Sunday, January 8, 2012

the old republic power leveling improve liquidity expected unchanged UOP

129667889786240392_472Continuing this week in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fell, leaving 2,400 points fall turnover atrophy, dimmed in popularity. International Board launched the pressure of expectations, the IPO, declines in economic growth is leading to a-shares continued weaker reasons. But everybody's movements after years full of hope. This look at the ten well-known security companies is how to understand the markets this week and next week's trend of prejudging. (PointBlow into the microblogging solution) shenyin wanguo: main capital stocks vulnerable difficult adjustment pattern modification (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Continuing this week in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fell, leaving 2,400 points fall turnover atrophy, dimmed in popularity. For the moment,Market weak tone intact, analysis patterns harder to change at the end of the afternoon, 2,350 points will be tested next week, to a low point in the early December may also have some competition. This week the market has several new factors to consider, first of all is the European debt crisis spread, first Greece Ireland and then Italy Spain, the current eurozone core countries began to actConducted this week Germany bond issuance is not popular, overseas markets have tumbled. Then from the perspective of policy, HSBC's China Publishing's November manufacturing purchasing managers ' index of 48, not only in October compared to fall sharply, and create nearly 32 months of a new low, showing poor macroeconomic conditions. Meanwhile, the Central Bank to clarify number of Zhejiang rural credit cooperatives by 0.5%Gold storage rate is back to normal instead of easing signal makes frustrate policy favourable expectations.����In addition, the new shares this week on day seven, reduction of the size of non-lifting of crowding out, pressure tight end supply and demand. From the perspective of technology, current stock index drop channel has been formed, integer index of 2,400 points closed and multiple technology averages fall, while techniques such as KD indexes appears oversoldIndicates the market may next week after the first anti-Yang, throw an oversold bounce, but the rebound is limited, and taking into account the end of the checkout, the overall trend is inevitable, index of 2,350 points next week, and 2,307 points will gradually face test in mid-December.����Action suggested half bin the following caution on the sidelines, top holdings continue to lower positions in the rebound. Next week's trend bearishMidline trend seen flat next week intervals 2340-2410 hotspot haven of consumption focus to overseas markets next week next week, PMI data Xinda securities: medium-term trend of dismal 24th market's bottomed elevating has brought to market a glimmer of hope, but unfortunately rebound did not 25th is confirmed. Turnover of the two cities on Friday again hitLows in the near future, to display the current market sentiment has many bad factors under the repression of extreme caution. Seen from the week k-line form, began in late October rally does not break through the index of Rails on a downward path since April, of the medium-term market judgment is still biased towards the negative. However, after falling for three consecutive weeks, short the kinetic energy has been released to a certain extent, counter-trends indicatorsShows the market rendered more distinct technical oversold, which provided the conditions of a short-term rebound. Key factors determining market trend is still currently embodied in two aspects of macroeconomic and monetary policy: exists in the current market concerns about the macroeconomic growth accelerating downward, if reflected in the performance of listed companies of integrity can result in a share valuation hubs on down, and the internationalOccasional outbreaks of many uncertainties in the economy are also two levels from the real economy and financial markets to the negative impact on domestic; at the same time, inflation has not yet been brought down to within a reasonable range of traditionally, and emerging cost factor also makes the current inflation situation complex than any time in its history, the Government or long remained relatively cautious attitude on monetary policy������If the macro fundamentals as most core factors study and future trends, so at least now we have not found significant positive signal. Taking into account a-shares has historically most "cheap" at all times, continue to kill dropped dramatically and is no good reason, but in the case of lack of catalysts, fell slightly during the shocks could become the basic trend; short-term oversold anti-Bomb or will happen, but not much.����Overall, poor market trend, investors as well. Trend in s trend next week next week intervals 2350-2430 hotspot communications unit next week, agriculture stocks the focus next week without wealth through stock: necking callback provides layout opportunity this week to the market shrink volume adjustment, continuedIndicate that both sides have no desire to continue fighting, we are waiting for further policy factors of uncertainty.����Warming trend remains unchanged due to policy swtor power leveling, improve liquidity expected unchanged, the rally will not end, continuous correction has created an opportunity for the active layout. 21st Vice Premier Wang Qishan, stressed that "the current global economic situation remains serious, and that economic recovery was the overriding task", Which policymakers view of global economic recovery is under way before there is a big change, and suggests that policy makers will be from "adjusting fine" to the "growth structure" simultaneously direction. We believe that the individual rural credit system institutions deposit rate cut in the near future although not seen as a significant change in monetary policy, but in October added-24.9 billion worth of foreign exchange, is the 2007Months the first time since the single month of negative growth, probability of lower deposit rates increased during the year. Of course, the debt situation in Europe and America so that external environments are not determining factors are repeatedly, but overseas in addition to the impact of the crisis of China's economic growth prospects, will also enhance the adjustment of its China policy, intensity and rhythm of the discretion. From the perspective of history, policy orientation