Thursday, June 14, 2012

control at a critical stage of the real estate market wow cd-key control at a critical stage of th

129836407518906250_100Finance: strategic industries will be given financial support Business News (reporter Ding Kaiyan) despite the slowdown, revenues increased pressure on cases, the industry has worried China will slow the pace of adjusting the economic structure, but Finance Minister Xie xuren yesterday to attend the 2012 annual meeting of China fiscal society speech on responding to today's determination to change the mode of economic development does not change, the future will be through financial supportStrategic measures such as new industries continue to promote structural adjustment. "Downward pressure on economic growth, prices are still high, control at a critical stage of the real estate market, stable development of agriculture, farmers ' income steadily harder; total employment pressures and structural contradictions coexisting, some enterprises, especially the small increase in micro-enterprises operating difficulties, some overcapacity of industry highlights�� "Although Xie xuren admitted that at present China's economic development is really under pressure, but he stressed the determination to change the mode of economic development does not change. To this end, in his speech yesterday, Xie xuren made clear through fiscal policies promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, including focusing on how to support healthy development of strategic industries Diablo 3 CD-KEY, to promote new energy development benefitsMechanisms, supporting the development of a new generation of information technologies; support the development of SMEs, stimulate science and technology small micro-enterprise development TERA Gold, and improves system conducive to the development of the service sector policy, social capital to enter the service, improve the level of service industry development speed, proportion, for promoting; study support focused on key energy-consuming enterprises energy saving and emission reduction SWTOR Credits, further eliminate backward production capacity, and optimizationThe source structure, promoting clean efficient traditional energy use, increase the share of new and renewable sources of energy, promoting the reform of energy resources prices. "Even if the growth rates have slowed economic growth, revenue or tax revenue, but this is only necessary adjustments after sustained rapid growth in the past, this slowdown is not a substantial decline, and much less negative, and therefore do not have toCurrently planned or expected slowdown in economic growth and revenue growth within overreact. "Deliberating and President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of financial strategy Advisory study on China International Center for economic exchanges, Vice Minister Wang June agreed, can be seen from our recent policy changes tone of economic development in China has not changed. "Energy-saving home appliances subsidies, new energy vehiclesSubsidies to expand domestic demand, to address economic development relying too much on investment in China and export development, strategic introduced new industries development plan and the introduction of tax levying sales tax policy is to promote the development of new industries such as services, to address the excessive waste of resources caused by the extensive economic development model. "Wang June said. Wang June, this round of economic increaseSpeed slide was weak demand in the short term and long term superposition effects brought about by economic restructuring, but in the history of China's economic development experience, crises happen to be opportune to promote the reform, thus, don't expect macro-policy and because of the slowdown in economic growth, reduce power with economy in transition. Wang June expected, did not give up under the premise of economic transformation, while the macro-control to come and stingStress economic policy, but that such policies would moderately as a whole. Yesterday, the people's Bank of China decided, starting from today downgraded RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions, financial institutions benchmark one-year deposit rate 0.25%, benchmark one-year lending rate 0.25%. Wang Fei/tab section financial focus during the year prices: make importantIdeas and suggestions for reform of commodity and factor prices and civil capital: supporting social capital into tax policy services: comprehensive personal income tax and the reform for the property market regulation: a study on how to reform the tax system of real estate Others:

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