Sunday, February 19, 2012

tera gold known to the public access programs - NMT

129725023523675594_98Powerful market processes known to the public environmental verification of Changzhou mere formality In recent years, the "green check" for the proposed IPO utility become very important to go to the capital markets authority, while known to the public listed environmental verification of strength of Changzhou was obvious "the motions" suspects. In particular, is called for in tera gold, securities and Futures Commission recently published concerning the adjustment of prior disclosure issues such as circular, prospectus will be prepared for listed company disclosure time to 1 month in advance of the supervisionUnder the guidance, a sense or reference reference for environmental regulation agencies. Changzhou City, Jiangsu provincial Department of environmental protection website recently listed environmental verification of strong electronic materials company limited was public announcements, determine their verification to Changzhou strength and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and branches, majority-owned subsidiaries under the jurisdiction of heavy pollution industry production and management enterprises. The verification results announcement 10 days, Jiangsu provincial Department of environmental protection public calls, letters, visits, and to investigate and verify the problem, as reflected in and addressed. Surprising is the projected strength of Changzhou known to the public listed environmental verification time, January 20, 2012; 2012 lunar new year holiday to January 22, both happen to overlap. Search the Ministry of environmental protection issued by theOn enterprises listing environmental verification procedures and verification requirements of the regulations and policies: review by the technology and the provincial environmental protection Administrative Department in charge of the first instance meet the verification requirements of environmental protection enterprise application materials submitted to company quartermaster review, consideration passed, Sutra Division after the approval of the competent leadership, known to the public access programs, known to the public to the public for 10 days. But policies do not have "known to the public on 10th stage" to make a similar "officialHolidays excepted "details provisions. But legal needs reasonably plausible. May I ask, when spring holiday, public listing how many people are concerned about the strength of Changzhou environmental issues? Even concern, holidays, how to supervise its questioning? Such an arrangement of "publicity" a mere formality, monitoring effectiveness is undoubtedly to be slashed. Worth mentioning is that the Securities and Futures Commission has just released a few days ago on tariffsIn adjustment issues such as disclosure notice in advance to be prospectus disclosure of listed companies time to 1 month, clearly showing "increase transparency, strengthen public supervision" IPO regulatory guidance. The other hand, went through the Changzhou strong environmental verification reports, regulatory verification through, but verification period and environmental protection in investment is only $ 1.2 million, andFrom blue sea Design Institute's verification conclusion much revealed a number of problems: iodine onium salt such as photoresist resin, cationic, PBG three pilot projects found the device because the verification process for enterprise installation, no qualification units were commissioned to design, lack of processing power swtor credits, efficiency, and other issues in December 2011 diablo 3 power leveling, production, and, where found during the verification process of hazardous wasteStaging ground in no leakage, corrosion protection measures, failure to set up a fence or other protective barriers, doesn't meet pollution control standards for hazardous waste storage requirements, and so on. Changzhou powerful check details of the offering, proposed public offering of 20 million shares listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, raised funds to the nation with an annual output of 620t special chemicals, 4760t photoresist resin for photoresistProduction lines, new materials test base. Company 2009 (January-October) sales revenue 65.0784 million Yuan, respectively $ 112.2521 million and $, respectively, net earnings of $ 12.6941 million, $ 24.6887 million and $. It is interesting, with the exception of IPONeeds beyond the three-year reporting period, the company's 2008 sales revenue 71.5336 million Yuan, net profit only 1.7047 million Yuan. Others:

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