will be difficult to enjoy discounts. Bank staff, in General, the Bank by the borrower at the time of signing the purchase contract, loan interest rate 1.1Or the benchmark interest rate has been reflected in the contract, could not enjoy the discount interest rate policy. Zhang min Others:

tera gold 26th - EXR

129773991377812500_226th, France Brignoles in southern urban areas tera gold, in order to protest against the Government's introduction of Wolf control the number of flocks tera power leveling, local residents drove their sheep and goats came to the agricultural market tera gold, causing traffic jams in time. Others:

tera gold Germany cars lowest price of stocks - REB

129788422095781250_159April 13 Beijing time news early this morning, Citigroup (c) report released today, lists over 20 outstanding quality stocks, entrants including the agricultural Bank of China (601 tera gold,288) (2.68,0.04 tera gold,1.52%) (601,288), BHP Billiton (BHP), Daimler AG (DAI), FederalExpress (FDX) and Goldman Sachs Group (GS), and so on. Recommended reading Bank to restart the first 85 percent discount Bank mortgage interest rate this week, releasing billions of liquidity funds Vice President of Fudan University School of Economics in favour of the Bank salary CPI down or cause a fall in financial product receipts Standard Chartered Bank employee suspected of helping chiefs live the Kingdom of money-laundering were detained more than 4,000 concubines when savedCounting the Gold Star Baby | figure here is Citi group an overview of the 20 stocks: 1, ABC country: China stock code: 601,288 Description: full service retail and investment banks Citigroup comments: will benefit from growth in rural China 2, ApaChe country: United States stock code: APA Company Description: crude oil and natural gas producer Citi comments: sensitivity to gasoline prices fell below average; BHP Billiton has a healthy balance sheet 3, country: Australia/United Kingdom stock code: BHP Company Description: crude oil, naturalGas and metal producers Citi comments: returns on capital have further increased the potential for slower growth in China's economic prospects are rather than crashing 4, Canon country: Japan stock code: CAJ Company Description: digital and electronic equipment manufacturers Citi comments: buy back shares; 5, the weaker Yen benefits from SchwabFinance country: United States stock: SCHW Company Description: financial services company Citigroup reviews: revenue stream without proper assessment 6 tera power leveling, Daimler country: Germany stock code: DAI Company Description: automakers Citi comments: Germany cars lowest price of stocks; negative factors are openWeakening began 7, Endesa Chile country: Chile stock code: EOC Company Description: manufactures and sells power Citi comments: normalize hydropower prospects; Spain uncertainty has weakened 8, Fanuc (Fanuc) country: Japan stock code: 6,954Company Description: machine tool manufacturer Citi comments: from the strong growth in demand in other parts of Asia; to continue to focus on cutting costs; balance sheet with net cash 9, Federal Express country: United States stock code: FDX Corporation Description: freight transportation and logistics company Citigroup reviews: industry leaders;Strong pricing power healthy balance sheet Others:

tera power leveling - KXU

129788454339687500_95 <a href="">tera gold</a>News-CSL Aars fill into the season's third ball Teda team 1-0 Yeah sporting April 13: 19:45 today, 2012 Super League beginning in the sixth round of the contest. Shanghai Shenhua in the arena of Hongkou Stadium to greet the challenge of Tianjin Teda. 38 minute, Abdullah kurshumi Beck tera power leveling, oblique to the closed area after the breakthrough, Bai Yuefeng angle of a small knock at the door in a timely manner, Wang Dalei after catching the ball tera gold, Aars and near-dead chick ball, Teda team 1-0The lead. Others:

tera power leveling scrub a home loss to Blackburn's slump when playingShame. Defenders - UOT

129779512648906250_6831st round of the Premiership's best team: Manchester United stopper wings black double strike NetEase sports on April 3 the premier 31st all war, Manchester United, by virtue of the last 10 2-0 minute goal to defeat Blackburn, points lead has expanded to 5 points, a shot of Valencia is the biggest hero, as well as the player of the round, following NetEase sports selection round of the Premier League's best team: Degea/Kolarov, Ivanovic,Vilemsson/Larson, Adel taarabt, skin ID, Dempsey MF, Valencia/P-Djibril Cisse, Emmanuel Adebayor goalkeeper: Degea (Manchester United), Robert Frost Alex Degea like a warrior, he's made it tera gold, all 4 effective extinguishing all world class, before the Manchester United goal, is to keep in front of his team's victory hopes, scrub a home loss to Blackburn's slump when playingShame. Defenders: Vasil Kolarov (Manchester City), Ivanovic (Chelsea), Vilemsson (Newcastle) Although the city did not win, Kolarov at left was doing well, a goal, an assist, especially the final long shots for Manchester City keep the home unbeaten and never showed a significant vulnerability on defense, the third ball is lost his defense area, but the whole team was playing againstHammer, he had tried desperately to keep up with. While on defense issues, Vera into banping's second goal, however, Ivanovic quickly compensate, the plum blossoms BL is the first hero of Chelsea win, but also how from a defender then? Vilemsson personal against staring at Carol, completed task is very heavy but well, despite losing in the header directly, but he goodJudgment and fast reaction II was shot 3 times by Carol House only has not hit the target. Midfield: Larson (Sunderland), Adel taarabt (nvwanggongyuanxunyouzhe), JD (Everton), Dempsey MF (Fulham), Valencia (Manchester United), Larsson's two goals tera power leveling, like Valencia pass a shot, perhaps belonging to the champions have a decisive impact,House competitions he two knock at the door all make contribution are efficient tera gold, only regret was the last failed to hold on to win fruits. Player of the British Crown at last in the English Premier League goals last season, Adel taarabt to face arsenal in the Premiership's debut ball, and the ball swinging weiermalun cool shoot jinjiao, played a very wonderful, also won valuable Baoji 3 for the parade. The second half assists Victor anichebeScoring is not a skin ID of all, the audience rule of the game in the midfield he was selected for the best of reasons, are other PF has the highest note he's important, 73 foot passing 67 successful efficiency is also very impressive. Dempsey MF starts the 1th minute scramble for the right place break Norwich gate, after 10 minutes he skillfully assists help Duff broke, he only used aloneLess than 15 minutes ended the contest, the audience match success rate of 80% header data is also very pretty. This round a lot of player data performance, eye-catching, but if the importance from the point of view, Valencia pass a shot of belonging may decide the Championship, world plus the locked shengju assists small angle, Valencia won the best this week. Forwards: p-Djibril Cisse (NewcastleFritz saxl), Emmanuel Adebayor (Tottenham Hotspur) after joining Newcastle 7 games into the 7 ball, has become the most efficient striker Premier League, although Djibril Cisse Liverpool's second goal offside suspicion, but there is no doubt that he is on the rear of the Red Army the greatest threat, has rapid integration into the Premier League's most formidable striker. Emmanuel Adebayor still is the most active Spurs frontcourt players, and heFeeling is still the best in front, head home twice as Tottenham won the match of the second half, compete for the team in the UEFA Champions League tickets to get a valuable three points. Others:

