Friday, February 24, 2012

rs items for sale substitution - CZX

129733906293752500_327Mobile phone screen brokers said Liu Yan did not participate in the video for time reasons, final interpretation program group for "class" Sina entertainment news on February 10, Liu Yan broker Zhang Jianbin statement denounced the health of relativity this network program. Saying the program around the host Liu Yan's stirring up negative topics, successive burst out of the so-called "placenta says," "Chest-say "or even" first night saying ", and programming officials confirm" topic Liu Yan was too popular, contrary to program their minds "and" forced temporary suspension of cooperation "coverage.  In this nearly 4,000-word statement, Zhang Jianbin detailing a number of real-world experience of the record straight. Liu Yan (micro-blogging) statement sent by agent Zhang Jianbin full text:As brokers of artist Liu Yan, but also as a general practitioner with media vision, in recent months, for the health of the relativity of this network program caused by stirring up negative topics surrounding the host Liu Yan, successive burst out of the so-called "placenta said", "chest-say" or even "first night that" Liu Yan and I have been maintaining external silence, first as a programPartner, we understand the presentations section for click-through rate-Edge ball taken considering "heading the party publicity stunt" is multiple internal communication with the program group urge advocacy can take the positive route; Secondly, we also understand that once the response to interaction with the formation of this malicious speculation, would create a greater diffusion of. But this silence does not mean that we canCourageously, and Ren Jun part. Liu Yan absolutely willing to take criticism and questioning, she would prefer supervision and better self-improvement through the audience, but for any malicious false report processing, taken out of context, "dirty water" she wouldn't accept. Much hype is the source of an unknown before, I tend to trust the program group was originally on our commitments, but todaySee this post by true programming dialect of official confirmation of the so-called "topic Liu Yan was too popular, contrary to program their minds" and "forced temporary suspension of cooperation" report, I realized that it must be some real-world experience writing, "listen to both sides and you will be enlightened", I do not do in vain to persuade, just want to use this as a reference of the audience of readers to judge. Cooperation backgroundScene description: a website show the health of relativity, formerly known as the health of terror! Alert, was presided over by Liu Yan and English teacher partner, weekly webcasts, signed a season-total 12 issues, both sides happy. Changed its name to the health of the relativity in the second quarter and replaced by a Taiwan team, invited Liu Yan partner Taiwan flywheel sea Member Calvin (micro-blogging) co-chaired by oral agreement on cooperationA quarter, a total of 12 issues, both chaired by the run-in to the tacit agreement, outside the auspices, also formed a good friendship. Response 1: absence of Liu Yan videos for time reasons, is only "class" are purely made use of excerpted from the report: Reporter's interview program group Director, answered: "we are also forced to temporary suspension of cooperation, in addition to the program has been recorded, healthKang of relativity the rest of Liu Yan recording no longer arise. "At the beginning of cooperation, the health programme and the theory of relativity we reached a verbal agreement, cooperation in a quarter of a total of 12 issues, 4 videos each phase 3, program group to Liu Yan January 4, 2012 the last video of solicitation, but Liu Yan on December 27, 2011 TV drama of the mother-in-lawCrew filming the blessed life, in accordance with established practice, videos ahead of us and the program group will coordinate videos a week, but the mother-in-law of a happy life cast due to space issues cannot make you leave requirements of Liu Yan, 4th day out videos, but we take the initiative to draw attention to program groups replace the Liu Yan daiban presided over the people, program group, stressed that "Calvin is checked and Liu Yan tookDocument rs items for sale, substitution, to give an account. " Finally Willow rock absence videos due to time reasons, and this was our program in advance of agreement during last 3 videos, called "recording had not then Liu Yan in the remaining" reason, program groups, not the so-called "forced interrupt". Broadcast video in early January until mid-February, came the EliminationIncome. Text message records (screenshot taken from mobile phone, January 2, 2012): the programme makers: "Please be sure to let the cast, I left very early, the cast cannot be done. Chen has also checked and Liu Yan partner, substitution, to give an account, we call it again this evening. "Liu Yan brokers:" I just purposely went to the cast will be back for themCannot set the scene I really do "in response to 2: Liu Yan as early as on the maliciously raised speculation objectionable coordination within programme group for the click-through rate by hook or by crook excerpted from the report:" program, talk to Liu Yan "chest", "first night" and other sensitive topics; "blast first" Bo stunt provoked controversy sth "the health of relativity emphasized that" health literacy "Seeding their minds, is a prerequisite for we choose to work with, if watching a video film of this network program, is not difficult to find programs to Taiwan Arts packaging, but the topic is still