Saturday, June 9, 2012

system integrators. The end of 2011 wow cd-key system integrators. The end of 2011 - LEBQ

129823442312812500_16Huawei business to return to United States market through agent channel development After repeatedly blocked because of political issues, Huawei is a low-key start in United States markets of a new layout: relying on dealer channel expansion. Huawei BG enterprise business (Business Group, Center) CEO Mr XU told reporters on the InterOP show in Las Vegas just ended: Huawei has been clearly defined, not andCooperation between distributors and system integrators take business, but to give agents more autonomy, expanding the global market through their channels. "The next most important because of the company's enterprise business strategy. "Mr Xu said. This reporter has learned, Huawei on Interop communication during the show and for the first time United States distribution deal IT distributor Synnex, by agents of the latter ChinaFor the product. Through agent channel, Huawei in United States retail, medical and other fields has got lots of new orders. This channel is very important market, Huawei, there is an urgent need to signal of the agents are issued they are comfortable. Huawei is also on their sales channel for new round of adjustment, including Symantec and recently completed its joint venture company "China game" acquisitionAnd will complete the race to China sales channels and the integration of Huawei's sales channels. Return to United States markets last year, Huawei BG enterprise business formally set up a subsidiary in the United States, started to acting United States business. But this is not a place for Huawei business brings good memories. The end of 2003, Huawei-3COM to set up company three (H3C), Huawei Technologies shares 51% shares.At that time, Huawei 3COM in an attempt in the United States to United States business market. Since then, 3COM has more than two spent more than 800 million dollars to buy shares in the company in the joint venture company Rift CD-key, enabling the three wholly owned holding. In early 2008, 3COM is in trouble, Huawei has attempted to join hands to 3COM by Bain Capital, which invested $ 2.2 billion overallAcquisitions, but ultimately failed due to political reasons, 3COM acquired by HP with a lower bid, three passing into HP. This enables Huawei has lost a good opportunity to take the 3COM network in the global development of enterprise business. Since then, Huawei reinvent the internal built enterprise business unit, and was formally established in last year's enterprise business BG, as its internal and operator business, salesBusiness side-by-side in one of the three main operations center. "We, as a communications company, does not enter the United States is justified. "Mr Xu said that United States manufacturers are unable to ignore market size of all communication, Huawei's business started in Silicon Valley last year to form a team, into the United States market. At present, the United States market has accounted for almost half of global enterprise network market share, United StatesIT companies dominate the global development of the information industry, including Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and other companies annually release a huge demand for them in volume on a storage device, data communication equipment are high. And some traditional United States businesses such as retail, logistics, finance, manufacturing business to business information demand is also strong, global enterprise network business40% per cent of the shares is concentrated in the United States. But now Cisco has a clear advantage in this market, and big players are HP, Dell, Juniper has a place, Huawei has just entered the market. "The global economic downturn, all large enterprises are forced to push down the purchasing budget. "Mr Xu is expected, high-performance, low-cost Huawei productsReceived more attention, such as Huawei intellectual video conference system, about cheaper than the other manufacturers the same 30% and certain performance targets surpassed, there may be some United States favored by businesses. Mr Xu pointed out that United States enterprise network marketing distribution network is highly developed, United States local sales in the IT distribution business is substantial, these distributors, such as Cisco, Huawei brandManufacturers of products for the second development, solution sales. Therefore, Huawei entered the market attention when looking for local partners. Huawei, bypassing the political barriers, enterprise business United States subsidiaries CEO Shen Jingyang said Huawei first in retail, healthcare, these areas not affected by political factors, and some sensitive areas, not toBecause of the company's business focus. In the United States market, United States maintained numerous links to big business and political contacts, many large companies are in support of politicians in exchange for future potential in supporting the campaign, such as the 2008 United States presidential election, Cisco was donated to the Obama campaign funds. This is a United States election year, this is considered to be some of the competitors using the political means crowding out in ChinaGood time for Division. Company insiders, in the United States in large telecommunication infrastructure construction, Huawei, hard to get a big order, and to a large extent the political lobbying hype �C Huawei rival Huawei, Ren Zheng topic not of military origin, enterprise business market though not as extensive carrier market, but some may still be sensitive industries competitionTake as an example. United States business market, financial sector accounted for a very large scale. In this sensitive industry, Huawei wants to cut is very high. In addition, Huawei to obtain from the United States Government to pay some of the public-sector orders, also has a very high degree of difficulty. According to Shen Jingyang revealed that United States largest retail company Sears, one of the thousands of stores will be fully launched the HuaweiCommunications equipment, these shops all selling small merchandise difficult to relate relationship to the national security. Furthermore Huawei is also trying to open the situation in areas such as education, health care. At this point, Huawei terminal business seems to have opened a good start. Huawei Terminal last year in the United States sales of more than $ 900 million, making little progress, which means that political factors aside, China's high-tech products, even in the United States,Still very competitive. In this case, relying on the strength of a number of local agents, partner of "gang war" became inevitable way of Huawei in the global enterprise market open. Do not take business and agent Huawei established BG enterprise business last year, to raise the enterprise business and carrier operations, terminal operations (now known as "consumer services") side-by-sideOne of the three major business groups. Subject to the effects of the global telecommunications infrastructure saturation, operators of the Huawei the most important network growth clearly slowed, only 3% last year, and its business growing 57%, because of the company's fastest-growing business. But this business more rely on the company's own power to do is rely on the agent to do? HuaweiOnce disputes. In the past, Huawei's business is intended primarily for operators wow cd-key, most of the business through direct marketing to complete, also experience a group of powerful direct sales teams. Huawei's Business Development Department began to do tailored to individual customer needs of targeted research and development, and welcomed by customers, but also makes products difficult to replicate this way, market development, and that thePractices to some extent dampened a work with Huawei's enthusiasm of distributors, integrators. Mr Xu said last year at one time, Huawei's business location is not very clear, also made a number of end-to-end case, last many distributors, system integrators that Huawei to become integrated, and they take business, which the resistance. "This year we clearly statedWe are integrated, not compete with agents. "Mr Xu said that Huawei's positioning of the business itself must be clear, is the only standardized products, solutions and platforms, and let the distributors and system integrators to take orders on the market. This is determined by the business enterprise network characteristics. Enterprise network service and biggest difference operators of the Huawei's traditional business, enterprise networkBusinesses must close cooperation and channel distributors, system integrators, global pattern more or less number of number of major carriers, operators, enterprise business, different industries, different enterprise needs a very big difference, you must play the role of channel distributors, system integrators. The end of 2011, all Huawei's price of $ 530 million to buy the joint venture with SymantecCompany match, became the most important acquisition of Huawei last year. At that time, Huawei Symantec and are willing to set up a joint venture company, Huawei, is hoping to make up for deficiencies in security and storage product lines, and that's what important branches of the enterprise network business Diablo 3 gold, hoping to Huawei Symantec sales channels to expand the Chinese market. Mr Xu explained that acquisition of China race is to some extent toMarket confidence, "If China racing was bought by someone else, will give the market disruption information. "But buying there is another layer of meaning, Huawei, China game and its many business there is competition in his own business, buy China race to straighten out Huawei's sales channels is also important. "We are satisfied on this joint venture between the two sides. "Mr Xu said more acquisitions China match is from the strategic levelConsider this acquisition to enhance the overall business of Huawei's product line has an important role. Others:

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