Sunday, February 12, 2012

swtor Mercenary Commendation power leveling China's consumption might also be aware - JAT

129733617916877500_4If betting on China market 23 years ago like a gamble, so when Germany VW Group boss, Dr Carl Hahn will undoubtedly be the biggest winner.  Now continue in China "fermentation" zhixia, Europe's largest car manufacturers have jumped for the world's second-largest automotive group. Dang United States, European and other established traditional auto markets boost spentForce, when a large number of hand cash consumers get together to the 4S shops, more and more automakers realizes the importance of holding the rhythm of the Chinese market.  To a large extent, China has already determined the future of automotive giants. Data show that in the top five automakers in the world, China is General Motors, Volkswagen tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, Nissan, Renault and Hyundai Kia four enterprisesOf the world's largest market.  The industry generally believe that GM was able to regain the global auto market "boss" Leonard, accounting for nearly all sales GM 30% business in China has played a decisive role. Not only in the public class automobile market swtor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, China's market potential, at the top level in the luxury car market, China's consumption might also be aware。  At the Detroit Auto show just ended, Bentley, President and CEO of dihaimo forecast this year, China is expected to overtake United States, as Bentley's biggest sales market. More high-end, niche of the Maserati in China nearly doubled last year's growth, new car 780 were delivered to users in China. Thus, China's Maserati has become the world's second-largestMarket, as well as the largest market in Asia.  Looking back at last year's world's big drop in Toyota, its two joint venture companies in China Faw Toyota and guangqi Toyota (micro-blogging) barely higher than the industry growth, accumulated only 880,000 vehicles sales, do not complete the intended target for the whole year, "not to" Chinese markets weighed on an unlucky year for Toyota. Audi Management DirectorDirector Shi Boke said publicly that outstanding performance is because the Chinese market, Audi every quarter last year were able to profit in the world, "this for our space, and that space was lost by our competitors. "Audi successfully exploited the Chinese market as a fulcrum, will need to be looked up to a few years ago under the established luxury car brand Mercedes-Benz pick of Lok Ma, such acts seriously stimulate the treasureMa, Mercedes-Benz luxury-car maker.  Global automotive manufacturer is market as China's lifeline, but from the "cash cow" who gain greater profits, still need enough wisdom. Renowned foreign experts, Ma Yu, Director of Institute of Commerce foreign admits that car as a versatility very high product, but not a model walk all over the world are appropriate. A steamCar, design reasonable, the quality excellent, commensurate with the consumption habits of the local market, consumer and environmental issues. Throughout the history of China automobile industry, there are many "early, catch the late set" of transnational enterprises. France Peugeot joint venture with GAC short marriage, Fiat and Nanjing Automobile of scores of cases such as disputes over, the Chinese market is not completely endogenous market swtor power leveling,Need foreign partners, the China consumer characteristics, be fully understood and respected.

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