Monday, April 16, 2012

tera power leveling - NGK

129788443058125000_262Building settlements in the developing two red staff set main project was completed on April 12, Xingguo Quay town "two red" officers focuses on building settlements in the main project has been completed and completed the decoration. As far as I understand, the County there are 201 living "two red" and more than 30,000 more than "two red" staff survivors tera power leveling, the County in accordance with the "Government support, individuals become self-financing secondary" forms tera power leveling, "twoRed "personnel and their dependents were concentrated settlement or payment of housing subsidies. As of recently, happy tera gold, quay and other concentrated settlements in the County has been completed renovated, 871 new room has been completed. Syomin's photography Others:

tera gold according to GB26130-2010 - EOQ

129788454858750000_98Experts to review "of tea residue" report An environmental group reported 18 tea sampling issues enterprises are to clarify tea circulation Association said experts would re-evaluate "tea residue" reports published for an environmental organization "9 domestic brand of pesticide residues in tea samples check out" one thing, related companies and associations are declared yesterday. China tea Marketing Association has commissioned expert on tea on the market inSecurity assessment results will be made public. Enterprise voice products in line with the national standard in recent days tera power leveling, some environmental groups reported, their sample purchase of 18 kinds of pesticide residues in tea samples are displayed, check out some samples have also been against the use of pesticides. Sampled companies have today issued a statement in response to the report. Tianfu tea issued a statement on the Exchange, said had not received the domesticAny notification of regulatory agencies, and the organization within the meaning of biluochun tea and Longjing tea of the test results, in applicable food safety guidelines and standards within the Mainland. In addition tera gold, involving some tea in Beijing also said in the report, its products meet testing standards. Teas standard Committee report one-sided tera power leveling, incorrect results for this report, national tea Standardization Technical CommitteeWill Weng Kun said the Secretary-General, the report has a number of one-sided, incorrect conclusions and information. "Only talking about checking out, not to mention the limited index which is itself misleading. "This reporter learned that, at present China's indicators of pesticide residues in food, there was a mandatory national standard of the food such as paraquat in 54 pesticide maximum residue limits, the standard is April 1, 2011 were actuallyApplied. Weng Kun said, according to the data released, was released 18 products only in Hainan State farms in Pak Sha green tea check out disabled pesticides, other products are in line with our current national standards. Reporters found national standards of comparison, methomyl the pesticide residue, according to GB26130-2010, the highest residual value substance in tea is 3mg/kg, and the Agency announcedResults of the survey are between 0.02 and 0.04, fully in line with national standards. At the same time, Weng Kun said, according to the data released by the Organization, even if the EU and Japan limit indicators, 18 products also meet the requirements of most indicators. Its sampling results and not against a national standard or European standards, will directly come to the conclusion that will provide consumers with a big misunderstanding, andAgainst the industry, it is not responsible. Tea circulation Association will organize experts to evaluate reports China tea Marketing Association Secretary-General Wu Xiduan said yesterday, "pesticide residues" and "excessive pesticide" are two concepts, the concept of environmental organizations use ... surreptitiously to supersede .... Cannot be said to detect pesticide residues in tea is not secure, the key to see if in the standard range ofInside. Weng Kun said, with the deterioration of the global environment, as a plant food tea-inevitably be subjected to all kinds of pollution. Less but because the absolute consumption of tea, that is safe for the vast majority of food. At the same time, Secretary-General Wu revealed that academician Association invites top of tea industry in China, the International President of the Codex Committee on pesticide residues Chen Zong-Mao on theAn assessment report, results are expected to a day or two out. Others:

