Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I now live from the children of tuition. ��

129667697076709142_41Li Yang and his wife, his daughter yesterday, "Crazy English" Li Yang's wife swtor credits, Kim, founder of Beijing hongfeng Center against storms seminar about women's rights. Wang Yuyi's photography Li Yang's wife against Li Yang's wife storm event against violence details of Li Yang's wife against violence Conference attractions Li Yang's wife against Li Yang's wife storm events against storm detailsYang and his wife against storms seminar attractions [Yi Chun portals] review: I'm not a brave man, but I say it out loud, my purpose is not to open the event. I hope that others will say it out loud, discuss the problem of domestic violence, that's my experience about. "Today is the international day against domestic violence. Recent storm events, Li Yang and his wifeKim was media attention. Yesterday, Kim arrived in Beijing hongfeng Center for women's counseling services, anti-violence symposium call for, in the face of domestic violence swtor power leveling, it is necessary to say it out loud. ����By Yichun portals news xiaobian below show you more about Li Yang's wife against family violence in specific situations. Mus musculus storm Li Yang difficult close to get along with people in Kim's strongUnder the order, the couple to the Maple women's hotline for help. Hotline's founder Wang Hangjuan told reporters that Li Yang grew up with grandparents, after returning to his parents often scold, "he has established close relationships with people. "He never told his wife that" I love you ". ����When experts called Li Yang hug when his wife, he was for a long time not budge an inch. Li Yang refusePsychological counseling, has said on many occasions, "our marriage is to test products, mainly want to know about United States form of education. "He even said," after storm events at home, I blew up, crazy English not affected, was also making a banner to support me. ����"At this point, Kim decides not only to stand out, is determined to divorce. Economic embargo of daughterLawyer although married for 12 years, Li Yang has been the economic embargo to my wife. Kim said that when she was injured to the hospital for an examination, was only $ 2000. In yesterday's "Red Maple hotline" site seeing little room full of people, Kim said, "Li Yang has a lot of houses, whose name is Li Yang and my sister-in-law. If I can have a room, be sure toLadies do affected by domestic violence shelters. "Li Yang per month will give his wife a red envelope, to shopping and life. Encounter daughter tuition fees major expenses such as, "I need to call Li Yang's Assistant or sister-in-law child application. "Yesterday, Kim admitted:" my child's tuition fees find a lawyer, I now live from the children of tuition. �� ()

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