Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the prolonged absence of resolve

129614858972343750_580Sun Yanbiao "since its 2004 international mergers and acquisitions, TCL has been committed to the internationalization of talents construction of the, ' Eagle series ' talent project to build a TCL International was the most solid foundation. "In April 2010, TCL Group Chairman Li dongsheng 2010 global managersThe Conference that currently TCL Group global more than more than 60,000 employees, including 10% expatriates closer, various nationalities and professional staff are active in global research and development, manufacturing, marketing and other management positions, TCL training of local executives began to take on the internationalization of talents management responsibility. LeeTung Sang some pride. Because TCL globalization industry management structure has been formed, after more than 10 years of international market development and integration, TCL in China, emerging markets, Europe and North America's industrial structure has been formed, in particular those with strategic North American Mexico factory and Europe Poland factory can be effectiveAvoid globalization trade barriers, operating capacity of internationalization from the learning phase has a mature. Supporting this core management structure of the globalization industry is talent.����Li dongsheng stressed that the enterprise's competition is to a large extent is human competition, TCL's success lies in talents strategy of success. In January of this year 29th, TCL Group announced the establishment of the company's largest equity incentive plan, to company directors, senior managers, company and majority-owned subsidiaries of the company's operation and management layer, core technical personnel, 164 people implement incentive, incentive plan standard number of shares for a total of 86.1236 million shares.Prior to March 2008, TCL communication has been a stock incentive.����At that time, TCL communication to 100 employees to implement "golden handcuffs plan", and use 39 million Hong Kong dollars to purchase shares of the company to reward the employee. From that point of view, TCL "Eagle" is the training ofRegular and substantial incentive component, is one of the important causes of its human resources strategy success. Retain talent, however, before that, because international mergers and acquisitions, the painful period of up to three years in the TCL. How in times of crisis the labor costs to a minimum and retain TCL needed for future developmentTalent, as well as talent played its largest role you want to stay, a series of unsolved challenges require TCL human resources Director Xu Fang give an answer. "Make adjustments to the Organization and business are inevitable in times of crisis, layoffs are also commonplace, but the negative influence of mass layoffs is much too large. "HsuFong said that based on the above considerations, the TCL in 2005, 2006, the most difficult times there is no easy means of large-scale layoffs. TCL for tuning is to reduce the level of organization and personnel, making the structure more flat, make business processes easier and smooth, thus more quicklySpeed and response to market changes, to meet customer needs.����In the optimization process, TCL advocated one more post, one level, the labor costs to a minimum, and advocate and expert in, employee potential to the limit. However, according to the turbulent times in Enterprise crisis, more than 90% of voluntary turnoverAll companies try to retain talent. "In times of crisis, our employees to give special attention to the initiative to apply for leave. "Xu Fang said that in many cases, employees leave not because of the environment, but because the small environment, or even because due to poor communication with their immediate manager. At the company level, it is difficult to changeEnvironment, but you can leave small environment well, the key to this is the key to avoiding brain drain. In addition, to deal with the crisis, TCL has also borrowed some consultancy practice, outstanding managers in the company's general competency model (GLS) has been added to an indicator, the main considerations do managers haveHigh team morale, leading the staff's ability to resolve the crisis swtor power leveling, but also adopt a more flexible personnel selection method. On one hand, current international companies for many years professional training key personnel, scarce talent, empty post rate rise, TCL will seize the opportunity "hunters dug" some weekdays it is difficult to find andCultivating talent and company can not be on the other, TCL will strictly control into the addendum back combing work duties, clearing work of saturation, truly posts adaptation.����For easier access to personnel, or marginal jobs are not increasing gang is not fed. "Controlling labor costsIs play an important intellectual potential of the existing staff. "Xu Fang said, TCL group human resource management center have implemented the" NBA "(Next Best Action) working method. Faced with a task, the company will always require employees to ask: what is the plan of action to the next better? ThisTCL to do each action, think it will have the result of what is, to strive to achieve performance maximization. Also TCL has also adopted more flexible working ways to control costs such as weekends (especially suitable season obviously enterprises), maintain basic salary and vacation, unpaid vacations,Protocol work and other means. Eagle born again but only the above actions, may not be enough to support TCL through the crisis.����TCL needs to be a revitalization of spiritual power. In 2006, after experiencing many sleepless nights, Li dongsheng inside the TCL Forum published about him from theSince industry widest dissemination of a set of articles: the rebirth of the Eagle.����Borrowing hawks at age 40 off the beak, broken toes and pulling feathers to be born again of the story, he called for the TCL staff unite to deal with the crisis, to promote organizational processes and corporate culture change, and firm determination to promote international business strategy. In the Eagle'sBorn again in a series, one is Li dongsheng specially addressed to employees. He said that the employee is the subject of enterprises, employees to actively participate in the change, is the power of relationship success of TCL. Li dongsheng of the responsibility in this group undertake international mergers and acquisitions the last article: "Chinese enterprises to grow into a human statueKing enterprises, internationalization is the only way. "One stone stirred up Melaleuca waves. Within just days, TCL employees to the Eagle reborn replies and comments exceeding tens of thousands of. On July 15, 2006, TCL organised in 150 senior executives go to Yanan; in August that year, and on the OrganizationSwearing-in of employees in the corporate culture of innovation. TCL cultural change does not just stop at slogans, but practical implementation in place.����The same year, TCL group started the talents strategy of development of the company's most important and successful step--fine Eagle project. 2006 TCLIn the context of the whole company to select 100 middle-level managers and future managers, for a one-year training, a course a month, and introduced action learning.����To enhance the "fine Eagle students" attention, TCL Group Executive Director and President of bolianming from the first phase of personal involvement in the first place. QinnEngineering training in addition to theoretical courses of study, you also need to have a study on the topic, this topic comes mainly from actual problems in the enterprise, the prolonged absence of resolve, or the quality, the efficiency of production and other links have an important impact, cost and other issues. TCL Group senior every yearFine Eagle engineering teaching theories, methods, framework and requirements for action learning, many instructors is the company's management and policy makers, will scale to meet your organization's research on practical issues, and transformed the company's projects. "From top to bottom, from when it comes to doing, promoted the culture of TCL build a good environment. "ThinLian Ming pointed out that the TCL international strategy of human resources departments group developed a detailed training plan: category, the talent, fine separate the young plan, Eagles program, fine Hawk and Eagle program. College students to young; primary key for the Eagles; middle-level cadres to finish Eagle; Executive talent for malesEagle. For overseas talent, in addition to the introduction of professional managers, acquisition, consolidation, TCL from participation in overseas operations, management of personnel, pick out some overseas business schools to further their studies. "Effectively we have developed a full range of stereoscopic cultivation plan-Eagle finish Eagle, refined Eagles with young, realTutorial system, level with level to do it. This is HR in the area of personnel training, stereoscopic, systematic approach.����"Thinner Lian Ming explains. It is learned that, even in the case of TCL group loss in the past, TCL as usual every year for training budgets accordingly, did not diminish investment in training. ThinLian Ming: "cannot input and output training as a ratio. Training effect see Lee is often a subtle process. "This year it turned out, TCL on the talents of pay, and the rewards are significant. TCL group released the first half of 2011 results showed that on this yearTCL Group half year revenue 27.355 billion yuan, an increase of 18.08%, net earnings of $ 539 million, an increase of 241.67%.����TCL multimedia in global LCD TV market ranked seventh, TCL communication in the global mobile phone market in seventh place. Sending MasterLanguage Wang Yukun: Director, Center for Peking University entrepreneurs, well-known management expert expert TCL comments on the company culture and talent strategy and mergers and acquisitions: culture and management of 1.TCL awakened life consciousness of each and every employee and "the edge", and transformed into creativity and pioneering spirit, into the enterpriseCultural genes, via 70hou, generation y, generation of inheritance, continued training and bringing up talents and become inherent power to drive sustainable development. 2.TCL 30 years star wars the old republic power leveling, has focused on the consumer electronics and home appliance manufacture, in the process produces a distinctive "life consciousness":In a series of institutional and cultural arrangements, see employees as a living life, seen as sufficient resources, overall, creative life, they may not be reported to a steady flow of creativity.