tera power leveling we didn't - QJD

129779318770781250_49Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 days to April 1, was held in Boao, Hainan, the meeting to "Asia in a changing world: towards a healthy and sustainable development" as the theme. Dongfangcaifuwang on the forum for the whole live.  The following text for the Conference record. [14:32:39] host: all good afternoon! Members are invited to attend todayNew challenges of the financial crisis and the global capital market in the afternoon this link. 08 after the financial crisis, model of the world, especially the Western world for monitoring began to rethink, especially financial markets, if point specifically was the capital market. For the relationship between regulation and market, the problem was the capital market since its establishment at the beginning of the last century has always been a very tangled askedProblem.  Markets are self-correcting capabilities, market is no regulation, self-regulation of the ability is there, and everyone is thinking about it. [14:36:08] host: as China's stock market today has more than 20 years of history, yesterday I spoke to President chat, because China's securities and Futures Commission is at the end of 1992Set up, so that by the end of this year, 20 anniversary of the China Securities Regulatory Commission will celebrate an anniversary. Today we have a very strong link, we discussed, to this joint, China's securities market, including supervision, including innovation, including reform, the next step to go. The subject is indeed very important, after 20 years, our China capital markets from a piece of whitePaper is nothing, go to today, has become the world's second-largest capital markets from a market perspective. If you look down, the next 20 years, as the country's economic development, it has the potential to really become the world's largest capital market. This really is now we have a lot of features, the first feature, most of the long in 10 or 15 years in the securities industryIndustry, both the regulation and the market, including securities companies for service. The second characteristic, combination of scholarly and practical, because there are four Dr is, we have a master's degree is to be ashamed of, and a professor. 3rd, a team of really neat, regulation, supervision of a team. First, Zhuang Xin, Vice President. I have justSay 20, if I remember it correctly, the Securities Regulatory Commission at that time contained a Securities Commission, the Securities Regulatory Commission is just one Office, a public institution, is directly part of Securities Commission, 92, 93 in the Securities Commission President. Village President to 20 today, although middle village President returned to the China Construction Bank, again when Vice Mayor of Shenzhen, in short,He has no securities of the ring. [14:37:14] host: second place, Mr Li jiange, Mr Li jiange is also very full qualifications, he was in the State Commission for restructuring, was once my boss, and then at the State Council's Development Research Centre. Mr Li jiange is combining the typical, Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission of China's earliest. Up to nowDirector of gold in our company, it is free in between regulation, supervision.  CICC is first with foreign capital, is the experience of introducing foreign capital market management in China, this is the first, at that time, and Morgan Stanley. [14:39:16] host: third place, Mr Chi, Taiwan Stock Exchange Chairman, you look at his resume, it isScholars and doctors, are also academics combined with practice. Fourth, Fang, PhD, our Director of Finance Office in Shanghai, Mr Fang is also very ambitious, he wanted to genuine become China's financial hub Shanghai, it is indeed one of his dreams, he is constantly thinking about the dream. Side two, Richard AtTIAs, he is a thinker, I say today how to introduce you, he said to say two words to China, on China's financial capital, and he is the founder of Davos and the Clinton Foundation's founding, is a forum for ideas. Tim Dattels, he is also from the perspective of the international monitoring system, currently running nowChina's capital market development, through his perspective, earlier also worked at Goldman Sachs, great insight to these issues. [14:40:32] host: addition to Mr Wang, as well as long-term capital market once China Southern securities, securities, is China's largest securities companies at that time. CITIC Securities in the 90 's was at the time a very smallSecurities of the company, may rank after a dozen names, established in the mid 90 after CITIC Securities, today has become China's largest securities company, from a market perspective, might have a little profit. 08 later, had a short period of time, due to the global financial crisis, had several months is one of the world's largest securities firm, had been at one time. From zhuangzhuI started on regulation and supervision of the problems some discussion first. [14:41:30] Zhuang Xin: thank you moderator to give me a chance. China's capital markets, widespread concern, and we are also very concerned about. Topic is basically everyone in lively discussion. So I don't know what to say here today, because an open market, Information transparency, and we heated discussions.  With moderator said, with more piece of work performed by my own, is from the reform and innovation of China's securities industry and the reform of security institutions supervision system in China talk about my views for discussion or criticism correct. [14:42:38] Zhuang Xin: the wheel from the United States to the EuropeanThe financial crisis, because a very large number. Resolve all these years, in reflection, study. Accepted lesson one of them, that is considered excessive and the inadequate supervision of the investment banking innovation is one reason for it. Innovation too much performance to a certain extent for the real to the virtual removal from the objective needs of the real economy, but also from the cognitive abilities of most customers and riskManagement of capacity.  Second inadequate supervision, principally in the risk control and compliance management that there is no corresponding to keep up. [14:43:53] Zhuang Xin: go back and look at China's securities industry, here refers to our securities companies in China, also experienced a similar phase. So-called excess that is in the business of innovation in this regard to take offAway from has we market of needs, from has economic of needs, also from has customer of cognitive risk, and management risk of status, also had once by high income of liabilities, to lever rate do was very large, even misappropriated has customer of funds to for proprietary investment, this had caused has very huge of loss, also caused has on industry, and on market, and on customer also caused has very large of hurt。  There are a number of security agencies were closed as a result of which, themselves or close down. [14:46:00] Zhuang Xin: at this stage I should say from 04 to 07 for three years, in all its aspects, including the Government itself, including community, including industry, following a great deal of effort to solve the problem. Through historical risk solution, sound system, compliance managementStrengthening, and finally the problem with a regulatory system to the company rules of internal control and to the entire product, there is a solution. From 07, operation of the whole industry is relatively stable, the financial situation has been improving, compliance status for the entire run is also very smooth. Because such a round we were called comprehensive, soA comprehensive round, so in the next few years the Chinese stock market has had very large fluctuations, October 07, October 08, huge swings of the stock market and the impact of the international financial crisis 08 began, the two rounds of tests, experience of our industry are very quiet calm down without causing a turmoil that occurred in the past or do notSafety and risks. [14:48:03] Zhuang Xin: I was talking about here is not simply a comparison, but there is something similar. And international investment banks in Europe and, of course, our China Investment Bank, China securities company in his stage of development, the size of his trade, business, and professional standards it should be said that there is still a big gap.Just now when it comes to European and American Investment Bank has gone wrong, we know of course that is a higher grade of students doing something wrong a high grade question, this problem has not been done, our problems are in this stage, junior questions wrong, this is a different place, that we know very well. Difference brings another objective, which we alsoNoted. It is Europe's focus is to leverage the years of investment banking, dyspepsia assets, at the same time he faced a number of internal and external regulatory adjustment range of adjustment. China securities industry in General, by the present situation, I said just now, from its history, running the norms, financial stability, the Foundation is also one of the most solidStage.  