Sunday, November 27, 2011


129668688790000000_100Recent anecdotal discussion of "minimum tax price hike" message was finally settled. Last night, the municipal local taxation Bureau, Finance Bureau, urban and rural construction and municipal housing authority jointly issued the circular on strengthening tax collection and management of the resale housing transactions, approved revised resale housing transactions tax price approach for resale housing transactions declared and without a legitimate reason for the low price significantly, by approved the tax priceTaxes, strict blocking contracts of yin and Yang for tax evasion. This file will be executed on December 10, 2011, December 10, 2011 (inclusive) network later signed in real estate transactions are executed in this file the relevant provisions of the contract. Yesterday, the municipal construction Committee, the municipal local taxation Bureau also was introduced by the synchronization of the on the average transaction price announced Beijing preferential housing notice, The city's general housing prices have been adjusted. New common housing standard in 2010 the city's new housing transaction based on the average, and in recent years the city's infrastructure continuous improvement and development of new town construction in fast forward the changes that are broken down by road link on the original standard has been adapted in a way, and added direction coefficient modification. After adjustment, 2011 year on December 10, where the taxpayer to purchase new commercial House, declare when you pay the deed tax, are based on new common housing standard, defining whether enjoying ordinary housing tax incentives, to ensure that the legitimate rights of taxpayers. Ordinary housing unveils a new standard of the city enjoy preferential policies of commodity housing standards are both of the following three conditions: residential smallBuilding floor area ratio in the District 1 (inclusive) or more; single construction area in 140 (including) square metres; actually sold for less than the same regional preferential housing average transaction prices of 1.2 times times. In accordance with the Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban-rural construction of Beijing local taxation Bureau announced the city to enjoy preferential policies for ordinary housing with an average transaction price notification (Beijing buildingLaw (2011), 22nd), average trading price adjustments for preferential housing: housing in the city the average transaction price 18,000 yuan/square meter, link zone and orientation for coefficient of adjustment, adjustment coefficient: 1.6 1.8 southern and Northern within four rings, four to five southern northern Central 1.5, 1.3, five to six 1.2 in Northern, southern, Central 1Six ring 0.8. By calculation (formula is: average transaction prices per square meter price cap = 18,000 yuan/square meter x adjustment coefficients x1.2), the city is the maximum price per sq m for preferential housing: four-ring in the northern region is $ 34,560 for $ 38,880, Southern District, four to five at $ 32,400 in North, Central and southern$ 28,080, five to six is $ 25,920 in North, Central and southern regions to $ 21,600, six ring outside areas for $ 17,280. Contract price, range, range and Azimuth adjustment coefficient will change dynamically adjust it as needed. North and South from West to East as the line of six rings: six loops (Wolong gang bridge)-Lotus-five Stone Road West Loop (NGADoor bridge)-Lotus Stone Road-West four ring road (Nansha Wo bridge)-Lotus Pool West Road-Lotus Pool Road (tianning Temple bridge)-guangan door North binhe road diablo 3 gold, (guangan door bridge)-guangan door within Street-luomashi Street-Pearl City mouth West Street-Pearl City mouth East Street-wide Canal door within street-wide Canal door outside street-wide Canal Road-Dong Sihuan road (large suburb Pavilion bridge)-Dong Sihuan Road-East four ringMiddle Road (sihuiqiao)-Tong Expressway-Beijing five loops (yuantong bridge)-Beijing-Tong Expressway (twin bridges)-shuangqiao-Jingha Expressway, East-six loops (effect of Park bridge). Ordinary housing can enjoy preferential tax individuals will purchase more than 5 years (5 years) of ordinary housing foreign sales, the exemption of business tax. Personal purchase ordinary houses, and the houses belonging to the family (members of fanCovering the purchasers, spouses and minor children) the only housing, halving the contract. Individuals buy 90 square metres and the following ordinary houses, and the houses belonging to the family the only housing tax levied at a rate of 1% of contract. Developers cannot be forced collection of contract developers could not be compelled to pay the deed tax ' behalf. Developer force collecting payment of taxes and fees, even as the housingConditions, consumers can rent to city and district departments and the housing management Department for complaints or reports once verified and taken seriously. New standard on December 10 the implementation of the new general housing standards since December 10, 2011 implementation. To ensure a smooth transition of old and new policies, taxpayer to buy new goods housing, to declare pay the deed tax point normal housing standardsEnjoy relevant preferential tax policies; stock of housing transactions the taxpayer, to contract (online) Agency point in normal housing standards, define whether to enjoy relevant preferential tax policies. Repercussions today buyers and sellers feel suddenly second-hand House raised the tax price is not a sudden incident recently has made many rumors in the industry. So after this morning's media release policy,Agency says are sceptical. But surprised some purchasers, owners. Lady Zhao is going to buy a two-bedroom, two weeks ago at the stores to do the registration. Mediation last week with a lot of houses, "at the Agency says, the best deals as soon as possible, the minimum price may have to increase substantially, and taxes on a number. But I didn't mind, thought and business transactions to hoodwinked meWhat, did not think was really going to be transferred. "Lady Zhao decided is, I do not know transaction tax at the moment, is to wait and see falling house prices. Small du is about to go abroad had been leasing small apartment for sale in hand, they've already gone out for more than half a month. Due to the restriction of policy on impact larger investment property, see House a few hundred. This morning, the small du Pont received five or six suddenly asked to see roomPhone only from the news that price increases in message, "I told the intermediary by 20,000, hoping by December 10 release. "" Since last night, we have been receiving for the land tax consultation of the new deal, but because the news just out, most people do not know, this morning to the call is not yet widely. "I love my home officials said, from the consultationVolume terms, compared to ordinary housing price adjustments, people care more about price adjustment and the calculation of minimum time, and so on. East four ring store managers told reporters that the company's early days with broker revealed the news, "implementation of the December 10 deadline and we all know, have also recently and lay a good greeting customers, prevent disputes due to policy changes. But I do not know