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335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08

129667840562959142_38416:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3 star wars the old republic power leveling,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game the old republic power leveling, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

Greece need "stable bonds"

129668688754687500_24Commission on issuing euro "stability bond" proposal, causing large dispute in the eurozone, eurozone countries quickly formed two camps. Although the proposal stresses that, Member States need to further consolidate public finances, strengthen financial supervision and the adjustment of economic structure star wars the old republic power leveling, avoiding highly indebted countries "once and for all" throws a debt burden to countries with higher economic good, credit ratingTo pay for. But "stable bonds" programme is also being Germany and the Netherlands, and Finland, and Austria, such as treasuries of highly-rated euro area Member States resolutely opposed. To give the European Commission's proposals to build momentum, and to persuade Germany, Member of the EU's monetary policy Rennes November 22 visit to Berlin, yet difficult to shake up Germany's position. Germany media generally to "the same old things"And" old wine in a new bottle "to describe the Commission's proposal that, in the case of inconsistent economic and fiscal policy rashly Euro bond issue, not only eurozone Member State debt problem cannot be resolved, even be possible to have a debt problem worse. For European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso make bond recommendations on November 23, Germany ruling coalition has a clear tableAs shown in the "not interested". In Germany, the current discussion on euro bonds out. But Germany's stance as well as room says also "seriously studying the proposal" the old republic power leveling, as well as with France to coordinate their stands. In addition, Austria's Finance Minister, Fei Kete also said that Austria Treasury bond interest rates may be up to one-third interest will increase from EUR 9 billion to 12 billion euroYuan. This would threaten Austria fiscal health. She said that under the current EU and eurozone financial framework, the issue of "stable bonds" will increase the national debt credit AAA Member States ' borrowing costs. In order to eliminate the opposition, the Commission will introduce the euro consolidated bonds at the same time strengthening the supervision and inspection of Member State budgets. If necessary, ouyuanguo first draft budgetTo the European Union, and then to discuss cross-member Parliament. But it still cannot be dismissed German concerns. After all, euro bonds is to Germany, and other core Member States to guarantee the credibility of. Once the debt crisis not to control, and Germany lost the dominance to crisis control, then as a guarantee of major powers, will be reduced to the debts of others in danger. Germany economic expert CommissionLast week proposed the creation of a "European reimbursement fund" which requires all debt levels exceed EU limit (that is, 60% GDP) country, its excess debt from the Fund to take over. The Committee also requests that the beneficiary of the Fund as Germany introduced in the national Constitution as "debt brake mechanism", to rein in debt levels in line with EU rules. It is clear that inResponse to European debt crisis, Germany clearly hopes to "Germany mode" transform euro. Standing behind European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso is Italy, and Greece, and other heavily indebted countries of the eurozone. Obviously, if the introduction of the "stable bonds", they will be the biggest beneficiaries. Italy new Prime Minister Mario Monti said, the introduction of "Eurobonds" helps stabilize the financial markets, consolidation of public finances. AsAs an economist, he supported the proposed joint issue euro bonds in the eurozone, but also said it and other EU leaders to discuss a decision until after the Crown's position. Italy media commented that Italy welcomes the "stable bonds", but also understand not Germany and France support the introduction of the "stable bonds" is tantamount to an idiot's Daydream. Greece the new Prime Minister, PAPajimosi were of the view that "the Euro bond" or a similar tool can provide ways to fend off debt crisis. Clear, Greece need "stable bonds", but the new Government just sworn in May was too busy to, their current top priority is how to implement a new round of aid loans, and successfully held general elections. In the release "stable bond", the current position of micro-Interesting is France. At the beginning of European debt crisis, France is to support the release of "Eurobonds", but only in the summer of this year and Germany come together, but still plays a communication bridge between the two camps. Recently France national debt AAA ratings seem to be at risk, difficult to ensure that France would not rejoin the camp of supporters. France was quoted analysts point of recognitionFor, at present, France the Government has realised that source of European debt crisis is "not under unified European unity", national fiscal policies exacerbated the structural contradiction of Engage at will. To this end, France believes that this stopgap approach compared to the implementation of the European bond, rather than amendment of the EU Treaty comes directly. This will enable the financial, economic and tax policy of the euro-zone countries step by stepConvergence, taking punitive measures against States that do not follow the rules, change the structural problems of the unified financial and economic policies of the euro, so that Europe can really out of the crisis. At the same time, France hopes to lead this process, it expressed the hope that the United Germany with modified EU Treaty. EU Treaty change, not meaning it is unlikely the European bonds, and there are many ways that can beFor the same purpose.

flat circle around a foot in the students ' kickball accurately found Antonio Di Natale

129667775685771642_59Antonio Di Natale returned to efficient shooter top 11 three-ball amazing NetEase sports reported on November 26: the Udinese at home against the Rome team's game, team old gun Di Natale became the team to win the greatest hero, he was in the game on the 79 minute goal opened the farm situation, Udinese finally home 2-0 Rome, Lectra teams. The goal of this game is Antonio Di Natale 9th grain League goal of the season, into theAfter the ball swtor power leveling, he again went back to the shooter top position, and his high scoring rate 11 three-ball reminds many people of Marvel. Udinese 2:0 victory over the Roman Deputy Chief before the match of the Serie a list of integrals, Udinese coach Kyu multiple forests and Roman coach Enrique knows you want to limit the other key players play. However, Udinese team successfully limited thus PjanicAnd beyon play of Rome have failed to restrict play of Antonio Di Natale, Rome lost this game upon losing to Antonio Di Natale. Throughout the match, the Roman defensive player, see basic prevention are in place to Di Natale until before the game 79-all basic didn't let the black bone chicken with old guns in what better opportunity. But just because a negligence, Dina TowerGates, Lai the chance to attack the Roman team. The games got underway at that time 79 minutes, flat circle around a foot in the students ' kickball accurately found Antonio Di Natale, after the latter ample keyaer defense intrusion right foot the ball into the restricted area, Lieutenant Roman keyaer in the course of this spell and Antonio Di Natale speed or pulled a muscle of his left leg and had to be prematurely changing fate. Antonio Di NataleGoals help them on the open field, in the match after 89 minutes, Isla and then into the 1 ball. Eventually star wars the old republic power leveling, 2-0 beat Udinese Rome integral top position for the time being. After the match, the slow motion in their scoring system to Di Natale 7.5 points with the highest audience, the media have also commented: "while most of the gameHis performance is a very bad time, but he was at the decisive moment came along, 1 goals is sufficient to 79 minutes before washing his dismal performances. "In addition, as the Rome sports daily and the Turin sports daily also with Di Natale decided to contest the title, and the Milan sports daily also known as Antonio Di Natale who is to decide the tournament. After hacking into this goal, dinataBarclays serie a this season had scored 9 goals, he returned to Serie a striker of top positions now and also tap into the 11 goals with Atlanta striker Dennis occupy a integral top position. Also worth mentioning is that this is Antonio Di Natale's career in the face of Rome into the 11th, Rome has become compromised on his serie a games goalThe highest number of teams. This season, while Antonio Di Natale was 34 years old, but he still blade is not old. 11 games into the 9 ball, 0.82 goals, this high scoring efficiency is enough to make a lot of people wonder. After two seasons, Antonio Di Natale, respectively gold boot to 28 and 29 ball get League, in the remaining matches in this season, if heTo maintain his high scoring rate, and to avoid severe injuries to his invasion, he is still likely to win serie a this season's Gold boot.

or the last SuperLight metal structures were shaken by xiaobian

129668571681875000_83From left to right followed by iPhone add-in wide angle, telephoto, fish eye lens of this kind of rotating lens accessories are still very rare.  It will be of three types of wide angle swtor power leveling, telephoto, fish eye lens into one, to meet the consumer's wide variety of shooting requirements. The 8th page: used car after cow art sculpture used products recycling what has beenCity managers as a major challenge, but these waste products into a different kind of art is becoming a trend, here we take a look at used car is how up sculpture works of art. http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzIzMjY5MTA0/v.sWF one Finland artists make use of recycled scrap auto creation of this set of exquisite huge sculptures of cows.  Various parts, and carefully arranged match colors, attitude elegance and charm of each cow is unique, rich, rich life. 9th page: eye controlled human-computer interaction is becoming a game their efforts in the direction of the game, will not speakThe will to achieve action game, game control already exists with the eyes. Http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzIzNzQwMzA4/v.swf this is gaming machine controlled with your eyes, but also the world's first eye-controlled games. This "StarBattle "game machine has only one button, infrared sensor scans of the bottom of the screen the player's eye for operation purposes. After the game started, full operations are controlled with your eyes. Game requires destroying constantly to the Earth in space of meteorites, the player only needs to stone with eyes staring at the screen, and assist moved slightly to his head, the system will issue a red laser to break theSome stones.  Even with glasses you can operate the game, but induction speed is slowed down because the lenses increasing degrees of. 10th page: very light metal structures in recent years star wars the old republic power leveling, global natural disaster-prone, subsequent effects of these disasters are frightening, immeasurable impact on the IT industry, Thailand's floods has kept even fowls and dogs are not spared-ruthless mass slaughter of the entire PC industry,Japan Quake PSV also postponed, but people are by technology to reduce the impact of disasters, such as the following the super light, super high extrusion of solid metal structures will be put to use at the crucial moment. Recently, the United States University of California, Irvine, and Hughes research laboratories jointly developed the world's lightest solid metal structure, which consists of very fine hollow metalTube but, in this architecture, the 99.99% is the air, only 0.01% of the solid metal. The structure of metal densities of only 0.9 mg/cubic centimeters, about 1% of polystyrene foamed plastic, you can put it on the dandelion does not crush. Super light weight of the metal, but it has good support and mechanical properties, Even if the volume is compressed to 50% can still be restored.  Now researchers are studying the material related to the application in terms of noise insulation, battery electrodes, shock absorbers, very broad application prospects. Summary except for the lamp, whether it is ultra high performance rechargeable battery, still iPhone turntable lens, eye control game, or the last SuperLight metal structures were shaken by xiaobian, changing people's wisdom is to take new product life in the future.

