Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the EU must achieve economic growth

129667840540927892_336November 28-December 2 weeks need to focus on the euro group meeting, the Fed beige book, as well as the United States November nonfarm payrolls report. A week after eurozone Government bond auction collective red light, even the "last straw" de lost confidence in the debt markets. Also downgraded storm swept across the whole of Europe swtor power leveling, three major rating agencies sell "turns bombing",Fitch Ratings downgraded Portugal ratings, Moody's downgrade Hungary rating and p last Belgium surgery. European debt crisis with severe medical, but European officials look forward to launching the euro bonds to help the troubled country's burdens together problem solving, but Germany this resolutely resist, Merkel euro notes will be sent a "wrong signal". One source said, Europe's financial stabilityFund (EFSF) was one of the main topics of the November 29 euro group meeting; EFSF plans to increase the size to 1 trillion euros unrealistic swtor credits, the Fund may extend up to more than 1 time. The Euro bond issue, the analyst said: "Merkel, euro-bonds remain a posterior, but can only be discussed after the end of the European debt crisis nowShe will face massive political resistance ". European Commission President José Manuel Barroso on Friday (November 25) said that Merkel does not oppose the eurozone bonds, issuing only a matter of time. Mr Barroso stressed that, if not ready for a greater degree of integration of the eurozone, the euro will not be persistent. Mr Barroso said that we must find a response to the European debt crisis strongerMethods, the EU must achieve economic growth, or recession. Mizuho Financial Group (Mizuho Financial Group Inc) currency in New York Sales Director Fabian Eliasson said: "everyone understands how serious is the situation had become, while stagnation and waiting will not be able to resolve the crisis. EuroMay be in the next week against the dollar fell below 1.3. "On Monday, Germany November consumer price index for initial United Kingdom November CBI retail sales difference United States October sales of new homes the total number of years of the United States in November manufacturing output to the Dallas Fed indexes week on 2nd October unemployment Japan salaried household spending October Japan October all family supportJapan October retail sales Germany October real retail sales Canada third quarter current account Brussels-Eurogroup meeting Lisbon Portugal Parliament to end on 2012 budget vote on Wednesday, France October producer price index for Germany November quarter adjusted unemployment rate in Germany November quarter adjusted unemployment total euro-OctoberEurozone unemployment rate in November, to reconcile the consumer price index initial Canada October industrial product price index for Canada October raw materials price index for Canada September GDP United States non-agricultural productivity in the third quarter final United States non-agricultural unit labour costs in the third quarter final United States in November, the Chicago purchasing managers ' index United States October NAR quarter after adjustmentShing UK agency sales on Thursday United States quarter adjusted number of initial unemployment benefits last week United States November ISM purchasing managers ' index fed beige book released in Washington Friday the eurozone October producer price index for Canada in November unemployment United States November quarter adjusted non-farm employment change United States November quarter adjusted manufacturing employment population changesUnited States unemployment rate in November

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