Saturday, December 3, 2011


129668600980625000_50Hong Beijing, November 26, according to voice of the late peak News reported, Beijing only 5 degrees today diablo 3 gold, a bit cold this winter, the cold is not only the weather, as well as real estate. Western media with: "China is buying up the world.  "This horror title to describe China's real estate owner. In fact, China real estate is a wind and rain driftShake, according to media industry behemoths vanke have considering half paid out bonuses this year. In addition to the prospect of cuts in bonuses proposed that wanke also actively discount promotions. In vanke employee opinion, recent cut of China vanke diablo 3 gold, some projects can use "Super exaggerations" to describe, was even in loss-making prices in the sale, but I just don't know "heroes in Brokeback"Can save global effects. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!

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