Monday, December 26, 2011

He Jianzhong Department of transportation spokesman said yesterday that as of November 11

129667515272500000_13National toll roads mapping results of full disclosure, highway fees total $ 285.9 billion report from last year (reporter Tang 旸) He Jianzhong Department of transportation spokesman said yesterday that as of November 11, national Turnpike toll road all provinces have been published survey results thoroughly. Queries, with the exception of non-toll roads outside of Tibet, the other 30Provinces the accumulated debt balance of almost $ 2.3 trillion of toll road, and toll-road charges amounted to 285.946 billion yuan last year. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single to enhance risk management and control of nonferrous metalsTwelve-Five plan will be published: shocking sex scandal counted among global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's Chongqing announced single national toll roads in detail special cleanup for the first phase of the project thoroughly investigate the end of August. Can thoroughly to relevant queries on the website of the provincial government, with the exception of Tibet outside 30 provinces have been thoroughly conducted in public.   Open content mainly in the form of the toll road information public, and two of the Turnpike mainline site map, including toll-road mileage, mainline toll stations and 2010 business, investment and debt, and other large items. Published in all provinces and autonomous regions of the city, Chongqing also issued a "toll road project meetingSummary of "detailed name 27 charges, management or business unit, the charging Terminal, was opened to the time, approved the project fee starting and ending time, mileage, toll station name, and so on. Highway extra hundreds of billions of debt based on information published in eight provinces, toll roads the accumulated debt balance was 2.2911 trillion yuan in the 30 provinces. In Hebei, Henan,Guangdong, Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Yunnan and in 8 provinces exceed billions of dollars of debt.   One, the Guangdong Supreme, the accumulated debt balance amounting to $ 226,743 the old republic power leveling,510,000.   Last year, the national provincial toll roads charge a total of 285,946,140,000 yuan, charges for most for repayment, Jilin 95% fees are used to repay the loans. Most provincesAfter a loan, excluding maintenance expenditures, operating expenditures, taxes and other expenses, depreciation or amortisation expenditure swtor power leveling, are "living beyond its means", and the gap is large, Shandong is loss of $ 8.7 billion. Most provinces on formulating rectification and reform measures on September 1-December 31, special cleaning of countrywide toll roads entered the stage of self-correction. In investigating thoroughly all over the baseFoundation, on the duration of existing toll roads, toll, fee, toll station (dot) and audit the charges one by one. He Jianzhong said that at present, most of the provinces, municipalities, and is in accordance with the requirements set out to formulate concrete reform measures.

why not

129667840495302892_220High price-earnings ratio of new shares issued, why not? Has been discussed in the industry, regulators have been promoting. On Friday, the SFC official said the old republic power leveling, the next step, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will improve the quality of information disclosure as the Center, with the goal of true transparency of listed companies, increase the intensity of reforming and perfecting the issuing regulatory, multi-pronged approach gradually changed and high earnings situation of issuing shares.More premium offerings, raising funds, and deficiencies in China's capital market investment idea at this stage, risks of keen speculation, keen to rush to purchase new shares larger market behavior of very large. Changes to issue new shares higher earnings situation, will help to squeeze new stock bubble, reducing investment risk, but also is conducive to the rational allocation of funds. If the newly listed companies raised funds limit the overall decline swtor power leveling,That means the same funds can be to increase the business listing. However, I also think, if the new low price/earnings ratio of listed companies, stock positioned low is down because of price effects of the market shares of gravity? Defer said this, went on to say that high price-earnings ratio of the new shares issued. This phenomenon, how to solve? The writer of the three "Sabre" alleviate theHigh price-earnings ratio of new shares issued distress (see November 24 the securities Journal A1 version) raised in the article, break plagued new shares higher earnings release, you can use a "three-sword" to solve, respectively against inquiry agencies, investment banks and issuers. Of course, this is just the author a simple idea. How to solve the issue of new shares higher earnings release, the key is to issue system into, And this, regulators, experts and scholars have been drawn from different angles "fever medicine". Taken together, largely concentrated in several areas: first, the issue of interest for more to cut off. Many people believe that sponsor direct investment brokers, brokerages in the recommendation process, has the power to push up the price. To address this situation, the Commission and the securities industry association have recentlyProvides that sponsor business and direct investment business requires brokerages to strictly enforce strict operational isolation, not direct investment has sponsored enterprises; sponsor direct investment before, lock period required on a regular basis on the basis of strict implementation of existing shares, direct investment child company shall undertake to take the initiative to extend share lock period of not less than 6 months. Second, changing the tender inquiry link. As the introduction of United States-tendering system. United States-Tender core is the bid price to bid their quoted price. If the United States-tender offer price, although the offer favourably with higher probability of success increased, but higher purchase costs, earnings on the secondary market will be reduced. Once again, perfecting delisting system requirements. As the delisting of China's capital market system is inadequate and current Board delisting system nominal, Causing the stock market "into", dyspepsia. Its Achilles heel is that delisting criteria single and ease of manipulation. Board delisting system the only quantifiable criteria, was that "for three consecutive years of losses" delisting rules, the delisting standards is easy to use "report restructuring" to evade almost effortlessly. And it's delisting does not sound, imperfect, resulting in "shell capitalSource "firing into the sky, to buy ST unit are proud, proud of fried new shares. It was necessary to improve the system of withdrawing. In this regard, also made it clear that regulators recently: perfecting delisting system of listed companies and exploration on the gem on a trial basis. In addition, sponsor institutions should enhance responsibility ball measures on new stock-issuing system, let sponsors and issuers take on more responsibilities;Volume listing, increase supply, alleviate the situation of new shares in short supply, improving the negotiating capacity of inquiry bodies, can inhibit the secondary market speculation speculation. Multi-pronged, solve the problem of issuing new shares higher earnings without delay. This is a significant changes in the orientation of the stock market, are financing re-balancing of interests and the interests of investors, as well as protecting the basic reflection of investors ' interests.Solve the problem of issuing new shares higher earnings, everything is looking forward to. (www.ccstock.cc)

reproduced please sign

129615061056562500_2331(Text/Yang Xueyi, NetEase exclusive fashion comments, reproduced please sign) Chinese actor Zhang Fengyi as Hermès show 2011 fall/winter men's Conference in Beijing go GQ editor in Chief of the Chinese version of Mr Wang Feng, CCTV news channel of the 24 hours of the facilitator Qiu Qiming banker 09 being selectedForbes ' Chinese celebrities list Mr Neil Shen ullens Center for contemporary art curator, Jerome Sans Central Academy of fine arts masters, "rare" founder and sculptor Qu Guangci but one thing is beyond doubt, absolute icing on the decoration of this show, unique. ABy Hermes gift box and micro models in Orange Paris Street view attracts eyeballs every guest of Erwin Wurm and Veronique Nichanian cooperation installation art in a Cannes showcase new Woody Allen movie "midnight Paris" describes aThe poignant, silence, God of bright-coloured, in the night sky, stars like the Banzai charge, the moon like the Moon, who had seen only the ecstasy. The Hermès Designer, otherworldly like it bit by bit, bit moved to the capital, accompanied by the world-famous Eiffel Tower, in Beijing you onlySuspected they sleepwalk through the night to Paris. These have seen "great man", through "big world", "big shot" or not for this magic quadrant and had really drunk in zhijing confused. All clad in Hermès exquisite, composed of senior men 's, was originally not belonging to them, Far away on the stage, casual and lines, as if the battlefield is inherently a fashion of their familiar home, a body established by the gorgeous coat armor is for them to develop. Their gait naturally, the style remains the same, its capability, there is not involved biological reserve and dapple of Apple. Fengyi Zhang took his mature men micro-Smile, meet the Sun is shining like Moon swtor power leveling, displaying heroic bearing of contemporary Chinese male film stars also show the maturity and taste of Hermès. GQ Editor Frank Wang came, brought the fake Paris really arrogance, that top Imperial indifference and calm down, let the body to win the detail dress up look more stable, solemn.Mr Central Academy, academician of Qu Guangci outgoing quite another flavor. Free, xianjing, calmly with personality and unruly. Hermès will make clothes, will take the stage, know what to make "people" get on the stage. This show really is distinctive, fun grow wild. Representative Hermes creative spiritORION new luggage and Hermes classic men's bags, Erwin Wurm and Veronique Nichanian cooperation of installation art Hermes classic watch H-Hour the special installation art to display on the wall Strips highlight of Hermès products of choice are also hard on the mind, from the classic Platinum package, represented in the men's hood-"crazy dyeing" (l ' imprimeurfou), from the small Sheepskin gloves, Yamaha VMAX1700 motorbike. Hermes not onlyLaunching their clothing, but also various penetration at the quality of life that brought supplies to the show. Even cigar box, Bottle Openers this usual things no longer usual, all love horses, Homestead is concerned. This also has a very special jewelry--ArceauTimeSuspended suspensionTime rose gold wrist watch. People have all kinds of desires, retain bright moments was one. Hermès rose gold watch the specially designed us a naive dream. In addition to showcase their products, Hermès, they brought from far away Daily artist ErwinWurm have in store for this show, lined with sculptures, fusion of art and fashion, temperament in the ideal match. Brings different senses. Not just a static exhibition, global finger skateboard contest winner the old republic power leveling, EliasAssmuth and DiPerformance arising from Mr mitriSchlotthauer is another highlight, show this time considerably.