will increase toHow many, initially in accordance with previous price guide three times times the estimate. Now, the policy does not specifically assess the value and the tax price, may was released in order to prevent a loophole. "Price of existing homes tax sets new standards in Municipal Finance Bureau, local taxation Bureau, housing in urban and rural construction Commission jointly issued the circular on strengthening tax collection and management of the resale housing transactions, revision of resale housing transactionsMethods approved by the tax price, resale housing transactions declared and without a legitimate reason for the low price significantly, by approved the tax price of taxing. Prices of resale housing transactions assess value, method is the use of mass valuation of real estate technology, according to the 2010 to 2011 3 quarters of the city of resale housing transactions samples to determine. Mass appraisal refers to a given amount of time that a large number of rather Dan ZongReal estate, with a unified standard and common data with the help of computer-aided assessment and assessment results for statistical testing and analysis techniques. Specific technical routes: one is the selected benchmark houses; second, in accordance with the principles of whole areas, continuous, homogeneous, divided into several regions, through market research, trade than the equivalent method, the use of transactions sampled data, all areasBenchmark assessment of housing values; III was elected regional housing quality, the price is significantly higher than in other community projects, as a special project, separately identified community housing assessment values, and the determination of baselines housing correction factor. Correction factors include the completion date, room type, floors and other elements; five is the assessment of the regional and community housing values fall a certain percentage, an assessment of resale housing transactions priceLattice basis, coupled with the above correction factor, determine prices of resale housing transactions assess value. For example, prices of a range of resale housing transactions assess value is 20,000 yuan/square meter, but given its age built earlier, factors such as poor housing type and floor, according to the assessed value to fall a certain proportion and correction coefficients amendment, the housing transaction price assessment value may be less than 20,000 yuan/square meter.Resale housing transactions technical standards of the appraisal value is determined by the Municipal Finance Bureau and municipal local taxation Bureau, housing in urban and rural construction Commission jointly determined by the mass valuation of real estate technology, and will dynamically updated according to the Beijing real estate market transactions. Second-hand housing prices how to determine the calculation for taxpayers to declare transactions of resale housing prices in line with prices of resale housing transactions assess value, in accordance with theDeclared value charge tax; for resale housing transactions declared and without a legitimate reason for the low price significantly, by approved the tax price tax is justified, based on the declared price levied the taxes. Approved the tax reference price price of resale housing transactions assess value determined. Influencing home values justify what it? Based on the real estate appraisal theory and justification refers toFactors influencing the value of resale housing objective, practical, environmental factors such as housing, quality factors, and so on. Resale housing transactions in the new approach approved by the tax price, has been considering building age, type of housing, construction and other factors that significantly affect home values. In addition, if a taxpayer considers that its real estate trading despite the obvious but there are legitimate reasons for the low, to the competent taxCustoms provide relevant, by the competent tax authorities to study the processing opinion. Interpretation of non-luxury residential property taxes reduce the chain home Lin Qian, Deputy Chief Executive believes that new general criteria applicable to put onto the wider, non-luxury buyers, most of the tax and fee burden eased. 1, 90 to 140 square metres the Cape House tax mitigate up to 120,000. Under the old price standard,Six residential housing area within the loop once over 90 square metres, will be to break into the "non-ordinary housing" category. Not more ceiling unit price under the new standards, improve and some "one-step" rigid demand extends to a majority of 90 to 140 square metres of housing, reducing the tax burden highest 122,200. 2, five to six loops the loop residential tax burden reduced by more than 70,000。 Five to six loops the loop of Daxing, Fangshan district is just to focus area of the first-time home buyers, the average of the purchase price very old standard nearly 500,000, mostly "non-home". Six rings most of the new standard is sufficient to "non-ordinary residence" redefined just reduced first-time home buyers tax burden more than 70,000, increased substantially just need to buy chips. Rational positioning 3, dwelling in the North. New standard six ringRoad link in Northern ceiling prices are higher than those in the South of 3,600 Yuan/square meter, which greatly reduced the price of houses in the Northern than southern, lumped together under the old standard "misjudgment" possibilities, especially for price differences between North and South within four rings biggest buyers, home buyer demand will save more than 110,000 tax and fee in the North. Effect of second-hand or concentrated ownership, centaline propertyField Director of Dawei Zhang said Beijing second-hand House transaction, most of the tax avoidance of transactions is not large enough diablo 3 gold, particularly loan customers. There are mainly part of the transaction tax all customers. This accounts for around about 40%, in accordance with the minimum standards of tax payment of taxes, is expected to change this part of the standard after buyers may take more than tax 50%. While largeSome just need to rely on loans for purchasing, moment, and standards directly influence the calculation of changes is small. In addition, prior to December 10, there may be some second-hand buyers concentrated ownership, but because the absolute market downturn, estimate the total amount not too much. Hu Jinghui, Deputy Chief Executive Albert I love my group said that houses in the standard adjustment is the trend, the previous standard has been unable to accuratelyDefine ordinary housing, this policy the introduction of waiver should not bear tax burden. The other hand, given the current resale housing transactions related taxes tax base does not have a quantitative calculation method, for buyers to increase tax burden cannot be determined, but considered an extreme, even if resale housing transactions taxes tax base flat to the actual transaction price, buyers added tax does not exceed the totalPrices 9.5% taxes, and has since July this year, average resale housing transactions in Beijing has dropped 12%, this means that the price cut would be fully offset transaction tax increases, buyers will have an incentive to buy stocks.

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