Monday, November 21, 2011

Syria spokesman attacked and killed an opposition organization 17th

129626050163281250_496Syria authorities to suppress support for the opposition people Syria opposition "Kurdish future party," spokesman mashaletaimu 7th were armed men attacked and killed. Joint opposition camp "Syria National Committee" accusations, authorities are launching a new round of repression. Russia President Dmitry Medvedev urges Syria authorities speed up the reform and reiterated that Western countries should urge opposing sides dialogue. According to Xinhua News Agency to take a taxi when unidentifiedOfficers shot dead Syria opposition organization "the Kurdish future movement" said on 7th day on which the Organization spokesman mashaletaimu KAMESHLI SY city, in the North Kazakhstan province by unidentified people attacked and killed. TAME CO diablo 3 gold, 53, is the Syria National Committee member, imprisonment after 3.5 years, recently released from prison. Syria's official news agency reported TAME CO assassination News said,Gun armed men riding a black car, near TAME CO opened fire after the car, killing TAME CO. "The Kurdish future movement" persons responsible for the day: "TAME CO with his son kamishilishi by taxi was attacked by persons unknown. TAME CO has died in hospital, his sons are being treated. "In addition, members of the former Government liyadesaiyifu in the streets of the capitalDamascus Office business district being beaten, evacuation for medical treatment. The Government launched a new round of repression, popular streets in support of the opposition TAME CO is "Kurdish future party" founder, had participated in the October 2 in Turkey Istanbul diablo 3 power leveling, Syria opposition meetings, participate in Syria formed the National Committee. Syria National Committee aimed at overthrowing the Bashar regime�� TAME CO repeatedly criticized Bashar in public and the Government. Syria's official news agency said the attackers as terrorists. But Syria revolution Kurdish youth coordinating Union insisted the Government security agencies responsible. Syria National Committee spokesman basimakedemani accusations, Bashar Al-Asad regime "repressive strategy to a new stage of development, all oppositionLeaders must protect themselves. " The same day, thousands of Syria people into the streets the procession protest, calling for overthrow of the regime, and expressed support for the opposition National Council. According to the latest statistics of the United Nations, since the middle of March this year Syria since the protests broke out, has caused the deaths of more than 2,900 people. [Reaction] United States: Syrian President should step down nowUnited States State Department spokesman weiduoliyaniulan said that Syria opposition broad daylight attacks, indicating that "repression is being strengthened". These practices "clearly intended to intimidate others." White House spokesman jieyikani 7th told reporters, TAME CO killed description Syria their so-called dialogue and reform is possible. "President Bashar Al Assad led the country continues along the dangerousDangerous roads before marching, must step down now. Of "Russia: recurrence of not excluding Western Libya practice Russia President Dmitri Medvedev 7th says:," If Syria leadership could not take reform measures must resign. "Mr Medvedev said in the capital, Moscow, Russia 4th at the United Nations Security Council to vote against France and the United Kingdom referred to SyriaThe draft resolution, draft is to prevent against Syria's military operations, led to Libya scene in Syria repeating itself. Russia and China vetoed a draft resolution does not take into account Russia's concerns, nor written by external forces not military intervention Syria situation and relevant content, which means that the West does not exclude Syria the use of force, did not rule out them in Syria repeated itsLibya approach. Russia will not be allowed in the name of the United Nations Security Council imposing unilateral sanctions on certain countries, in order to undermine their regime, "the United Nations is not established". China: Syria and the Government to expeditiously implement reforms promised China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva, he Yafei, 7th in Geneva at the United Nations Human Rights Council universal periodic review working groupPresented in 12 rounds of meeting resolve Syria question should follow the principle of. He Yafei, said, the Chinese side believes that resolution Syria question should follow the following principles: first, Syria parties exercise maximum restraint and avoid all forms of violence and more bloodshed to promote Syria as soon as possible of the situation eased and secondly, promoting by Syria-dominated, and inclusiveThe political process to address Syria the current crisis and third, Syria Government commitment to change as soon as possible, Syria parties to constructively participate in the political process; IV, the international community's help should be constructive, to be consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular the principle of non-interference in internal affairs. Related news: Syria spokesman attacked and killed an opposition organization 17th, Syria opposition organization "the Kurdish future movement" spokesman, KAMESHLI SY, mashale��taimu in the North Kazakhstan province by unidentified people attacked and killed. Syria news agency report said the TAME CO was attacked and killed by terrorists, Syria revolution Kurdish youth coordinating Union claimed that Syria security institutions to take responsibility. Syria arms as shown inWei 9 deaths caused by fire and gas spray on October 7, Syria held demonstrations in various parts of the public support of the opposition National Council. Syria security forces opened fire on demonstrators and gas spray is now killing 9 people dead and 27 wounded.

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