bank deposit 1.68 trillion yuan

129667840505615392_246Stock this year, the first three quarters of risk capital investment show, more conservative, however, into four quarters, risk capital is showing significant market posture. Monthly insurance funds added investment of 142 billion yuan in October, boosts your monthly incremental new highs. According to latest data, released October monthly insurance funds investment of 142 billion yuan, the highest monthly during the year increasedHigh, market analysis, the data to a certain extent disclose chuxian Chinese think the market has been built at the bottom, bottom-wish strongly. Insurance-funded four-quarter gallon heavily yesterday, the China insurance regulatory Commission website released the first ten months of the year operating data, in January-October, total assets amounted to $ 5.8 trillion in insurance industry, insurance funds total $ 3.6848 trillion, of which swtor power leveling, bank deposit 1.68 trillion yuan, less than 29%. Compare with 1 ~ June data, released October monthly insurance funds investment of 142 billion yuan, bank deposit edged lower to $ 35.5 billion. Industry analysis says that this scenario is similar to at the end of June this year. For half a year doing the accounts need, coupled with expectations of inflation control was strengthened the old republic power leveling, risk capital June consecutive gallon billionsYuan, became important promoter of the year more than 100 points in the rally. Capital earnings rate steady rise in this year's stock market fell a total shock, most institutions losing money. However, the insurance agency 50% asset allocations in the bond market, bond market since the third quarter to go cattle make it yield a significant improvement, as of now, the overall yield in 3% per cent this year, but still significantly lower than the previous two years。 Specific view, the end of the first quarter of this year, operation of insurance fund receipts amounted to $ 51.5 billion, an average yield of 1.07%; first half insurance fund investment gains 103.11 billion yuan, average yield 2.1%; 1 ~ June, insurance companies achieve capital gains $ 135.38 billion, an average yield of 2.7%, after years of investment rate of return is; In 3.6%, the insurance company funds operating income amounted to $ 182.392 billion, capital operation yields an average of 4.42%. Analysts said the insurance organizations will not give up easily, and will continue to strive for reduced stock investment losses, the stock market would be a big boon. Links: insurance exchanges, subject to the approval to set up this reporter learned, Recently published by the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision) requirements, financial products such as insurance, credit, gold trading exchange, must be approved by the State Council approved the establishment of the financial management sector.

at cost to something like ten thousand or twenty thousand

129668732813125000_238Harvin (information) CCTV "the most beautiful family portrait" competition ended on November 25. It is learnt that the Spring Festival evening groups are selected from the many family pictures out 8 works for broadcasting. Ultimately selected for the announcement of the results will be published on the Dragon before the Spring Festival. Then there is news that the CCTV Spring Festival evening this year will not have too much "grassroots" works appeared. In last year's Spring Festival evening sun masculine, and XidanGirls appeared to grass roots artists were given a lot of sense. Harvin earlier said in a media interview, does not make a distinction between artists as got talent and the grass roots and professional, as long as there are good programmes on can. But according to current knowledge, this year's Spring Festival evening grass roots artists on the stage will not be too much. However, from the China's got talent-show program "crystal ball's got talent" Hu Qizhi back in a few months ago, receivedSpring Festival Gala invitation. "Have rehearsals preparing for many months, probably starting from August. "Su Hu Qizhi broker told the reporter that," he States are very good, and he is really a carefully polished each link. Because signing a confidentiality agreement, so cannot disclose details, but surely that blew the audience again. "It is learned that the CCTV Spring Festival evening will be 12Entering the rehearsals of the dance program of the month, when Hu Qizhi will also participate in. At the same time the old republic power leveling, various message has been spread about the Spring Festival evening blaze. Recently, makeup CCTV Director XU Jing swtor power leveling, when communicating with college students revealed that the "Spring Festival evening show host a skirt more than 300,000 a year, Spring Festival evening show, those little a stall with goods spread out on the ground for sale of goods is now a public company of the year! "In this regard, many networksFriends criticize the Spring Festival evening show "too flashy". However, and repeatedly have worked with fashion designers such as Dong Qing, Zhou Tao Guo Pei the Assistant said: "this figure is not accurate, at cost to something like ten thousand or twenty thousand, about 30,000. "Trainee journalist Xu Haiyang

Kotaku "editing

129668527083281250_7In a Kotaku interview, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg complains fellow art media, people has on games and movies hold completely different views.   Some people criticized the COD series of brutal violence, which made him quite distressed. "People think the game is better than movies, such as the hurt locker, more violence, but, These films are in fact, like games, is being created as a form of entertainment. "The CEO firmly believes that the game is a" virtual forms of mass culture ", and the game has no intention of breeding ground for violence. "I think the game is an art form, and I think the lack of thoughtful criticism is inappropriate, especially for those who, like the green zoneAnd the profound works of Flight 93. Decades later, when we review the past, and we will be surprised by the game should cause so much controversy. "Modern warfare 3 sales in just 5th have created 775 million, well ahead of movies at the same time being able to create a box office. Such remarkable success, even a strong cultural impactThis inevitably has also drawn criticism from some opposition voices, anyway, some people nevertheless hate game, convinced that games are poisoning our children and grandchildren. EricHirshberg said: people for movies and games swtor power leveling, holding a double standard. "Film the hurt locker producer choupai movie is not in the public service, they are to tell aThe story, a story they think must speak. This is a entertainment work the old republic power leveling, they sold the shadow, and sales of the DVD.   "Of course, people still regard this film as art, a game must be, just squeeze money machine. Double standards can sometimes be attributed to different content. Games on political and social issues in General to avoid by staying away, while the movie isUsually focus on these issues to get the depth of the content.   COD was originally more than a simple action to FPS, because this is what the player needs, perhaps it really is not fit to the profound understanding of literature and art. Perhaps, will appear in the future who has both humanistic and artistic care and depth, yet fun games. Source: Kotaku "editing: the North Sea" published this articleOnly for the transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views or confirm the description.

the official price $ 4

129667515274687500_18 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the original stock/fund micro-blogging news blog news telecommunications news interview with high-end industry news Internet appliance highlights business computing best thematic machine rolling digital life mobile appliancesLibrary hexun.com technology > body font size print RSS sources of November 26, 2011: zhongguancunzaixian for iPhone4S licensed importers listed in China time, insiders said it will be 2011On February 18 swtor power leveling, the official price $ 4,999 is expected from the sale. IPhone4S licensed importers or December 18 in domestic listing iPhone4S in the week had passed the Ministry's network testing, all the indicators are in line with requirements.   In accordance with the process, is expected to within one to two weeks to get network access license. Before the news thatUnicom iPhone4S will be launched in mid-December, and the basically the same mainstream time to market. Coincidence is that concerns mobile phones are also open on December 18 to buy millet.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

maximum torque 215N· M

129668526778593750_21th page: huatai BCI VS Porsche Cayenne 2nd page: Haver IF VS BMW X6 3rd page of the great wall: China V5 VS BMW X1 4th page: a new generation of lifan 520 VS new Wei Chi 2011 Guangzhou auto show recently held at China import and export commodities fair Pavilion, well-known global vehicle productionManufacturers have brought together here, among them is labelled as a "world first" the old republic power leveling, "Asia first", "domestic first" name highlights, such as models. Contrary to some of the new models were dubbed "parody" name, not talking about all aspects of vehicle and follow the example of cars.   So, let us take a look at these 4 "twin brother" which is the new model. HuataiBCI VS Porsche Cayenne similarity: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ BCI overall shape resembles a Porsche Cayenne, huatai family front styling, inverted trapezoidal mesh front grille and match bi-xenon headlamps swtor power leveling, form a unique identification of the BCI.   Pushing the total of 6 models, price interval: 12.37 per cent. Its interiors andThe Cayenne style similar to BCI Brown interiors, and equipped with wooden decoration plates to enhance the texture, Visual effects outstanding. Vehicle is equipped with large-screen LCD and automatic configuration of variety of comfort such as air conditioning. Advance listing of BCI Board manufactured by SAIC Kavachi 1.8T turbocharged engine, maximum power of 118kW, maximum torque 215N· M, while another was huatai 2.0TECV diesel turbocharged engines, its maximum power is 110kw, maximum torque 310N · m. Hanging connection, is used in front of MC Pherson strut and rear multi-link independent suspension before and after settings. (function(){hxPage.maxPage = 4;document.getElementById('page2011nav').innerHTML = hxPage.create();}) ();

2011-year in October

129667889760615392_406Foreign exchange statistics showed on 25th October 2011 swtor power leveling, Bank Exchange settlement for customers surplus just US $ 3.2 billion, hit a monthly record low since the publication of the data.  Coincidentally, Bank foreign collecting payments surplus amounted to us $ 10.9 billion for customers, for this year's low. Specifically, October foreign exchange banks Valet $ 115.2 billionBanks exchange for customers and sales at US $ 112.1 billion, Bank Exchange settlement for customers surplus of us $ 3.2 billion. 2011 1, banks accumulated $ 1.3265 trillion of foreign exchange for customers, the cumulative sale 942.6 billion dollars, banking Trojan Exchange settlement for customers surplus $ 383.9 billion. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regretSudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Compared with the early, flat to the exchange for customers and sales data for October and 8 September, but data showed a significant decline of foreign exchange for customers, become the reason of Exchange settlement surpluses caused record low. In General, when the strong prospect of RMB's appreciation, enterprises and individuals choose to sell ExchangeThe Bank, in exchange for currency, foreign exchange banks; the Yuan devaluation occurs when the expected, businesses and individuals tend to use the local currency to buy foreign exchange holding dollars, the Bank sale.  From late September onwards, Renminbi non-deliverable market long term experiences short, an appreciation of the Yuan is expected starting to wane, many companies choose to reduce foreign exchange settlement and holding foreign currency the sidelines. At the same time, 2011-year in October, banking for customers in the territory of foreign revenues of US $ 186.8 billion, external payment of US $ 175.9 billion, Bank foreign collecting payments for customers Shun received US $ 10.9 billion. 2011-in October, the banks accumulated foreign income of us $ 1.8967 trillion for customers, accumulated external payment of us $ 1.6378 trillion, cumulative foreign bank Valet collect payment plus a 25US $ 8.9 billion. Bank Exchange settlement for customers and foreign collecting payments for customers is that many projects integrated performance, including capital and trade projects, and foreign exchange the old republic power leveling, foreign exchange reserves, and other data and does not match well.  But the largely reflects the trade balance, capital account some of the trends. This can be judged, in October reduced the pressure of foreign capital inflows.Central Bank figures showed a few days ago, released October Exchange-24.9 billion yuan, was the single month of negative growth for the first time since December 2007.