in easing the economic downward cycle, is often a trigger nodeReconfiguration of the market. Technical, 2,307 lows since 1664 after the low point of the trend is similar, namely merchant breakthrough after the 60-day moving average, back to the 60-day moving average, and then again after the attack on fast-breaking 60-day moving average, and continued downward 0.618 of breakdown rally back, and then continue to the volume of around six sessions, exhibition of 1664 points that areOpened a wave of big quotes, this amount may also be a repeat history. In short, when the current but also to actively buy. From a policy point of view, concerned benefit from credit and financial and taxation to encourage "protecting employment and promoting restructuring and stabilizing the economy," related industry chain, including agriculture, water conservancy, transportation, energy conservation and environmental protection, power equipment, new industries, and so on. In addition, the 2012 policy to pushIs the trend of the service industry, promising services sector as the core structural opportunities, including but not limited to cultural media, medical and education services, environmental protection, logistics and business flow. Trends in s trend next week next week intervals 2360-2500 hot benefit policy sector focus monetary policy next week next week, externalPacific Securities market: demand a technical rebound this week in Shanghai and Shenzhen shocks IAM huzhi fall of 2,400-point mark, shenchengzhi below above. Message on the surface, latest figures of the people's Bank of China issued on 21st October Chinese Foreign Exchange balances amounted to $ 25.4869 trillion, in September the figure was 25.5118 trillion yuan, the newIncreased foreign exchange accounted for a net decrease of $ 24.892 billion. This is added the Exchange in January 2008 has 3 years of negative growth for the first time. We believe that the Exchange per cent negative growth, hedging in favour of reducing Central Bank pressure, but cross-border flow of funds shows the current complexity and uncertainty in international capital market prospects are enhanced. At the same time, net Central Bank in October to inject shrinkageSmall, may indicate that the Central Bank's monetary base in October to inject less heralded significant increase in money supply is still difficult in the next two months, and tensions eased liquidity, loan of greater hope for the structural adjustment policies. At the same time, HSBC China PMI initial value is 48, a 32-month low, showing November manufacturing began to shrink, and operation of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprisesSituation is not optimistic, it means that the November industrial output growth will continue to slow, pace while intensifying the economic slowdown. However, there is also a good policy this week: Twelve-Five plan the old republic power leveling, the national platform for tourism and leisure tourism industry is expected to be issued, domestic tourism revenue 10% with an average annual growth rate of the next five years, by 2020, the national tourism and recreation revenuesProportion of GDP reached 10%.����This message became the catalyst of the tourism unit this week, we believe that some of the leading stocks in the tourism sector show long-term investment value, one of the layout of the plates can be an important reference for the coming year. At present, the market is in a shock to find in the end, due to early continuous drop larger, in the current market is in oversold condition, and a number of technical indicators have been thereAway from the situation, indicating that demand for technical rebound next week. With this week's turnover and capital flows, capital in the stop-loss orders away from the field this week will not strongly, but the market still lacks source to attract funds into the stock market.����Therefore, the technical rebound effect can effectively lead to hot spots and thus make money, is the key to decide short-term bounce height. Next week's trendTrend in s flat multi-2350-2450 and hot news next week next week next week to focus overseas markets Hong Yuan securities: experience continue to adjust to space after sharp falls in the first two weeks, this week, the market continued adjustment of inertia. Due to the volume of contracting serious market decline narrowed significantly. 2,400-point mark after repeated contention although by fallEnded, but the broader market closed does not appear quickly moved down the center of gravity, shorting the kinetic energy of the market in less than signs.����Overall, the wait-and-see mood in the market remains strong, early low point of technical support, under the premise of the policy of positive expectations, expects the market to fall was limited. Recent market decline also comes from the a-share market to a large extent of personal factors. First of all, from the end ofPerformance point of view, does not exclude the listed company to reduce its stake of shares of listed companies, and executives to reduce large scale growth. Statistics show that as of 24th, this month, a total of 155 small, entrepreneurial companies reduce cash 649 times, executives reduction of 471 times, versus 72.57%; reduction of Trojan and 359 million shares cashed 65.4$ 100 million, per cent from the month rose sharply. Secondly, under the withdrawal system, a series of system innovations, markets panicked selling began to emerge. ST stocks short the kinetic energy of delisting risks significantly. Thirdly, the end IPO pace has done nothing to weaken campaign. October market buzz Soochow securities issued on December 2, Shaanxi coal shares, is expected to share in yearsBefore the end of issue.����While "downsizing" issue, but purchase frozen stage to market funds forming a drag. In the above short risk continued after release, the market technically will further complete the repair. In addition, the central economic work Conference will be relayed from market confidence. November PMI data continued to drop, will also be the birth of monetary policy, moderate widthPine, regulation of the management policy will be more responsive to the current situation.����Therefore, we recommend that investors maintain a wait-and-see, be patient and wait for the final policy clearer. Trend next week air line trend next week interval of 2350-2470 point hotspot pharmaceutical stocks next week, low carbon concept the focus next week PMI data 12 next page

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