So now a difference, outstanding issues of China's securities industry and now it is not excessive innovation, is a lack of innovation, not a supply over the foot, but on market supply, inadequate supply of intermediary services provided. [14:49:38] Zhuang Xin: the problem is that as China's rapid economic development, China's economic ecology and constantly changing, But we Chinese securities companies in the provision of products, in terms of adapting economic, market, customers, to feel inadequate, insufficient, too slow, too less. And international investment banks, and other domestic financial sectors, which, by comparison, its development, innovation is not enough. These years this issue has caused concern of all parties, in particularSince last year, last year was a relatively compared to the US capital market conditions, was the worst year since 06, 109 US securities industry security company, it has the lowest profit since 07 year, 39.4 billion yuan last year industry-wide profits. Although the money earned relative to assets profit margin is not low, but yields are declining as a whole,And in 2010, compared to 2009 is decreasing. [14:50:34] Zhuang Xin: rising awareness of this, discussed more fully. This kind of discussion, so a concern it should be said that is a very good sign. As a regulatory body, our top priority is to safeguard the interests of investors, preventing systemic risk, maintaining cityThe efficiency and dynamism. In it contains a monitoring system, we want to help, it's good for the industry's innovation and development.  On this issue, it should be said that in all these years reform of the regulatory system, in the implementation of the monitoring measures, it should be said that still concern, also made a lot of work. [14:53:11] Zhuang Xin: but at this stageSee, particularly since last year, not satisfied, call contains a criticism of the regulatory system in the Middle, criticism of the regulatory body, today two of our famous Investment Bank here, I simply said, they would do in that. On this issue I would like to show that our basic idea, there is a special clear to us, that not for regulation and supervision is supervision, monitoringPipe is not a single, static of a regulation and supervision is also a very hard job, here is also engaged in the supervision of Mr Li jiange, whisper I said just now, I said are you monitoring the most painful, he seems to agree with my judgment. The management of the securities company to manage his own, where self-discipline can solve things,What is the restriction to prevent the market, these things are not regulatory authorities to intervene, then as things. In theory, institutional economics is also the truth. Also from practice, infinity, market volatility of the market and our regulatory limitations of resources and relative stability of our regulatory rules always are full of contradictions. Any regulatoryPeople have had this experience. But our development of Chinese capital market and capital market development in foreign countries there is a difference.  We are in the transition period, the transformation from planned economy to market economy it should be said that the early and middle of the establishment of the market, and most markets are outside under the regulation of the natural growth of a market economy. [14:55:45] Zhuang Xin:Bring a great deal of problems, as the mode does not change. In the offshore market failure, effective local government doing the addition. While the US market is early in the case of lack of Government more to alternative markets, alternative, alternative market entities. Along with the growth of the market, as the market's development, along with the company's growth, regulatory authorities should conform to thisA subtraction. Same thing, but different patterns and practices. For Chinese regulatory authorities, is to pay attention to the market's progress and the growth of the industry, market management, industry self-regulation initiative to return in a timely manner, the annealing is a process, we had to retreat, now retired, was to return in the future. But this fall is not blind and disorderly, isAn orderly, seamless. This trend, and supervision organs at all levels must understand, should strive to embody in practice. When it comes to conflict now, we are well aware we grew up in this industry, the market grew up. For example, original members not monitoring a common design which suits small to do? First, the tailor, since last year, we and the industry, andDemonstration of close joint investigation. Next we face in this case, we can be more practical to increase the pace of deregulation, self management, self-innovation for widening the space.  At the same time increase the intensity of regulatory reform. [14:56:47] Zhuang Xin: I finally have to say, the idea of China Securities Regulatory Commission 04 expressly made it clear,Have clear through our files. Is whatever the market demands, companies have the ability and guaranteeing the rights and interests of the customer, the risk control measures, these should all go to the markets and industries, in the process, adhere to industry, markets, Enterprise and positive interaction between regulatory authorities, formed an integral operation of the market system, persistently towards the market and the rule of law, andTo move forward in this direction, steady progress. [14:57:32] host: thank you, Mr Zhuang, speaks very well, I'll briefly summarize, new supervisory concept is the addition of market development, market integrity while do subtraction. Following Mr Li jiange, earlier had he not only in regulators responsible comrades, now held in custody, twoRole has been involved in, and Li Jiange, you now have any comments on the reform of current securities market supervision? [14:58:45] Li jiange: the President speaks very system, does the past few years the SFC has done a lot of work. 08 start of the global financial crisis, China's securities companies while facing a lot of difficulties, but does not appearWhat a stock collapse and bankruptcy occurred because of risk or loss of the company. This I think and the Commission over the past ten years has done a great deal of, because the President is a regulator of management, I'm telling the way tera power leveling, and straightening out, cleaning, reorganization of the security agencies have a great relationship, that we Chinese securities industry in 08 the financial crisis canSaid to be calm, successfully adopted.  In General, the regulation is effective in the past. [14:59:56] Li jiange: but we also face many tasks of reform, has gradually matured after 20 years in the market, institutions, market size or strategists. Since last year, as the President has said, was China's Securities CommissionMarket concern about the momentum of reform. People say as a new President, so the SFC had begun to reform. This is, of course, there is something because President Guo worked with me turned out to be in the restructuring, is engaged in restructuring, reform consciousness more strong, but I think this does not necessarily see it as personal factors, overall reform is aBig trends.  Since the beginning of this year, our premier in the Government work report and the two sessions, at a news conference, emphasized in the development of reforms to solve our problems. [15:01:26] Li jiange: at the opening ceremony of the Boao, Vice Premier Li keqiang is run through a spirit of reform in his speech. So reform is the solution to our securities markets still exist in ChinaA way out of the problem. President stresses the very image of the village, is a large market, a person grows up, should change clothes, tailor. We have not seen since the US does not meet 08 risk complacency. I give this example and the Chairman of the village is a bit different, I say we Chinese securities industry security body is basically a junior vitroAthletes, he just prescribedmotion, prescribedmotion without any risk. While others have been made optional, is a stunt, and fell a tripped out, we no longer think they are not as good as we have, is that we have not yet reached this stage, so we did face a lot of reform tasks. We have as a security company, primarily doing business, butSince I was a member of the National Committee, so in the beginning of the year on the two sessions, as performing their duties, also made a point on the reform proposals. [15:04:26] Li jiange: talked about the reform of shares system, I noticed a file made by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, 1th, guidance on further reform of new shares issuance system for commentsDraft of two opinions, this quite interesting. I was filled with the spirit of reform. New share issue system I think there may be some changes this year. On the two sessions, I also mentioned about delisting, dividends on the system of systems problems, I also raised a concern for everybody, government bond futures recovery issues. The problem I mentioned last year, once again this year, for theWhat does? I think rich Treasury bond futures market on China financial products are needed, in addition to the entire financial market reform, interest rates, and so on are very necessary. Particular conditions, not to say that he has the necessary, problems are also more mature. We all know 3.27 bond event that occurred in 1995, I was in the securities, futures I tube, is the central researchGroup leader, investigation and handling the whole thing. Thorough understanding of this, when the conditions are not ripe. 17 years have passed, we didn't, something the treatment, some people also put out, so we can sit down and talk about what this thing to the end. When that problem is for regulatory reasons, agenciesLegal issues, there is an important reason, futures market in the case of too thin a spot market, futures market development likely to go wrong. So the market itself has certain flaws. Our spot market today is 60 times of the year, overall financial reform is over 17 years there has been a great improvement, in particular our regulators on financial derivatives have also been more than a yearTry financial futures exchanges run very smoothly. [15:05:26] Li jiange: in addition to regulatory and market infrastructure for the entire market is totally incomparable and a dozen years ago. So in this case, I personally feel that the Government bond futures market has the conditions for recovery. I look at the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the issue of attitude is very positive,Because I, as market participants are called upon to restore the market. I was about to mention this aspect.  