Brazil people seize the time front all involved in the attack

129668763155625000_275Arsenal VS Fulham scoring: little tiger gunmen abandon will coordinate the best Arsenal player scoring the old republic power leveling, Ze-7 young Poland goalkeeper in the legendary veteran Bob. Wilson under the fabulous retaining Joachim du Bellay was a foot high volley choushe, avoided arsenal visiting team in the first half and attack; weiermalun pendulum Oolong can do. Djourou-7: in the case of right guard position no available,Djourou guest this service performed significantly stronger than the effect of the field a few weeks ago and Chelsea clash. Although assists than Sarnia, but acts as a patch on the defensive side is fufuyouyu. Second half header had once gongmen form scoring inter-engage. Merte Sachs-6.5 relative to peer weiermalun, per Mertesacker-service play a much more robust, and basically had no leave Fulham ballTo exploit. But for tactical adjustments before the final 20 minutes, replaced by Wenger ahead of departure. Weiermalun-6.5: playing a mixed feelings of the match. First half was a defensive slip, leading to Zamora calmly turned and shot narrowly missed being in the closed area to attack cities. Under pressure from Zamora auto-oscillation of the second half and Oolong; 10 minutes before the final and compensate,Killing of strongly sinking into a shot of potential header gongmen, personally banping the score. Andre. Santos-6.5: Brazil people seize the time front all involved in the attack, but from a left-back evaluation standards, Santos performed no reassuring. The first half because of a tactical Hand ball is got a yellow card by referee to produce; second half aershawen sidewalkDumb-fire situations, actually more like dos Santos was an attacking player sth Sir w.Ramsay-6: this service is very excited about this goal is full of desire, handle the arsenal almost half of the shoot. But also because most of his shots were not very reliable, that led to arsenal has failed to break the deadlock. Aerteta-7.5: not all West classTeeth are like Fabregas, Silva and Harvey General elegance, they still have a defensive midfielder for as simple as aerteta. The game aerteta has always been busy assisting defense swtor power leveling, while arsenal has not won, but aerteta performance is commendable. Song-7.5 help arsenal in most of the time successfully controlled the midfield, focused at the gameAccountability guarded each other active Belgium midfielder Joachim du Bellay; Wenger prepared to last 20 minutes to beat death, in the case of take down Zhongwei per Mertesacker, song, drawing back to the position of central defender, fared are also considered. Aershawen-5.5 opening 10 minutes of the game, we can faintly see 2008 "czar" rebuke of Europa and vigorous figure�� Had an opportunity to send the ball into the Fulham NET Wo, but was cut earlier found offside. Then game began to fall into the "sleepwalking", especially in the second half he could not find evidence of. The last 15 minutes be replaced by a more dynamic Cha Make. Robin van Persie-7: the tournament has been focused on care, but still won two scoringGolden opportunity. Once shooting had beaten goalkeeper was Baird in front of the door line rescue; one shot you slightly Miss distance. Theo Walcott-8 there is no football brain, but only the silly run? Former England international Vader today should withdraw themselves for Theo Walcott's irresponsible remarks! First half the match, Theo Walcott is arsenal attackingMasters, Beck, he used rocket speed "a pick three" success, unfortunately, Sir w.Ramsay hastily wastes from Theo Walcott miaochuan. Game of the second half of the most challenging stage, Beck, Theo Walcott again sent high quality crossing, weiermalun sphere-score was knocking at banping. Substitute Diaby-7 French technology well, that is,Dragging its feet. Reerweiniao-6.5 minute substitute appearance and is always difficult to find the game state. Cha Make-N/A: as a force for the last 10 minutes played positive efforts. Fulham player scoring Schwarzer mark-7.5/Baird-7, Philippe Senderos-8, Chinese root RAND-7.0, John Arne Riise-6/Dickson etuhu-6 and-7/Anibal Ruiz-6 Murphy (Casa meters-7), Joachim du Bellay-7, Deng Puxi-5.5/Zamora-7 (Johnson-N/A) (Goal.com) Goal.com source in this article without permission shall not be transferredContained, offenders!

such as ren Yonghong and Li Ningning man-made Casino security guards

129668732724062500_48Justice network of Shaanxi, November 27 (reporter Ni Jianjun correspondents soldiers) by the Yulin city, Shaanxi Province Prosecutor's Office prosecuted according to law, 22nd, Yulin city intermediate people's Court on 20 defendants arrested for organizations such as Li Fei participating in organized crime cases to public hearing. Prosecutors charged that in January 2006, defendant Li Fei of extortion was labor educationTo raise. After the release, Li Fei Li Yaoyang draw unemployed personnel, such as ren Yonghong and Li Ningning man-made Casino security guards, Li Yaoyang, ren Yonghong also Feng Dong, MA Jin, Cheiron, who pulled, and organized crime. Li Fei using their organization's strong position, causing disturbances such as damage to property, intentional injury, playing hit means, Jia County illegal control underground gambling establishment, forced to collect "Protection fee "; on the other hand, they opened the gambling house the old republic power leveling, tapped from benefit, to shore up its illegal and criminal economy. To strengthen management, Li Fei provides the status of members of the Organization, Li Fei as big brother swtor power leveling, called the names of the other members, ranked after the first command, and declared the organizational: members should not ask, do not ask, phone 24 hours, guaranteedAlong with a. Also requires that its members cannot be drug abuse and drug trafficking, not steal people grab people, contrary to light the family discipline and disposal, is expelled from the organization. Since 2007, Li Fei members of their organization taking Yuyang district, Jia County as active positions, by means of violence, threats or other illegal and criminal activities: assembling a gambling, 3 serious injuries caused by deliberately inflicting grievous bodily harm, 3 people were slightly injured; WeiThreat or coercion against method, forcibly obtained from his accommodation and gigantic, intentional destruction of his larger accommodation amount. Prosecutors accused Li Fei, 20 defendants accused of leading Mafia crimes, organized crime of participation in organized crime, gambling, crime of intentional injury crime and causing disturbances, extortion, wilful damage to property crimes, and so on. It is understood that was the case in recent yearsFirst case of Yulin city underworld, courts will choose today for sentencing.

November 26

129667750448427892_95Zhongxinwang the old republic power leveling, November 26, according to Taiwan "Central News Agency" reported that Taiwan "legislators" of electoral registration closes on 25th, including 269 regional "legislator", 10 6 mountain and Plains Aboriginal natives "legislators" of candidates complete registration. The Taiwan authorities ", select" information said that 53 people recommend without political parties for a total of 285 persons were registered to stand for election swtor power leveling, to be electedPlaces 79 seats. "Selected" said that "legislators" candidate by the "municipalities", city and County Election Commission on December 21 to handle ballots, not partitions "legislators" electoral component from "select" the same day, handling ballot.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Juventus in the first half is still a 59.7% ball control

129668763161718750_288Lazio VS Juventus statistics: the visiting team controlled the ball dominated the shot evenly NetEase sports reported on November 27: Beijing time on November 27, Serie a team challenge in 13th round matches Juventus Lazio. House Pepe to break into the game's only goal the old republic power leveling, Juventus 1-0 a small victory of the final away game Lazio, on the Juventus victory points by virtue of this service reaches beyond Udinese to return to the top. After the match statistics display, Lazio and Juventus shooting evenly, ball possession advantage. The first half after the match, Juventus take absolute advantage on the field. Ball control than Juve always showed a strong ball control ability, in the case of Andrea Pirlo with play injuries, Juventus in the first half is still a 59.7% ball control, while Lazio is only 40.3%。 Shooting data, Juventus half produced a total of 13 such amazing SHO, but hits the door frame shooting only 3 times in the range, target rate of 23.1%, number comparison shots, this rate of shooting is somewhat inefficient. Lazio the first half is somewhat quiet, only 7 of shot, although a 3 foot target, target rate 42.9%Is Lazio only gratifying first half data. Lazio significantly strengthened the offensive of the second half, played a certain effects. The audience after the match, Juventus still relying on 53.8% ball rate in ball control time, leading, through the second half of the control of the midfield, Lazio is from the first half and ball control than a 40.3% of catch up with. InShot on blue eagle Regiment also made great efforts, the audience match they shot 14 times in total, has maintained the standard of the first half. Juventus second shot only 4 times, 2 of them target, the audience shooting rate of 29.4% and than Lazio 35.7%. Other information, Lazio passes completed this service is not very satisfactory, only 73.6% swtor power leveling,Juventus keep normal standards, 82.7%, both parties crossing the success rate is not high, there is no more than 30%, tackling the success rate of Lazio is 86.4%, just a little etter.