around the day-to-day contact with the health issues. Network program regulation is relatively broad, consideration of the program set out the number of hits, each topic will tend to scale greater than conventional TV topicIn fierce of video homemade program competition times although can understanding, but each with broadcast, total has various context of negative topic hype around Liu Yan expand, from "Liu Yan since aeration nurse eat placenta", and "Liu Yan told litigation perfect chest type" even "Liu Yan since aeration first night no bleeding", orientation RAR and means poor, Liu Yan as host in related of topic in the participation discussion, and introductionExperts, all from the programs group prior to prepare the playscript with stage directions, there is no bad words spread, "the first night" topics, for example, the outflow of video footage, Liu Yan process questions to the expert: "but some female friends will wonder why their first night no show", not to be experts answering video abrupt end, replaced by the sensational title:"Liu Yan exposes his first night didn't bleed"! Films and programs for ratings, traffic considerations and hype runescape items, this is the industry norm, but hype doesn't mean there is no bottom line, malicious interpretation facilitator, meant to hype both vulgar-free products, more suspicion of libel slander. The original "placenta" topic, program group and weSu consultations, hoped that programmes adopting a more positive set of communication tools, program group denies active speculation, but speculation intensified and spread before the program on line all the time, I don't know that in addition to the program group, which experts have "foresight", repeatedly rushing times throw the bad publicity stunt? Really said a Word, program group will operate this confusionListening, fabricated reports of calibre up to half of the skill for programming produced, can definitely save the current concern about sluggish decline.  Programs at the ' Iceman ', to "act as agent for heaven" has completely sacrificed the female host cheap runescape items, plus climbing says this is "accede to public opinion", it really serve two purposes. Text message records (from mobile phone screen, on December 19, 2011 "placenta"After the questions): the programme makers: I have today for the marketing department to investigate a ring, on the press exaggerated interpretation of the major is graphic websites on program content, website titles, external PR draft did not do this, found several reports there is no such harm, is heading the party malicious interpretation.  Follow-up will be concerned with this issue. Response 3: Liu Yan, Calvin smooth cooperation program group underFan guide public opinion is part of reports: "because of her health programs of the health network made the theory of relativity in the lineage of bold tone, partner Calvin feel embarrassed or even ' not '. Netizens complain and she put my foot in the programme, forced had to abort the program group and their cooperation. "The programme makers said in the message:" Chen has also checked and Liu Yan tookDocument, substitution, to give an account. "Liu Yan and e also Confucianism although is first partner, but cooperation smooth, two people more in video end phase invited video guests Chen Zhengfei (micro-Bo) together supper and upload micro-Bo, and from program whole areas of visible, two people partner understanding, e also Confucianism also absolute attention themselves of first document mainland program, performance active, tie of very high, in many topic Shang and Liu Yan interactive goodJointly assume the role of facilitator, a connecting link between the climate of mobilization.  But these programs written by the group, it became Calvin Liu Yan "bold", "climate sickness", so "natural" definition it is subjective feeling of network news really is "free". For a program group with extremely subjective orientation of the so-called "audience complaints" and "fanComments on ", we retain beyond the doubt of their authenticity, Liu Yan to the criticism in good faith in part to express sincere thanks and sorry, correct mistakes, and endeavor 5 years in the field of the auspices as the Facilitator, Liu Yan exerting force with tough exterior is more bear silently and secretly, she cherished every appearance of opportunity. At the beginning of the scene, she has to be producer after criticism, One overnight lending programs for all registered with their own pick holes, over the years, each time she has expressed bias in Chair, she is the internal criticism first before we realized their error and corrected one. Conclusion: so more tedious back and forth even should such a distortion of the report, I just wanted to try to restore things to go through. BecauseProgram group since its launch has narcissistic fired all the way, to consumption and distorted female host way of trying to do a name, maybe you aim to reach, but the program you want to learn how, so breaking the bottom line of the hype, entail no end of trouble. Responses may be futile, quirky entertainment news daily story, was just talking point for leisure, but even if the "vain",This response is also a attitude.  I believe that the future must also be a "content is King"-era program wants to gain attention and reputation, to return to good content, good faith in mind and health marketing, relying on "malicious communication" such luck thinking, after all is not a long-term solution. Liu Yan Broker: Zhang Jianbin, February 10, 2012 (it was:sammi) Others:

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