Sunday, January 8, 2012

the largest decline was in Yunnan UDIC

129668652420156250_104Red stock stock market weekly issue 2011 > source of body-November 27, 2011: red in the securities market weekly author: Liu Zenglu font size: copy title link tourism food and beverage sector focuses on corporate environmental protection boardBlock focuses on corporate communications device plate focuses on company property x plate focuses on company's the Red week (blog, Twitter) reporter Liu Zenglu the market hovered around 2,400 points, faces a double dip risk. For the rest of the year and 2012 market judgment, guotai Junan securities, Galaxy and other agencies in its 2012Industry policy that in 2012, consumption, emerging and most optimistic about the real estate industry. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: who discovered fresh black who now cannot wait shareholders Li 8 a 12-year playerOf 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or large area fell stopped (figure) consumption unit strong constant strong statistics this year all industry plate of market performance (ended on November 24), Shen million 23 a a level industry in the only has food beverage implementation annualIndustry is income, up 9.59%, ranked second in the financial services sector fell 6.91%. In many industries, compared to the overall decrease of 14.62% in the same period, information services, tourism, chemicals, utilities and other textiles and garments, food and beverage industry 11 levels outperform the market, the worst is electronic and non-ferrous metals, machinery and equipment industries this yearBoth fell more than 20%. From the perspective of each quarter of the year, outstanding food and beverage stocks not only markets, its performance is also demonstrated by the steady growth, net profits in the first 3 quarters of this year compared to grow at around 40%, are always placed in front of the 23 levels of 5. Guotai Junan securities said in its 2012 strategy of food and drink sector industries,Continued bullish trade in 2012 or even future sales and earnings growth in the longer term. For investment opportunities in food and beverage industry in 2012, guotai Junan securities, believes that 2012 will follow two main lines mining sector market opportunities, starting with "deterministic growth low valuation" and sticks to optimistic about liquors stocks, it is recommended that underestimate the value of the first-line variety, such as wuliangye(000858, shares), Guizhou moutai (600,519, unit), Luzhou laojiao (000568, shares), yanghe shares (002304 shares), at the same time actively involved in the second-tier liquor market, it is recommended that concerned tribute wine Inn (000596, unit), Shanxi fenjiu (600,809, unit) and others. Second, the "protect the people's livelihood,Promoting consumption, costs come down "is another main line of investment, it is recommended to Queen shares of popular consumer products (600,887, unit), Henan shuanghui (000895, unit), Tsingtao, and recommended that the concerned segment of small food market company, three whole foods (002216, unit). In the consumer sector, not including food and beverage, catering-tourismShowing relatively resilient, although down 9.83%, but outperform over 4%. Compared with several other large consumer segments industry, the first 3 quarters of this year, overall income growth of listed companies in restaurants tourist industry grew by 30%, second only to commercial trade, business rates run second only to the food and drink. Guotai Junan believes that tourism in our country will enter the next decade double-Wheel-drive period of accelerated growth, it is recommended that concerned China Youth Travel (600,138, unit), China international travel service (601,888, unit), songcheng shares (300,144 shares), Hunan, Hubei, (002306, unit), Jin Jiang shares (600,754 shares), Mount Emei and other companies. New industries and then up the October 25Since the environmental sector's stock shares had a wave of fierce rally, as of November 2, 7 trading days within the sector as a whole rose 14.01%. Among them, most of the energy, environment protection (300,172, unit) shares have risen 57.59%, the first environmental protection (300,137, unit), baanshuiwu (300,262, unit),SPC (002573, unit), three dimensional wire (300,056, unit) 4 companies, such as earlier gains were more than a 30%, good environmental policy will be published to be agents of companies gain maximum catalyst as a whole. Galaxy securities believes that headed by the State development and Reform Commission, brought together more Ministry views of the "Twelve-Five" of energy saving and environmental protection industry development planChecks will be submitted to the relevant departments. Led by the Ministry of environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry "Twelve-Five" plan is also developed, is expected to immediately announced. The plan proposed to develop environmental protection equipment manufacturing base, foster leading enterprises of the dominant. The same period, led by the Ministry of environmental protection prepared by the environmental services sector "Twelve-Five" development planning has been finalized, as a child planning will also be published�� The plan to raise the environmental service sector share of the environmental protection industry from the current five boost to 15%. Galaxy securities believes that environmental protection industry earnings growth next year and share price performance will be significantly better than this year, now is likely to be reversed starting green shares the opportunity to focus on bag filter, thermal power and denitrification, sewage treatment, solid waste disposal and environmental monitoring, breakdownIn the field of environmental protection industry. This year, the communications equipment sector's performance although not optimistic swtor power leveling, and decreases during the year reached 23.13%, but taking into account the introduction of next-generation information industry planning and current industry structure of growth is faster, improved industry performance in the next year was expected to occur. Guotai Junan think 2012 investment growth industry as a whole is about 6%.FTTH will become the main fixed-line broadband investment directions, related equipment investment expected an increase of 100%, leading FTTH equipment investment as a whole grew by 47%. 3G users to scale up and mobile data traffic pressure, speed up 3G/LTE would prompt China Unicom and China mobile networks. Real Estate Department statistics show the dark before dawn, so far this yearReal estate sector as a whole decreased by 13.72%, although anti-dropped relative to the market as a whole, but the plates are a number of companies suffered heavy falls, the largest decline was in Yunnan UDIC (600,239, unit), has been "these conditions", or 52.56%, Fuxing shares (000926, shares), jiakai (000918, unit), zhonghong shares (000979, shares), good River at (600,576, unit) drop more than 23 other real estate companies, such as 30%. For the past two years has been the policy to suppress real estate, guotai Junan securities, in the real estate policy in its 2012 believes that in the first half of 2012, real estate inventory, price adjustment will continue to face tough times, with theLower prices spread, local capital full of tension, is expected to be around next year's mid-term policy on real estate may have relaxed the conditions, the policy shifted from too strict to balance supply and demand, oversupply will also turn to gradually balance, severe suppression of the property market and sales will be regenerated. From a long-term perspective, guotai Junan securities, as having the more abundant capital, unobstructed financing channelRoad Estate of leading companies, in industries adjustment period can also get more high quality investment opportunities of land, real estate equity resources. Secondly, as the industry recovery star wars the old republic power leveling, adjusted for 2012, property market are expected to go does not take the price recovery, rapid sales of high turnover business model will work magic. Comprehensive comparative advantages of cash premium, land resources, performance, and management to determineAfter benefit and policy flexibility and advantage of valuations, poly real estate (600,048, unit), investment real estate (000024, shares), vanke a, the first shares (600,376 shares), the development concept of rongsheng (002146, unit), the golden land Group (600,383, unit), in the South building (000961, unit), suning universal (000718, unit), and other real estate most notably among leading companies advantages. Aside from the advantage of real estate outside faucet, owned real estate company of x class also tends to achieve a good return on investment. Therefore, in the current concerns in line with national industrial restructuring and upgrading needs, make up for the real estate sector performance, valuation fluctuations and other industry sectors as the limitations of the x, while public listingDivision as well as the major shareholder of this industrial capital really has the determination and ability to do x, the assets or business of x really increase the company's development strategy and a timetable made profits in company x in the future, focusing on overseas Chinese town a, Beijing urban construction (600,266, unit), China Baoan (000009, shares), xinhu zhongbao (600,208, unit), Huaye real estate (600,240, unit), an "x" in a recovery next year after performance of the company.

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