so the present debt under pressure

129668574447968750_32Shawn Xu: out of the world economy has not been since the end of a discussion At Saturday's 2011 annual financial Book Forum on fidelity funds, Central College of business administration Professor Shawn Xu (blog) (Twitter) that the world economy are doing, is not a double dip, but had yet to emerge a dip, is essentially a continuation of the financial crisis of 2008. He pointed out that, after the recovery of, thanks to a heavily invested, butIt's like the role of stimulants swtor power leveling, TSE: on the surface of the patient to recover the old republic power leveling, but the root cause has not eliminated, when doping effect soon disappears, fell again in the global economy. In response, said Shawn Xu, true hope of the global economic recovery was strong confidence in the market, played the role of markets, reducing government intervention in the market. "Fed wheel introducedQuantitative easing has yet to see the effects, in addition, the ECB cut interest rates, but no one believes the European Central Bank cut interest rates to tide over their difficulties. In fact, the fundamental root cause of the current global economic difficulties caused, long-term implementation is due to Governments expanded fiscal policy, fiscal policy's potential has been exhausted, so the present debt under pressure, all countries are rarely made byFor, it is necessary to clean up decades of accumulated government debt-long-term implementation of Keynesian fiscal policy is overdrawn. "Shawn Xu said. Shawn Xu also said that in the global economy in the United States economy could first recovery, because it is the soundest of market mechanisms, and relatively United States Government intervention in the economy is minimal. And then there is the European economy, asEuropean economic structure elastic than United States, market-oriented than United States. Last restore is China.

401 loss and 2010 deficitLoss of $1

129667648268740392_97Mundoro Capital Inc. (TSXV:MUN) that submitted as at September 30, 2011-quarter financial results. Highlights should be presented in the press bulletin and the company's interim results and management discussion and analysis of documents read swtor power leveling, these files are available on the SEDAR website at www.sedar. Com and in the company's Web site at www.mundoro.com view. In addition unless otherwise noted, all currency into US dollars. Losses of the Corporation for the year ended September 30, 2011, the first nine months amounted to $1,768,825 ($ $0.05 per share), including the proceeds from the termination of operations of $494,401 loss and 2010 deficitLoss of $1,790,162 ($ $0.05 per share), including proceeds from the termination of operations of $888 the old republic power leveling,348 losses.

11 private heated 2

129667840551084142_35816:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus the old republic power leveling, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game swtor power leveling, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

2010 global sales reached US $ 850 billion in drug market

129667786251865392_207Bio-generic drugs have the opportunity to become medical focus of most attention in recent years. A set of data is the most eye-catching: 2010 global sales reached US $ 850 billion in drug market, where biotechnology drugs and generic drugs and record, reached US $ 140 billion and $ 120 billion, respectively. In the United States outside of bio-generic drug sales also exceeded 1US $ 0. November 25, organised by the biological effects of bio-generics Summit Forum held in Shanghai, Forum around the "bio-pharmaceutical industry trends and key technologies-like" and other topics for in-depth discussion and analysis of comprehensive interpretation. Experts believe that in 2013, 2014, a group of bio-pharmaceutical patents expire will focus. United States FDA for bio-generic drugsRegulations to be announced, and heralded the bio-generics in the next 5-10 year will usher in a significant development opportunity. Experts said China has licensed 13 25 382 different specifications of the products of genetic engineering medicine and genetic engineering vaccine, only 6 9 21 specifications of products belonging to the original, the rest belongs to the clone. In the listed company, hisun pharmaceutical(600,267 valuation, assessment, quotes, news the old republic power leveling, the major trading) hand in hand with Pfizer, the first sign of joint moshadong of the drugs industry, fosun pharmaceutical (600,196 valuation, assessment, quotes, news, the major trading) and Longshan Group marriage, were seen as representatives of domestic business of bio-generics. It is learnt that the bio-generic drug research and development in our country has a certain basis. ToA case study of Shanghai swtor power leveling, has, huaxin biology, Shanghai Institute of biological products Wanxing bio and other 7 companies have drugs such as interferon, human growth hormone. According to the Shanghai Municipal Deputy Director Fu Daxu bio-medicine industry promotion center of science and technology introduction, "Twelve-Five" period of recombinant cytokine drugs and biological treatment of industrial development will focus on the innovation of new targets for gene engineering cellFactor, somatic cell therapy and gene therapy studies. Technology Division Technical Advisor Li Xiangming, research fellow of Chinese bio-imitation pharmaceutical companies make recommendations, before the patent expires, ahead of layout of imitation and increasing indications are the bio-generics opportunity. But whether companies had the opportunity, also is to see whether there are patents, core technology. Ka and bio-pharmaceutical industry limited strategic cooperation in totalCommissioner Chen Rulei told reporters, according to an authoritative figures released by the forecasters by 2021 the global bio-generic drug to reach 250 billion dollars. He also said that technically successful, ranging from commercial success, especially in bio-pharmaceutical area as a whole. Don't just focus on the technical level, market sales and channels is also vital, to have a marketing effort, businessOn track to success. Chinese medicine (600,056 valuation, assessment, quotes, news, the major trading) Rui Guozhong, Director of science and technology achievements transformation Center reminds, domestic drug innovation, must consider good business ideas, and innovations in the market, is not available for innovation, innovation, innovation for the business. CIC securities believes that specifications such as bio-generic drug market in Europe and is growing rapidly, Including recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibody drugs to bio-generic drug industry brought huge development space. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the EU must achieve economic growth

129667840540927892_336November 28-December 2 weeks need to focus on the euro group meeting, the Fed beige book, as well as the United States November nonfarm payrolls report. A week after eurozone Government bond auction collective red light, even the "last straw" de lost confidence in the debt markets. Also downgraded storm swept across the whole of Europe swtor power leveling, three major rating agencies sell "turns bombing",Fitch Ratings downgraded Portugal ratings, Moody's downgrade Hungary rating and p last Belgium surgery. European debt crisis with severe medical, but European officials look forward to launching the euro bonds to help the troubled country's burdens together problem solving, but Germany this resolutely resist, Merkel euro notes will be sent a "wrong signal". One source said, Europe's financial stabilityFund (EFSF) was one of the main topics of the November 29 euro group meeting; EFSF plans to increase the size to 1 trillion euros unrealistic swtor credits, the Fund may extend up to more than 1 time. The Euro bond issue, the analyst said: "Merkel, euro-bonds remain a posterior, but can only be discussed after the end of the European debt crisis nowShe will face massive political resistance ". European Commission President José Manuel Barroso on Friday (November 25) said that Merkel does not oppose the eurozone bonds, issuing only a matter of time. Mr Barroso stressed that, if not ready for a greater degree of integration of the eurozone, the euro will not be persistent. Mr Barroso said that we must find a response to the European debt crisis strongerMethods, the EU must achieve economic growth, or recession. Mizuho Financial Group (Mizuho Financial Group Inc) currency in New York Sales Director Fabian Eliasson said: "everyone understands how serious is the situation had become, while stagnation and waiting will not be able to resolve the crisis. EuroMay be in the next week against the dollar fell below 1.3. "On Monday, Germany November consumer price index for initial United Kingdom November CBI retail sales difference United States October sales of new homes the total number of years of the United States in November manufacturing output to the Dallas Fed indexes week on 2nd October unemployment Japan salaried household spending October Japan October all family supportJapan October retail sales Germany October real retail sales Canada third quarter current account Brussels-Eurogroup meeting Lisbon Portugal Parliament to end on 2012 budget vote on Wednesday, France October producer price index for Germany November quarter adjusted unemployment rate in Germany November quarter adjusted unemployment total euro-OctoberEurozone unemployment rate in November, to reconcile the consumer price index initial Canada October industrial product price index for Canada October raw materials price index for Canada September GDP United States non-agricultural productivity in the third quarter final United States non-agricultural unit labour costs in the third quarter final United States in November, the Chicago purchasing managers ' index United States October NAR quarter after adjustmentShing UK agency sales on Thursday United States quarter adjusted number of initial unemployment benefits last week United States November ISM purchasing managers ' index fed beige book released in Washington Friday the eurozone October producer price index for Canada in November unemployment United States November quarter adjusted non-farm employment change United States November quarter adjusted manufacturing employment population changesUnited States unemployment rate in November