Although I seem to have been echoing, I is not measured in this, I feel that the Commission has recently made a number of reforms in all aspects, so I'm on the reform and innovation of China's securities market is the future hopes. [15:06: 00] host: thank you, Mr Li jiange. Next Please concentrate in 5, 6 minutes speaking time, and can go with some interaction under.  Next I asked Mr Schive, our Taiwan Stock Exchange Chairman, was also a scholar, from exchanges as self-regulatory organization governing the securities market to say a few words. [15:07:47] Mr SchiveIn capital markets, financial, from development to direct financial indirect financial last. Taiwan capital markets 1.7 times of current market value is currently the GDP, from the scale, the market is already very mature. Just the front two advanced capital markets it was mentioned that certain features. If it has too much of its performance or innovation, has deviated from its function, thisA market can be a problem. Taiwan's capital market over 20 years ago, 90, it grew very fast, and it's proven history. I will report a number, in 1990, when market value is US $ 2 trillion, 1999 to 12 trillion, 10 years has increased 5 times. IT is 6.4 trillion information industry took. Today we look at Taiwan-fundedIndustry, don't forget 20 years ago if you didn't have a strong capital markets, Taiwan's information industry today is absolutely today is not such a case. 1 undefined[15:11:13] Mr Chi: two days ago, when talking about a very important issue, mainland China in transition, financial functions can have anyPerformance. Capital market it is very efficient, quick, if you have a question you if that corresponds to the system design can be combined with, and its ability to solve problems is also very strong. Three or four years ago, when in 2008 when the financial tsunami, the global market is a mess. Taiwan's capital markets is the same, our index is just off the half. You to see ourJust off half the value, then what? Volume does not. 2008 to now, a total of only 4 listed companies on our exchanges delisting because of financial problems. This indicates that some of these listed companies are actually good, it can hang in the past. I remember at the time of the annual meeting of the global exchange at that time, you have a Word, despite the financial turmoilUnder the raging, marketing did not stop, it is also in the transaction. This fact tells us that just talking about reform, also referred to the excessive innovation, talk about market supervision, I very much appreciate the addition and subtraction problem. I also worked in the Government of Jin Jian, deeply realized that exists is to continue to reform the Government. What is the reason?A successful reform must be to create a lot of opportunities, pushed the market ahead of a large segment. But do remember, when the markets go, your system must be less than that of the past. So you need to do two things, a desirable reform not off, this is the liberalization. Liberalization of the reform process must be continued. But you will be with the newSupervision.  Subtraction of liberalization was village President said just now, you're smart, this addition is going to do. [15:13:32] Mr Chi: take this opportunity to report about Taiwan now has two of the biggest challenges in the capital market, or how further we call globalization. We are in the context of globalization, from the investments we will probably do quite wellNow Taiwan is our capital market one-third market to foreign, Japan, and Korea than a little gap. We can provide. Another recent two or three years, our field is a new foreign companies to Taiwan to listing, the International Board is also in the Shanghai Stock Exchange to talk about for a long time, but my own experience, I say this step to go out, notSo simple, because the door is not open already, open, it immediately created a price effect. You have to come in the foreign enterprise is mediocre, not to. If it's really a very good in your market right now with that market their businesses to compare. I think our environment better, because we have a lot of investment in the Mainland of Taiwan-funded companiesVery well, so when we keep the doors open, so far we have 18 foreign companies for IPO, 18 3 are United States companies in Silicon Valley. TDR this time there are 31 document in the past, now add up to 34, simply put the current 825 listed company, 50 are foreign-funded enterprises. From this perspective, which is why IAre currently promoting a priority. [15:15:57] Mr Chi: it'll take you are probably concerned about cross-strait capital markets, we are very serious about this matter. Because Taiwan is here for the future development of the capital market-related tera gold, so far we we first ETF Exchange is here to introduce to Taiwan. Three years ago, we have three stallsThe ETF was in Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. But the third was introduced to Hong Kong. Last year, was in Taiwan, it is the Publisher of our own brokerage, and then he applied here to the lines of the QDII, Shanghai Stock Exchange 180 stocks, this document's release was a great success, a second this year at once. There is also a card company is here, Interested in him on both sides of the index, the index to our index of authorized, we would love to, we also hope very much that is not signed a memorandum of cooperation with Shanghai Stock Exchange, in the memorandum which we're very specific into a cooperation project for the preparation of indexes. Then go out from this place, of course, mainland China's sustained economic growthThere is no doubt. Is the economy of a storage warehouse in the capital market, the economic good times, capital markets will continue to grow. I want to reflect on both sides of the capital market should be according to the real economy, this place has unlimited space for cooperation.  Thank you! [15:16:09] host: call Mr Wang Dongming, as China's largest securities company,You step down on China's capital market development, including regulatory issues, what can you make some comments. [15:17:50] Dongming Wang: as the President has said, I was as a market participant to talk about my views on regulation and supervision. Late last year and early this year, the central economic work Conference and the national financial work Conference highlightsA point, that is the Prime Minister's speech, financial firms to provide services to the real economy. This is also the Central summary 08, 09 and now the financial crisis now appear as we gradually Wenzhou China hollow due to underground collapse of such a trend to sum up this thing. We like financial companies how to better provide services to the real economy, IHe think is the most important financial enterprise services provides products and services to the real economy. If you want to provide a large number of products and services provided to the real economy, such as securities companies providing services mainly to, such as the enterprise to be listed, provide a listing service for him. Transactions in the secondary market, providing trading services for him. If the enterprise have taken place betweenLove, will you give him some acquisitions and mergers of services.  Are these services and products are for real financial enterprise services to the real economy. [15:19:56] Dongming Wang: what products, what kind of service here, what is the market demand and customer needs, require professional intermediaries to provide this service for him, in the suitWho did the service quality of fraudulent customer behaviour, which I think is should provide a protection regulators. As the President has said, the SFC is two points of concern, I also very much agree with, one is to protect the interests of investors. Second, the prevention of systemic risk. Protection of investors ' interests, here involves the principles of supervision. I rememberPresident asked the United States regulatory principles, United States regulators to offer at that time, our principles is transparency principles. Stock of all products, its design and all information must be disclosed to the community, and to disclose to investors, so let it be known that, other investors have a better judgement. Our so-called called three public principles, open and fairAnd then also said a President, he asked I United Kingdom regulatory principles were. United Kingdom regulatory principles is the principle regulatory, supervision of several major principles on this one is untouchable, on top of this is the behavior of your market.  