Sunday, November 27, 2011

this will to a large extent determine the emotional ups and downs of the capital market

129667889606396642_8Earlier this week, Moody's warned France at present AAA sovereign credit rating may be affected; United States Red reduction agreement negotiations break down, Germany blocked auction Treasury bonds, weak economic data showed Eurozone growth, United States-than-expected third-quarter GDP data. Switzerland Credit Bank research report pointed that, given the current debt crisis spreading to larger scale economiesPotential, the euro has arrived "last a critical juncture", Germany's Central Bank released monthly, 2012 Germany economic growth forecast downward to 0.5% per cent, and warned that if the European sovereign debt crisis seriously deteriorated, one cannot rule out their economy into "significantly weaker" possibilities. Raised investors ' fears of debt crisis in Europe and America, stocks in Europe and America, and led toGlobal commodity futures market turmoil. (Click to view the global stock market), analysts say, because Europe's debt crisis could trigger a global recession diablo 3 power leveling, global financial markets has been to the brink of disaster, euro-negative-frequency, high growing pessimism, fate and the future of the eurozone for some time the prospects for world stock markets, is likely to depend on recent EuropeanIf we can reach a temporary agreement, win time for finding solution of the debt crisis. ����Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Europe debt crisis intensified for the moment, reached the Summit of EU and eurozone sovereign debt crisisRecruiting agreement, does not seem to play a substantive role in stabilizing the financial markets. European debt crisis to the impact of the growing global financial markets, but also seriously hindered the pace of economic recovery in Europe, and by the European debt crisis a domino effect caused by expanded bigger and bigger, showing trend of spreading to the eurozone core countries. France existing AAA ratings downgrade may, GermanyFailure of the 23rd issue of government bonds.����As Europe's leading economic powers Germany thermal holds the good assets of long-term government bonds has been a capital market, which suffered indifference reflected investors ' pessimistic Outlook for the eurozone economy. Fitch Ratings on Thursday announced a Portugal sovereign rating to junk level, and given a negative Outlook. In addition, the 10-year Italy yieldsOn Thursday once again rose above 7%; Spain bond yields continue to rise over the same period.����While Germany and France in the European Central Bank come to the rescue as well as the issuance of euro-bonds remain large differences on the issue. Recent debt crisis did not concern the United States began to emerge. On November 21, the United States Congress announced that failed to reach agreement on a reduction at Chek Lap Kok. Moody's said, taking into account the United States into aSteps to cut deficit, reversing the upward trend of debt for some time was needed, therefore maintaining United States "negative" ratings Outlook unchanged. Analysts believe that if both parties in Congress has been unable to reach agreement, means the United States will begin in 2013 deficit reduction mechanism automatically, and this large extent affected the United States Defense of people's livelihood, and United States economic recovery have a far-reaching impact. Political partiesDisputes delay resolution of the crisis, and it's become increasingly pessimistic sentiment of important factors. According to the United States third-quarter GDP growth was revised down to 2%, below market expectations, United States in November, the University of Michigan consumer confidence index end value is 64.1 also fell short of expectations. Analysts pointed out that United States economic recovery is fragile and consumer confidenceIndex has been in recession levels, talks reflected the serious differences between the two parties in Congress, but also reinforced the uncertainty in the minds of consumers, the Fed may consider implementing new policies, or the European debt crisis will bring new risks. Higher volume, higher deficits, high unemployment, sluggish economy is highly common situations faced by the debtor countries, there is no one willing to address the European debtPay a long-term price crisis. Cuts in public spending, compress budget deficit, but also makes recovery more difficult.����Analysts believe that because of the European economy in deep debt crisis embarrassed, United States debt problem there are signs of further deterioration, resulting in economic prospects in Europe and America, from Europe and the economic downturn trend of drag, slowing global economic growth possible. GlobalCapital market dismal from the recent trend of capital markets, UPS and downs of European debt crisis will undoubtedly affect the nerve of global stock markets, working on expectations about the investor's decision, endless delays in testing the resilience of markets. Since Black Monday this week, Europe is accelerating declining, while the Asia-Pacific stock markets, as well as the rest of the world stock markets also PuIt again fell.����Road funds duolu escape escape risk, causing global stock markets, commodities, gold market declines. As of dispatch, the United States all the three major stock indexes decrease this week Super 4.3%, United Kingdom week or 4.39% the FTSE 100 index; Germany DAX index of 30 weeks or 6.42%; France CAC 40A few weeks or 5.83%. Asia-Pacific stock markets Japan week or 2.56%, Australia week decrease of 4.45%, Korea-week decrease of 3.41%, the Singapore stock market week decrease of 3.16%, India stock market week or 4.13%.����This week the international commodity markets also fell. In view of the European debt crisis intensified on Wednesday Germany auction lostLee, as well as sluggish economic data, eurozone policymakers at the slow pace of finding a solution to the crisis on the way diablo 3 gold, the festering European debt problems will continue for some time, the global capital market pessimism growing, which is causing this week because of the global market is bleak. Analysts believe that the European debt crisis dragged the longer the more difficult to solve, caused by the crisisDamage to deeper, to prepare for worst case European debt crisis. In the middle of four quarters, analysts widely on 2012 capital market movements are expected. China Merchants securities believe that 2012 capital market movements more dominated by macroeconomic factors, including the evolution of the European debt crisis, United States economic trend, China's economic growth and passesExpansion situation and the trend of macro-policy, this will to a large extent determine the emotional ups and downs of the capital market, as well as the possible investment topics.

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