million units

129667837384834142_199Shanghai Stock Exchange trading days in Shenzhen securities short sold (Yuan) turnover (million) turnover (million units) buying business selling sales transaction date stock price (Yuan) trading volume (shares) turnover (million) buying business selling short titles of the Business Department of 2011-11-25 50ETF (510050) 1. 72. 77 593 Bohai securities company limited Tianjin meteorological Observatory Road securities business departments Bohai securities Beijing securities business with 2011-11-25 Chau West Street electronics (002052) 10. 26. 8. 73 sinolink securities (600,109) of Beijing financial Street (000402) international securities business departments Sheng securities company limited Beijing deshengmen outer Street securities business Department 2011-11-25 50ETF (510,050) 1. 72. 77 593 Tianjin Bohai securities company limitedObservatory Road securities business departments Bohai securities company limited Beijing West Wai da Jie Yi Lipu Securities Sales Department 2011-11-25 8. 45 400 ping an securities limited liability company tiyu road securities business departments ping an securities limited liability company in Guangzhou Guangzhou 2011-11-25 tiyu road securities business departmentsZhengtai electrical appliance (601,877) (601,877) 12. 9. 05 34. 5 shuguang road, Hangzhou citics securities limited liability company securities business departments citics securities limited liability company Dan shuguang road, Hangzhou Securities Sales Department 2011-11-25 shares (002366) 10. 97. 06439. 44 guotai Junan securities company limited Chengdu road securities business departments guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd Nanjing in Lishui Street securities business Department 2011-11-25 50ETF (510,050) 1. 72. 96-220 Bohai securities company limited Tianjin meteorological Observatory Road securities businessBohai securities company limited Tianjin meteorological Observatory Road securities business departments 2011-11-25 Dan shares 10. 97-37. 4. 28 guotai Junan securities company limited Chengdu road securities business departments guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd Nanjing in Lishui Street securities business Department 2011-11-25ETF (510 swtor credits,170) 2. 48. 08, 151 West Street of Bohai securities company limited Beijing securities business Department of Tianjin Bohai securities navinfo Observatory Road securities business departments 2011-11-25 (002405) 23. 95 200 Chinese international financialLimited company Shanghai Huaihai Road securities business departments of China International Capital Corporation Limited Beijing Jian Guo men Wai Avenue securities business Department 2011-11-25 180ETF (510,180) 0. 55. 42 682 Bohai securities company limited Tianjin meteorological Observatory Road securities business departments Bohai Securities Co Ltd Tianjin weatherNavinfo 23 road securities business departments 2011-11-25. 95 120 China International Capital Corporation Limited Beijing Jian Guo men Wai Avenue securities business Department of China International Capital Corporation Limited Central Huaihai Road in Shanghai securities business Department 2011-11-25 50ETF (510,050) 1. 72 360. 78 210 Bohai securities company limited Tianjin Bohai securities company limited Tianjin meteorological observatory, Observatory Road securities business departments road securities business departments navinfo 2011-11-25. 95 110. 5 China International Capital Corporation Limited, Jian Guo men Wai Street, Beijing securities business Department of China International Capital Corporation LimitedDividend ETF Securities Sales Department 2011-11-25, Jian Guo men Wai Avenue, Beijing (510,880) 1. 9. 24 190 Bohai securities company limited Tianjin Bohai securities company limited Beijing, Observatory Road securities business departments navinfo Street West securities business Department 2011-11-25 23.CITIC Securities 7 110 (600,030) company limited Shenzhen CITIC Securities Company Limited Shanghai fuhua Yi Road securities business departments, Humin road securities business departments 2011-11-25 Southwest securities (600,369) (600,369) 10. 05 40,200 Southwest securities sharesLimited Chongqing Jianxin North Road securities business departments Southwest securities company limited cangbailu of the securities business in Chongqing navinfo 2011-11-25 23. China International Capital Corporation Limited, 95 80 Central Huaihai Road in Shanghai securities business Department of China International Capital Corporation Limited Shanghai Huaihai Road securities business departments 2011-11-25 founder securities (601,901) (601,901) 4. 98 5,727 huarong Northeast securities securities company limited huarong securities company limited headquarters (000686) Changchun Hingsen Xian road securities business departments 2011-11-25 technology company limited (002436). 07 16. 12 haitong securities (600,837) company limited Guangzhou Dongfeng West Road securities business departments haitong securities company limited Shanghai Electric Yancheng road securities business departments d 2011-11-25 (601,727) (601,727) 5. 9. 96. 62Qi Lu securities limited Qingdao Jiangxi road securities business Department of Bank of China building investment securities limited liability company Anshan victory South Liyuan road securities business departments 2011-11-25 aluminium (002501) 20. 75 120 China Galaxy securities company Changsha Furong road securities business departments Jiangyin Northeast securities company limitedYang Lu securities business departments 2011-11-25 zhengtai electrical appliance (601,877) 12. 9. 5 355 ping an securities limited liability company Shenzhen Securities Sales Department fuhualu haitong securities company limited Shanghai Jiangning road securities business departments 2011-11-25 new countries (300,130) 22. 236. 2 finance securities company limited Shanghai Jiujiang road securities business departments guosen Securities Co Ltd of Tianjin Binhai New Coastal Science Park Road securities business departments 2011-11-25 Zhengzhou coal (601,717) (601,717) 24. 05 2,405 CITIC Securities company limitedHeadquarters (non-business premises) tebon securities business Department of Shanghai Yuezhou Lu pine 2011-11-25 shares in limited liability company (300,132) 14. 86. 5. 49 huafu securities limited liability company in jianyang democratic South securities business departments huafu securities limited liability company in jianyang democratic South securities business departments 2011-11-25 Zhengzhou coal (601,717) 24. CITIC Securities Company Limited 05 2,405 headquarters (non-business premises) tebon securities limited liability company business Department of Shanghai Yuezhou Lu 2011-11-24 open-pit coal industry (002128) 14. 58. 36. 77Huarong securities company limited Beijing financial Street securities business Department Northeast securities Changchun Road securities business departments of XI ' an 2011-11-25 (50ETF) 1. 72. 62 1168 Bohai securities company limited Beijing West Street securities brokers shares Bohai securities limitedSai Wai Street, Beijing securities business departments of the company 2011-11-24 heavy industry, road and sea (002255). 19. 5. 8 huatai securities (601 swtor power leveling,688) company Shanghai Ruijin Yi Road securities business departments at Soochow securities company limited, Zhangjiagang 2011-11-25 yangshe securities business departmentsFinancial ETF (510,230) 2. 86. 08 680 Bohai securities company limited Beijing West Street West securities business departments Bohai securities company limited Beijing Street securities business Department 2011-11-24 Dan shares 10. 96. 6. 62 shares guotai Junan securities limitedCompany Chengdu construction road securities business departments guotai Junan securities company limited Nanjing Lishui Street securities business Department 2011-11-25 in Zhengzhou coal machine (601,717) 23. 59. 2 80 German state securities limited liability company business Department of Shanghai Yuezhou Lu de Business Department of State securities company limited Shanghai Yuezhou road 2011-11-24 Dan shares 10. 96. 14. 11 guotai Junan securities company limited Chengdu road securities business departments guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd Nanjing in Lishui Street securities business Department 2011-11-25 180ETF (510,180) 0. 55.West Street 75 2005 Bohai securities company limited Beijing securities business Department of Tianjin Bohai securities Observatory Road securities business departments 2011-11-24 Dan shares 10. 96. 55. 71 jianshe road, Chengdu, guotai Junan securities company limited of the securities business of guotai Junan securities limited sharesNanjing in Lishui Street securities business Department 2011-11-25 180ETF (510,180) 0. 55. 56. 7 West Street of Bohai securities company limited Beijing securities business Department of Tianjin Bohai securities meteorological 2011-11-24 road securities business departmentsShares 10. 96 30. 8 Cathay Junan securities company limited Chengdu road securities business departments guotai Junan Securities Co Ltd Nanjing in Lishui Street securities business Department 2011-11-24 duolun Museum of shares (600,696) (600,696) 9 300 China International Capital CorporationLimited company Beijing Jian Guo men Wai Avenue securities business Department of Eastern securities company limited Shanghai Pudong South Road securities business departments of 2011-11-24 yongyi (002373) 16 50 essence securities company limited Shanghai century Avenue securities business Department of China Merchants securities (600,999) of Beijing financial Street securitiesSales Department 2011-11-24 Zhengzhou coal (601,717) 25. CITIC Securities Company Limited headquarters 16 3,774 (non-business premises) tebon securities limited liability company business Department of Shanghai Yuezhou Lu 2011-11-24 da bei (002385). 07 9. 5-323. 66-Bank of China International Securities limited liability company Wanding road securities business departments of Shanghai Bank of China building investment securities limited liability company in Suqian zhengtai electrical appliance South securities business departments of the Yellow River 2011-11-24 (601,877) 13. 38. 3 385 Shenzhen ping an securities limited liability company fuhualu of the securities business of sea-goingSecurities company limited Shanghai Jiangning road securities business departments 2011-11-24 seedling of one bridge (002447). 44 50 dedicated China International Capital Corporation Limited Hongkong Middle Road Qingdao securities business departments


129668642064687500_22 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>Panoramic network, November 27-Dong Yaguang machinery sinolink securities analyst Sunday in the "best Analyst Summit 2011 new wealth", said that the 2012 fixed-asset investment growth to fall relatively large machinery industry sub-sectors of uncertain demand Outlook swtor credits, so investment strategies to defend. Dong Yaguang obtained "the ninth best new wealth analyst"Machinery industry in the first place. (Panoramic network/Yin Ji) Dong Yaguang speech at the Forum site (photo: Lei)