SFC proposed to find the ground wire, open space, it is also very close to reality. [15:23:09] Dongming Wang: How can I understand systemic risk? From a financial perspective, is the massive financial enterprises, in particular systemic importance of financial bankruptcy of large continuous, caused a great deal of panic in the community, particularly financial companies. Financial enterprises, particularly banks, if his a series of chain bankruptcies, he will be for society as a whole bigTurbulence. This is SFC should prevent. Second, from the capital markets, assessment should be protected without too much of a large number of individual investors, we call the people. On top of this, our language is the one public, one private equity products, offering products, involving the interests of common people, be sure to carry out mass supervision of banks. As he relatesPeople's deposits. On the stock market, you have to make strict checks to those offering products, because the object that he purchased most of them are ordinary people, because people don't have much identification on the complexity of the product, its identification capability is weak. So I think this regulation more strict as possible. In addition to this, the above space should be let go. INow our securities industry unable to provide many social and capital markets products, approval is now too strict, anything you want to approve. This I can understand, because of the history of our country you look at investment banking, he is actually the one with the development of the market, as the needs of our customers and develop. You look at all the major investment banks, including, Including the European Investment Bank Goldman Sachs, are bills of smaller companies as customers needs and a little bit of market development, gradually, he has no concept of licence, our country's capital market, particularly in the securities industry, 92 when establishment of the SFC, set up three major securities company, was set up by the Government at that time, set up a securities company do? At that timeAbroad, you can do business underwriting, brokerage, asset management, and gave four licences, licence within four things all have to approve. Forming a supervision system and the operating system has a habitual thought.  Provides a part of your service, but did not provide needed to market your services. [15:25:42] Dongming Wang, ChinaCapital market development to this day, this scale from 0 to 30 trillion, but itself is very slow in the development of the securities industry as a whole, with CITIC Securities, I communicate with Governor of the Bank of Beijing has a recently, when his 07, before he listed assets of only 200 billion, recently when I Exchange with him had reached 1.2 trillion, increased 6 times. CSI 0When almost 7 years total assets of 300 billion, but by the end of last year, CITIC Securities has dropped to 160 billion in total assets, I shrunk by half, product delivery considerably weakened. According to reason, itself a function of securities companies, should be be organizers of the market, is a liquidity provider, such a role is also the trading counterparties. We are nowIs carried out only in accordance with a licence, so did not play a due role in the securities industry as a whole, we also hope that, now the capital market in 35 may occur during an increasingly large role, particularly for China brokers has grown to now requires massive structural transformation, industrial upgrading, and at this point compared to the five-year, ten-year, securities marketNo, now your capital markets must have. Because capital markets not only the configuration resource functions, there is a very important feature, is to spread the risk function. Our country after decades, due to indirect financing as a dominant party, he now really gathered a lot of risks in the banking system, these things have to be gradually split from the Bank's balance sheet,By security products.  In the securitization process needs further, just now Mr also talked to deregulation in order to free the market as a whole lot of functionality of creating products. [15:26:12] host: say a mean, is now going to do subtraction. Following Mr Fang, he is now the head of the Shanghai financial Office, from a local perspective on ourCapital market development in some views. [15:28:32] Fang: I would make a suggestion, I was from a local government perspective, but I do not represent local governments. Listening to the speech of Vice Premier Li keqiang is encouraged, he stressed in his speech the economy maintain long-term fast growth is possible, but is necessary to intensify the reform and opening up, to go further in playField in the configuration of resources basic function. I appreciate China's per capita GDP is only $ 5,000, growth is very large. But the potential of the space are not naturally release, is by speeding up the reform and opening up, increasing role to play in the market. Decline in economic growth in our country is now more obvious, a quarterly data members may see, May also clear than we imagine. Faced with such a situation may have two options, one is to add some support of monetary policy, finance, and so on, as our response to the financial crisis at that time, as practices. There is also one is to intensify the reform and opening up, making economic growth can be restored, I feel that the latter approach is more feasible approach, before that way notNow to work. Because today is the financial area of the financial to step up the reform and opening up, we three are doing now, as the President has talked about the Commission reforms, IPO reform measures announced on April 1 that the SFC, the CBRC also discussed how to enable more private banks into banking, these are all very good. Three of our countryNational centralized supervision system did in some measure of reform and opening up is necessary, but I find that it is not enough to make our economic growth as a whole, including the economic potential is fully released. [15:30:04] Fang: we should not forget the entire financial-related industries, in addition to national unified regulatory field, there is a lot in these setsWithin the areas of consolidated supervision in the financial sphere, such as private financing, the recent development of micro-loans, financial guarantees the company, PE, VC, private equity funds, factoring companies, non-public company stake exchange market, these market segments are very worthy of our attention. And in these areas is not small. Private financing, Wenzhou has 7, 000, you think about what is the national concept. Our vision to further relax, do more than stare at the national unified regulation of this area, also concerned is not centralized and unified regulation of financial sector development. It should say a development a few years more quickly, from the perspective of local government, centralized supervision system provides great support, but alsoNot enough, another system to further development. [15:33:04] Fang: I make a suggestion, is primarily a conceptual understanding, not a centralized monitoring system, that is not to say that the financial system is a system that cannot be, him law, not the centralized supervision mode not only to management. There are twoLaw, a limited partnership announced 06, 07, this is pipe PE, VC, private equity funds, and so on are in the law down tube. After this, very useful for the industry development. I have also referred to the non-public enterprise's equity trading market, that there is no formal law, but also provisions, equity only ifMore than 200 people can be defined in terms of non-public enterprises. This is why? I hope the limited partnership and other legal aspects can be modified, that is now a limited company limited partnership law firms only 50 limited partners, is called the LP is limited to 50, that's a small, if slightly expanded to 100 people, This business can grow. Shareholders less than 200 people in non-public enterprises are also slightly less, can scale up to 500 persons, United States is the concept of 500 people. This will greatly contribute to the PE, VC, equity market development of non-public companies. There is also a law is our national tax laws and how to further perfect. Such as limitedPartnership is Yes, but with limited partnership support of the tax system is not clear. LP how taxes, management fees how taxes, are not specified. In actual operation, tax departments often high not low, such as tax on LP, mentions some places should be in accordance with the measures for the self-employed tax from five syndrome to 5%, there is no certain provisions.Perfection of tax law, this reform measure, is to be able to further accelerate the speed, it will seriously affect the development of this area.  