Monday, December 26, 2011

why not

129667840495302892_220High price-earnings ratio of new shares issued, why not? Has been discussed in the industry, regulators have been promoting. On Friday, the SFC official said the old republic power leveling, the next step, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will improve the quality of information disclosure as the Center, with the goal of true transparency of listed companies, increase the intensity of reforming and perfecting the issuing regulatory, multi-pronged approach gradually changed and high earnings situation of issuing shares.More premium offerings, raising funds, and deficiencies in China's capital market investment idea at this stage, risks of keen speculation, keen to rush to purchase new shares larger market behavior of very large. Changes to issue new shares higher earnings situation, will help to squeeze new stock bubble, reducing investment risk, but also is conducive to the rational allocation of funds. If the newly listed companies raised funds limit the overall decline swtor power leveling,That means the same funds can be to increase the business listing. However, I also think, if the new low price/earnings ratio of listed companies, stock positioned low is down because of price effects of the market shares of gravity? Defer said this, went on to say that high price-earnings ratio of the new shares issued. This phenomenon, how to solve? The writer of the three "Sabre" alleviate theHigh price-earnings ratio of new shares issued distress (see November 24 the securities Journal A1 version) raised in the article, break plagued new shares higher earnings release, you can use a "three-sword" to solve, respectively against inquiry agencies, investment banks and issuers. Of course, this is just the author a simple idea. How to solve the issue of new shares higher earnings release, the key is to issue system into, And this, regulators, experts and scholars have been drawn from different angles "fever medicine". Taken together, largely concentrated in several areas: first, the issue of interest for more to cut off. Many people believe that sponsor direct investment brokers, brokerages in the recommendation process, has the power to push up the price. To address this situation, the Commission and the securities industry association have recentlyProvides that sponsor business and direct investment business requires brokerages to strictly enforce strict operational isolation, not direct investment has sponsored enterprises; sponsor direct investment before, lock period required on a regular basis on the basis of strict implementation of existing shares, direct investment child company shall undertake to take the initiative to extend share lock period of not less than 6 months. Second, changing the tender inquiry link. As the introduction of United States-tendering system. United States-Tender core is the bid price to bid their quoted price. If the United States-tender offer price, although the offer favourably with higher probability of success increased, but higher purchase costs, earnings on the secondary market will be reduced. Once again, perfecting delisting system requirements. As the delisting of China's capital market system is inadequate and current Board delisting system nominal, Causing the stock market "into", dyspepsia. Its Achilles heel is that delisting criteria single and ease of manipulation. Board delisting system the only quantifiable criteria, was that "for three consecutive years of losses" delisting rules, the delisting standards is easy to use "report restructuring" to evade almost effortlessly. And it's delisting does not sound, imperfect, resulting in "shell capitalSource "firing into the sky, to buy ST unit are proud, proud of fried new shares. It was necessary to improve the system of withdrawing. In this regard, also made it clear that regulators recently: perfecting delisting system of listed companies and exploration on the gem on a trial basis. In addition, sponsor institutions should enhance responsibility ball measures on new stock-issuing system, let sponsors and issuers take on more responsibilities;Volume listing, increase supply, alleviate the situation of new shares in short supply, improving the negotiating capacity of inquiry bodies, can inhibit the secondary market speculation speculation. Multi-pronged, solve the problem of issuing new shares higher earnings without delay. This is a significant changes in the orientation of the stock market, are financing re-balancing of interests and the interests of investors, as well as protecting the basic reflection of investors ' interests.Solve the problem of issuing new shares higher earnings, everything is looking forward to. (

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