I now live from the children of tuition. ��

129667697076709142_41Li Yang and his wife, his daughter yesterday, "Crazy English" Li Yang's wife swtor credits, Kim, founder of Beijing hongfeng Center against storms seminar about women's rights. Wang Yuyi's photography Li Yang's wife against Li Yang's wife storm event against violence details of Li Yang's wife against violence Conference attractions Li Yang's wife against Li Yang's wife storm events against storm detailsYang and his wife against storms seminar attractions [Yi Chun portals] review: I'm not a brave man, but I say it out loud, my purpose is not to open the event. I hope that others will say it out loud, discuss the problem of domestic violence, that's my experience about. "Today is the international day against domestic violence. Recent storm events, Li Yang and his wifeKim was media attention. Yesterday, Kim arrived in Beijing hongfeng Center for women's counseling services, anti-violence symposium call for, in the face of domestic violence swtor power leveling, it is necessary to say it out loud. ����By Yichun portals news xiaobian below show you more about Li Yang's wife against family violence in specific situations. Mus musculus storm Li Yang difficult close to get along with people in Kim's strongUnder the order, the couple to the Maple women's hotline for help. Hotline's founder Wang Hangjuan told reporters that Li Yang grew up with grandparents, after returning to his parents often scold, "he has established close relationships with people. "He never told his wife that" I love you ". ����When experts called Li Yang hug when his wife, he was for a long time not budge an inch. Li Yang refusePsychological counseling, has said on many occasions, "our marriage is to test products, mainly want to know about United States form of education. "He even said," after storm events at home, I blew up, crazy English not affected, was also making a banner to support me. ����"At this point, Kim decides not only to stand out, is determined to divorce. Economic embargo of daughterLawyer although married for 12 years, Li Yang has been the economic embargo to my wife. Kim said that when she was injured to the hospital for an examination, was only $ 2000. In yesterday's "Red Maple hotline" site seeing little room full of people, Kim said, "Li Yang has a lot of houses, whose name is Li Yang and my sister-in-law. If I can have a room, be sure toLadies do affected by domestic violence shelters. "Li Yang per month will give his wife a red envelope, to shopping and life. Encounter daughter tuition fees major expenses such as, "I need to call Li Yang's Assistant or sister-in-law child application. "Yesterday, Kim admitted:" my child's tuition fees find a lawyer, I now live from the children of tuition. �� ()

accelerated CabinetSpeed. Brussels Free University pasika・deerweite noted in an interview

129668631882968750_96 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/swtor-credits/">swtor credits</a>Ratings agency standard and poor's will Belgium long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA", the Belgium accelerated the pace of a Cabinet.   All parties in the dead of night on the 2012 budget negotiations and agreed on November 26, clearing the last obstacle in the Cabinet. On June 13 last year,Belgium ahead of general elections. Several political parties Gets the most votes is then in a marathon Cabinet negotiations, Belgium into "anarchy".   Now bowing to outside pressure of political parties to select a compromise premier in sight, more than 500 days "anarchy" status will end in the near future. P 25th downgrade Belgium's credit rating. P the reason given was BelgiumSeveral times a Cabinet fail, more than 500 days is no official government status, responses to potential financial pressure and regulation capacity is limited.   Belgium laitemu guards the Prime Minister was quick to react p downgrades, calling on all political parties to take immediate action and send a clear signal to the outside world as soon as possible. After more than 10 hours of tough negotiations, the various political parties issued a statementOut: "the parties to discuss 2012 swtor power leveling, 2013 and 2014 budget, agreed on the long-term programme of reform of pension and employment problems. "It has been involved in the negotiations on behalf of disclosed, according to the new budget, Belgium 2012 budget deficit will be reduced to 2.8% per cent of GDP, in 2015 is expected to achieve a balance budget. In 2011, more thanFacilitate the budget deficit will amount to GDP when 3.6%.   Belgium welcomed the King Albert Ii reached agreement on all political parties, and to entrust the President of the French Socialist Party dilubo expedite the setting up of new Federal Government. Analysts here pointed out that the p 25th downgrade Belgium's credit rating, urge all parties to overcome language and political differences, accelerated CabinetSpeed. Brussels Free University pasika・deerweite noted in an interview, p activities stimulate the various political parties, that they cleared the Cabinet obstacles.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

November 27-Joint huatai securities analyst Li Cong Su in "best Analyst Summit 2011 new wealth"

129668682426250000_141Panoramic network, November 27-Joint huatai securities analyst Li Cong Su in "best Analyst Summit 2011 new wealth", said that the current worst insurance industry is over. Li Cong said insurance industry valuations are near the bottom, or have a good profit next year. Li Cong are a team member access to "the ninth best analyst in new wealth" non-banking financialStudy on the first place. (Panoramic network/Liu Lei) swtor credits, Li Cong made speeches at the Forum site (photo: Lei) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action swtor power leveling, at your own risk.

125-152 and-231

129667840411552892_13Global economy are competition who is the ugliest, resulting in huge countries exchange rate turbulence. When there is no direction in the market, is the best time of RMB exchange rate to increase two-way volatility. Appreciation of the Renminbi must not be under pressure, it is in China for manufacturing bring ruin upon oneself, China also cannot let the Renminbi exchange rate still intact. Therefore, expanding the fluctuation interval to be the best approach. From EUR and USD exchange ratePrice, currently on the market has not knows what currencies may not be unilaterally rising or falling trend. On November 23, 1.3341 fell to EUR/USD closed a six-week low, because Germany poor bond sales, Germany staged sell from buy farce planned EUR 6 billion 10-year bond auction, eventually sold only 3.644 billion euro, Germany's Central Bank was forced to buy the remaining near 40% bond-investor panic mentality against the euro further expanded. Euro not homeopathy fall, Beijing time on November 24 at 7 o'clock, euro-dollar gradually reverted to 1.3381. K-line stretched to months, has gone through three rounds of the euro can be seen very significant fluctuations from 2008 to the end of the yearFall and the collapse of the November 2009 to May 2010, April 2011 fall so far. Starting early last year, European debt crisis intensified in the second half of this year. The strange thing is, the euro fell and not out of unilateral swtor credits, but after a wheel fell, followed by a massive increase, and shock, while the maximum distance of 1.6 have IAMBut the rally still can reach the height of 1.5. This shows that investors in the global economy, widespread panic. Investor attention to the European debt crisis, the euro, investors eye occasionally glance at United States debt disputes, deficit of us $ party struggles give investors dare not go chasing rising dollar. In volatile markets, investors apart from preserving the euro or European debt short, in relation toWas let go long on the yen and Swiss francs, this is really a coward--not the worst, only more rotten. However, unwilling to be fish of Japan and Switzerland's Central Bank, announced suddenly intervened in currency, betting encounter gunnin ' Phoenix Suns explosive cartridge. Expanded two-way volatility of Renminbi exchange rate the best reason is that the market formation stability of the renminbi is not expected. This year, against theDollar parity rate the largest increase has more than 4.6%; since the third quarter, exchange-rate flexibility is significantly increased. Calculated according to the Bank for international settlements, the third quarter of 2011, nominal effective exchange rate appreciation of the Yuan 1.58%, 4.24% real effective exchange rate appreciation. After the national day holiday this year has been more than 6 weeks time, the Yuan central parity against the dollar of the weekTrojan were mixed-213 swtor power leveling, 134, 338 basis points respectively, 125-152 and-231, and unilateral move up 6 July this year compared to the situation, prospect of RMB's appreciation has been signs of weakening. Market for Yuan love/hate, see Europe, the United States, such as China and India forced appreciation, betting on Yuan; fear that the real economySoft, and shorting the currency. There is no doubt that, at $ 3.2 trillion in foreign reserves in the hands of China, also increases the pressure of RMB appreciation in the world. But this is political pressure rather than market pressures. Since the second quarter, offshore renminbi spot to go down and always lower than the domestic market, foreign investors doesn't think much of the description of RMB. Outflow of funds gradually within cityOctober's new financial institutions Exchange fell for the first time in nearly 4 years, in the case of foreign direct investment and foreign trade surplus remains, notes significant increase in the speed and scale of capital outflow in China, short of RMB and China's economic strength is growing. The other hand, due to the weakening of the domestic economic situation, October purchasing managers ' index below 50 per centShowing economic contraction expected strong. Under the current situation, as long as China doesn't launch massive stimulus, RMB exchange rate cannot be increased substantially, the maximum may be related to the euro, relative to from dollar fluctuations. Forced in front of the problem is that due to the European debt crisis in Europe in the world to withdraw funds, funds of about $ 1.6 trillion in Asia may withdraw, increasedAnd the financial deleveraging of risk in Asia. At this point, in Asia, including China financial pressure will only increase, not diminish. Therefore, relax bi-directional wave, will never cause a drastic appreciation of the single. Neighbouring India rupee has been pushed to record lows, the exchange rate under the pressures of short-term downside was the future possibilities of the Renminbi. RMB exchange rate in the market good active spreadBig band, is a sign of confident self. On November 19, Premier Wen Jiabao said China is closely following recent new change of RMB exchange rate, will strengthen the bi-directional floating RMB exchange rate flexibility. Now US dollar spot rate difference between the selling price and the purchase price shall not exceed the trading price of 1%, while the interbank foreign exchange market the dollar against the Yuan trading in Bank of AmericaTransaction price 0.5% up and down within the range of a floating, expanding 1 time or even twice times, appreciation of the Renminbi will not unilaterally and then crash. Premise is that the Government did not pursue GDP to stimulate the economy, does not intend to expand in foreign exchange reserves, not to act as a Savior of the world economy. (Daily news)