I make such a suggestion.  [15:33:38] host: let Tim Dattels from him that practitioner's perspective on China's stock market made a number of comments. [15:36:14]Tim Dattels: because I am not a doctor, so I think I 'm, 5 minutes to finish. Regulatory challenges are very large, as the regulator you work very hard. But I think there are different today, in the perspective of market practitioners, every day in the market over the past 20 years mopagunda, used to work at Goldman Sachs,Later to China and do PE, investment of Chinese enterprises, China enterprises. I this story might be a different story, if you go back 15 years ago, when China's capital market has just opened, Goldman Sachs is very active, I very clearly remember that Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji was a great thinker, is one of the most important one of the economists tera gold, he began to State-ownedEnterprise reforms, started to develop capital markets. China began reform of capital market at that time. Many large enterprises in China, such as China Mobile, PetroChina listing, these companies listed in Hong Kong and New York-listed. After listing in overseas markets, he practices different from most countries, best of State-owned enterprises in most countries, these assets forExhibition of domestic capital markets. Is often a gift of foreign investors, has also carried out many reforms of State-owned enterprises in China. But I wonder, why not use the highest-quality assets to the development of domestic capital markets, and as a gift to foreign investors. When we experienced the Asian financial crisis, the dot-com bust, then there have been a lot of goldFinancial crisis, such as the 2008 financial crisis, we have seen many crises in the past 15 years, as an investor, I found that in China there are many entrepreneurs, companies do not have access to the capital they need, this is very strange. [15:38:39]Tim Dattels: China has a lot of resources, there is a lot of savings,And there are a lot of intellectual resources. I did a lot of work in the Silicon Valley, I see there are a lot of enterprise development in China, more than any country in the world. Many entrepreneurs can't get capital, although there are 3 trillion foreign exchange reserves in China, but many entrepreneurs can't get funding, this is very strange, I communicate and entrepreneurs, they said that theyUnable to get loans banks there, the good companies are attracted to the TPG these invest in good companies, we are long-term investors, and cooperation with them, until they matured, started to enter the capital market. Many of these enterprises in overseas financing of China, Chinese investment in capital market participants have lost these high quality investment opportunities in companies, I think ChineseThis market very support of State-owned enterprises and the banking system, and there is no support for SMEs, so I hope the regulators can seriously think about. I know there is a fact, the global financial crisis, global financial structures and the complexity of financial products makes the regulator has a lot of problems to concern, a few days ago also talked about the complex is not a good thing. However financing through the stock is notA complex product. Look at the China market, Chinese market had double-digit growth in the past few years, an increase of 20%.  Quality of listed companies and those who have to invest in overseas or are overseas the quality of listed companies is different. [15:39:43]Tim Dattels: Chinese demographic dividend of just a few yearsDisappeared, the increasing maintenance payments, so the country has 15 years to reform their capital markets, allowing citizens to invest in banking products, investment in savings, while also providing the capital market products of high quality. I study here for 15 years, I feel obliged to make large companies, small companies access to capital markets, the speed must be faster, otherwiseCountry may deteriorate. I have no doubt that China's financial industry to respond to this challenge, but you want to have a lot of work to do, I'm not worried about the complexity, we first should provide a variety of stock financing of basic products.  Thank you!  [15:39:55] host: Finally we asked Richard Attias. [15:42:51]Richard Attias: I don't need 5, 6 minutes, based on my experience, I have 20 years of experience, I think the most important part is the question and answer, so I will save a lot of time to quiz you. After all the distinguished guests speak, I feel very humble. Including partner at TPG remarks, I feel that I have nothing to add. I just wanted to tell youTo share some of my ideas and my experiences and lessons learned. We draw some lessons from the Western world, founded after the Davos Forum, I created a forum in New York, concerned about the major topic facing the global economy. I think mainly about five words: the first is leadership. We now are crises which, of course, this is a financial crisis, and this is something that only occurs because of a lack of leadershipThe crisis. We are still facing a crisis, this is because the leadership has not been strengthened. The most important thing is to develop their leadership skills. The second word, transparency is very important. I have lived in Dubai for a year, which is 08, thousands of India people, Sri Lankans, Pakistanis must leave the country within 24 hours, because they lose theirWe asked them why they had lost their jobs? They say is caused by hedge funds, but they do not understand hedge funds, so our training is very important to the public. Many people do not understand that we are talking about. When we talk about supervision, talk about jiajia minus minus, when investor investments stock products when they do not know what is happening on the financial markets. OnPublic speaking, how to play role of a regulatory system, it is hard to understand, for example in the United States, we have a lot of supervision, regulatory policy now, but lack of independent monitoring.  The public does not seem to understand the new regulations, they feel that the market there is no regulation of the market. [15:45:01] Richard ATtias: Goldman Sachs mentioned he supports the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, it is difficult to understand how you, as an objective of the regulators, because many organizations support the Republican Party and supported the Democratic Party. In Europe as well. I do not want to concern United States, days before France's greatest CEO have been saying that we should be taxed, taxed, CEOTaxes, taxes on senior management, because he earned 1 million euros a year, he earned 16 million euros a year, this is a great scandal, and influence the election, these issues must be addressed. The fifth word, collaboration. I feel that there is no collaboration, it is unlikely to succeed. When talk about regulation, innovation and reform, we take more than 20 minutes to talkThis problem. But I think more importantly for members ' questions and answers. We feel that we should take a more collaborative approach to cooperation between the companies, and not only to reform capital markets, while reform G20 and G8 mechanism, that both mechanisms have to be reform, we hope the leaders again become a great leader. Many of the Group of 20, the Group of eight madeGood idea, we want them to do better.  Thank you!  [15:45:21] host: now round is over, so as we strive for a 15 minutes question time, we rush a show of hands. [15:46:20] questions: I am Xu Yiqing, I come from Hong Kong, village President talk about finance to support the real economy,But we now discover a stock market listed company with solid economic performance in China is very distant. Few countries every year, economic growth was among the highest in the world, but the stock return on investment is coming countdown number, this phenomenon has lasted for many years. Our draft of the Securities and Futures Commission has just introduced full of expectation, this is an observation, but I do not know whySo, ask all of you experts. [15:46:38] host: some guests mentioned earlier economic development 10%GDP, why has not kept pace with the capital market.  We asked Li jiange comment. [15:46:58] Li jiange: this or should the President answered better. As village President is the regulator, for listed companiesAs is the Chairman of another tube. [15:49:06] Zhuang Xin: no rescue issues, questions to Li Jiange, Mr Wang said. I understand your problem, your problem is that China's rapid economic growth, without the corresponding increase in shares of listed companies in China. Growth of listed companies in China, in the middle of my impressions, we listed 93 per share after taxesProfits of about $ 0.13, 96 were $ 0.19, in 2000 was $ 0.49, up to the end of March last year is about more than 400 companies have to disclose $ 0.51, listed companies are growing up. Do you mean the prices without a corresponding change. So I have to say my view, shares issues, regulatory authorities should not say, I'll talk about one of my trendJudge, I think China shares, stock indices with the economy on the whole, it is followed by the Chinese economy is a consistent, unique, and it is the difference in mature markets overreacted, a disturbing fall considerably. A delighted rose quickly, and rose can't wait up out of ten years after. Me like this. Total you see trends and trend of China's economic growth is consistent. Or it will be unable to interpret the 2000 index of 100 index points and now to old and now says the last fall, also in the 2,200 point, or you cannot explain the development of 20.  