Tuesday, November 29, 2011

structure more urgent cases

129668652418281250_100Red hexun.com stock stock market weekly issue 2011 > source of body-November 27, 2011: red in the securities market weekly author: Wang Lin-Lin font size: copy title link red weekly (blog, Twitter) within the institutionWang Lin-Lin, Editor's Note: domestic demand decided to tourism development, tourism industry has maintained a momentum of relatively rapid growth in 2011, 2012 industry is facing the domestic economic environment remained good, structure more urgent cases, the tourism industry support policies may accelerate introduction of domestic travel demand remains strong, there is the concept of a culture of tourism company is hot during the year. Study on thePonders the tourism industry remains to the present economic cycle and valuations at historically low levels, tourist attractions, hotels, Islands exemptions in the sector and other industries have better opportunities. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: who has black who are forcingThan to large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or large area fell stopped (figure) in China tourism industry continued growth tourism from consumer of angle, is divided into eat live line entertainment tour purchased sixAn industry. ����2011 continued fast growth in domestic tourism, the first 3 quarters, tourism grew 17% in revenue diablo 3 power leveling, tourism of much more than "Twelve-Five" the 10% objectives. China's total population, accounting for the proportion of 27% per cent lower than the maximum number of middle-aged and elderly to travel, this population had the money is to have leisure, the young generation is still at the stage of economic accumulationAnd willingness to travel to the middle-aged and elderly. ����Over the next decade, Prime, with the highest proportion of the population will enter in the ranks of the old, my overall travel rate will have a more significant upgrade. Expected CPI growth next year is expected to decline, down tourist travel cost. As transportation continues to improve, and producer services tax, tourist trips cost reduction. Urbanization of tourism development is the primaryImpetus to tourism consumption of urban residents account for more than domestic travel demand 70%, is the main driver of tourism development. Culture-driven tourism industry to speed up the development of cultural factor has always been a powerful driving force to promote tourism development, self promoting tourism development in China. Spending power is not weaker than leisure tour in China tour, the sights from hot scenic spots in ChinaSacred monuments, religious and cultural sites, national customs, artificial scenic area status is reflected in the total. Tourism belongs to the spiritual and cultural needs, has a profound cultural property, in 2012 along with the deepening reform of national cultural and tourist spending to upgrade, the tourism industry education enhancement, cultural impact on the tourism industry more obvious, "culture" will be the tourism industryKeywords. To songcheng shares (300,144 shares) listed as the hallmark, all aspects of tour culture really got attention, impression Lijiang tourism of Lijiang will inject (002033, unit), Emei mountain, Tibet tour (600,749, unit), the China Youth Travel Service (600,138, unit) and other cultural performances and performance plans. ListingCompany most of the area has good development Foundation, development and more attention to the cultural connotations, Emei mountain Buddhism culture of Huangshan as world cultural heritage, China Youth development of Yangtze River culture, tourism based on Tibetan culture in Tibet, Tibetan Buddhist culture humanistic project, published in advertising, film, performing arts, investment spread continue to dig, in various ways such as "holy land" culture, cultureFor the competitiveness of tourism. Budget hotel expanded rapidly in recent years, China's economy hotel development, and gain market acceptance, with brand and management advantages, cost advantages, and gradually become the mainstream in the low-end residential market. Accelerate the pace of mergers and acquisitions in recent years leading enterprises, small brands have exited. On the position in the market, leading enterprises and constantly open up high-End brands, like a high profile launch and establishing health brand, Jinjiang launched the white Magnolia, and so on, will further open market space. China's economy hotel chain is still in a stage of rapid expansion of scale, mass arrival tour era and the rise of low-end business activities provide the additional demand, economy hotel chain in Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, a higher proportion of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan economic developed areas such as supply. From a regionalPoint of view, economy hotel chain in the next 2-3 years two or three-tier cities in China has a large development potential. Duty-free industry, improving consumer upgrades currently duty free 80% consumption stay abroad in China, from the perspective of industrial structure adjustment, the future State power through open entry stores, carriers, a high-end boutique consumption go to China, as a result, promoting consumptionIndustry as a whole scale expansion. Duty-free industry products provided correspond to a middle-tier tour merchandise sales, middle-tier is the fastest and largest of the future. Duty-free sales of products for high-quality, luxury, is the biggest beneficiary of trading up. ����While China's duty-free industry contribute directly to accelerate the development of the tourism industry. Concerned about the stock pool002320 5.61 0.537 Straits shares involved cross-strait three links course diablo 3 power leveling, Haikou, Sanya to the Xisha Islands eco-tour routes opened up enhance performance

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