Friday, June 8, 2012

flat. Macro Diablo 3 gold flat. Macro - ZTEL

129834159846515000_111Too many sharp jiancang, threaded shocks to maintain market review: rebar prices rebounded today, but are still in the interval 4000-4100 shocks, contract 4,060, rb1210 Yuan/ton, the highest 4,103 Yuan/ton, lowest $ 4,048 per ton, at 4,084 Yuan/ton, compared to the daily settlement prices up 44 points, or 1.09%, sold for 972,000 hand, reduction of 260,000, hand position 734,000, reduction of 127,000. Stock quotes: spot prices today, 20mmHRB400 thread quote: 4 TERA Gold,160 dollars/ton in Shanghai, flat, Hangzhou 4,140 Yuan/ton, down 20 Yuan/ton, 4,160 Guangzhou Yuan/ton, flat, Wuhan 4,210 Yuan/ton,Beijing to 4,190 Yuan/ton, down 10 Yuan/ton, Tianjin 4,150 Yuan/ton Diablo 3 gold, down $ 30/ton. Raw material costs, the small iron ore prices fell, 63.5% outside India powder $ 137/ton, flat, 61.5% Australian fine ore $/ton, down 1 USD/ton. Hebei Tangshan iron concentrate powder $ 65% to $/ton,Flat. Secondary metallurgical coke price 1856 Yuan/ton, flat. Macro: 1. Ministry of finance SWTOR Credits, the State development and Reform Commission, Ministry of industry and information technology official issued a few days ago Huimin engineering, energy-saving products energy-efficient refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters, promotion of the implementation details. Plus the previously issued rules for the promotion of energy-efficient flat-screen TV and air conditioning, air conditioning, flat-screenTVs, refrigerators, washing machines and water heaters, five rules for the promotion of energy-efficient appliances products have all been published. 2. owned by standard and poor's ratings services expects Greece leaving the eurozone after the June 17 general election have at least the possibility of one-third. P �� is expected to exit may originate from Greece refused to EU and IMF reform demands, which led to the external financial support for temporaryStop; �� Greece will default again, but other members cannot exit; �� the Member of the European Central Bank might be borrowing costs continued to rise and take effective action �� increased measures to prevent members of the eurozone exit. Comprehensive analysis: QE3 expectations that the dollar weakening, and commodities such as crude oil fell to stabilise, United States stock market continued to fall because of insufficient manufacturing orders. TodayMost of domestic varieties are also advance screw-thread steel shocks after the advance in the afternoon accelerated, over 4,100, but late in fall, failed to hold 4,100 resistance level. Both the long and short sharp jiancang, positions by 127,000, the original minus more than 20,000 much larger Galaxy futures bulls the first hand-held cartridge. We can see that the current wait-and-see mood in the market is strong. When nationalMassive investment in infrastructure suffered a record crude steel production, steel prices in the dilemma of up and down, in addition, the international situation is confusing, endless stream of risk events, investor positions the will is not strong, late rb1210 contracts may still in the 4000-4100 range of shocks. Liangyun futures online Gold in the North declared:Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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