Stock prices, we ask Mr Wang said. [15:51:24] Dongming Wang: China's stock market is a typical retail market, there is little too much bodyAgency is now currently a point called the Fund management company with probably less than 2 trillion of funds. Market value but we have nearly 30 trillion, there's a lot of non-circulation shares of, actually has the value in name, but in fact there is no circulation. We now have a big problem, so-called nominal capital markets on the one hand, whileA 40duowanyi, retail and institutional, add up to almost 80 trillion, this theory is not allowed to enter the market, he may be entering the market through various channels, but not mainstream. Here we a lot of retirement insurance, capital markets now you are basically not one, if you invest in, ready to invest, according to 20, 10 aLength to be, there should be a wealth effect in it. This market has little to show this kind of thing. Here, our regulator, for example, government agencies, this is also not allowed to enter the market, that are not allowed to enter the market, they had no access. There is a deposit that we get to the real mining investment, this block is not a marketThings. Or you can, otherwise you will not be able to enter. We were some of the large companies, for example, he made his investment, there is some money in the hands of many enterprises, but cannot vote in these things.  These things are fragmented economy and interlinkages between economic, market fluctuations are very large. [15:52:28] Dongming Wang: I at this point, I think the number of institutional investors are too small. Secondly, on the system as a whole, how their savings into investment, this thing is not a good straightening out this relationship, cause now the current market is weak, no replenishment of a more sustainable funding mechanism in it. Such as the reform of shares system, there are a number of funds at the local,Your new listings, make some money, so it is difficult to have a secondary market for long-term investment.  This requires a relatively long period of, for example, insurance funds, there are also large funds as institutional investors to invest in.  [15:52:35] host: we talk to Tim Dattels. [15:53:20] TimDattels: I have made the development of enterprise of high quality, I also said the issue of QFII, reform I think Wenzhou is also very effective. I would like to answer your question, China's sovereign investment funds to invest in are doing around the world, now the QFII mechanism in China is very limited. Overseas funds if you have limited your quota, it is difficult toState investments.  You have said if there are more institutional investors in the market, market development will be better and faster. [15:57:15] Qin Xiao: I talk about personal views on the issue, first of all, I very much agree with the President and Mr Wang, I, as a complement, I think the Government policy a bit. We say more specifically, weCapital markets in several large industries, one is financial, as the representative of the banking sector. An estate, is a power and energy. Market needs can be anticipated, and to computation, its pricing. These industries are being underestimated. Because you said a lot of policies, you never said it very clearly. As an industry, a mean interest rate liberalization. This is from the 16 IWrote file, now 18, to do something? They don't know when are you going to do, you do what is a symmetric or asymmetric, is progressive or non-progressive, people do not know, that I had underestimated you. Second, the Government platform 4 trillion, how many ' bad assets, I think the comparison of the CBRC, because he has a five-Classification criteria, if the economy is 8.5, how much he is the non-performing assets, 7.5, is how many ' bad assets, this can be. You don't say, I underestimate you again. In accordance with the Basel 3 increased provisioning coverage ratios, that is first in line with China's national conditions, is not so tight, not a Western balance sheet issue, I follow the Western medicineGo to eat. Also to make it clear you, how are you going to do, step by step. All the information is unclear, said that people underestimate you. Said coal-electricity joint venture, joint venture later failed. Price drop point peak, Valley, there is not a clear long-term policies allow you to enterprise pricing. Real estate policy, people don't know your restriction policy is a long-term policy. I do not knowAll you have to do something, said to return it to its normal price, far less a return to normal more than a return to the normal system as the Government says. Village President says regulators do not talk about the price, how can you talk about prices? You should be returning to normal system. How do you return to normal prices? Price is a person do? These things do not give clear policy, so that a fewA great industry to be undervalued stocks forever can't get up.  [15:57:21] host: last question. [15:58:11] question: my business reporter, I ask a system problem, my question to the President, Chairman and Director of the party. Only the short answer about a problem you want four leadership. SFC is nowIn pushing reform of shares system, four leading everyone in a few languages on the observations or recommendations on the reform of shares system?  Better than in the past about the first place to talk about the need to continue to improve. [15:59:13] Zhuang Xin: any of the market reforms are related to millions of households, and another, quite some time in the future. So I have noAny suggestions, we are doing a math problem, how to collect up to, after coming in all the elements of the collection are collection, seeking the best balance of line, or find an optimal number of conventions. The Convention is that all numbers are definitely not the digital embodiment of simple, but he embodied the elements in it reflects. I explained that not all satisfiedNor are not satisfied. We are looking for is this.  In addition, as the approximate change, Convention number you want to change. [16:00:26] Li jiange: first draft, out of the IPO system, I looked at it's core is two words, one is strengthening the information disclosure system, allowing the market to identify. The second, played down the regulator on Enterprise profitGood ability to judge. But I personally feel that this draft has a defect, he is preventing the price too high, but if you give an impression that the market, investors believe in the future after this, pricing may be low, then fried the new issue is out. We fried the new shares to heaven's history is not forgotten. I said this seems to be that low pricingGood for investors, but fried new issues come out, the consequences are serious.  I think the files also need to be balanced in this context. [16:00:51] Dongming Wang: this, one of the most important is that as the President has said, is to strengthen information disclosure. Second, further market, you have to believe that the market regulationBody smarter.  Third, the development of institutional investors, because only they can have more say on the price. [16:01:46] Fang: the problem is just in front of the issue, end on distribution system reform in order to achieve a purpose, how very very good business in China is very active and willing to accept you to market shares, supplyAdequate, cause the issue prices are relatively reasonable. If you implement these two objectives, economic growth can we bring actual income to the shareholders.  Yesterday, I also learn simple, I think the pace was more cautious step forward, from achieving the two objectives I am afraid there is a certain distance. [16:03:41] Mr Chi: a suggestion, ifMarketing smarter than the Government, why don't you review Exchange listing to do? Governments do not do. The Taiwan Stock Exchange, review of listed companies, we 100% responsibility is, Hong Kong is, seems to be in the world, like you, it is easier to divide the responsibility of. Xu Wen's problems just now, I mention you see Taiwan's listed companies, weExchange it for a year to earn the profits of our GDP 11%, 11% profit of it, 2/3,65%. This 65% 85% to you in cash. Taiwan Stock Exchange, if there is such a good company, institutions like, natural persons when they retire, he went to buy these stocks. Dividend payment policy, I remember President Guo on this,How dividends are your thing, at least to things you say, after speaking to investors to make decisions, the considerable impact on the long-term healthy development. [16:04:53] host: Chinese approval is basically the Government approval of the SFC, the Exchange, the same thing. Today one thing, securities regulation, plus minus, but the plus sign, minus sign thereIs not mathematics, is an art.  This sometimes also have to listen to the views of the market, let us to the on stage guests a warm round of applause, thank you! Above text as Ben finish, without the guests I verified. Others: