Friday, February 26, 2010

the cost of a day of interviews

the cost of a day of interviews

Because I think a comparison with the other end does not solve is the interest. Now a lot of content on mobile phones, or a wide range of some free internet station, because they will not be paid, they will not be profitable. So China's copyright law is that they do not pay, they do not need to pay for such rights to take. Since there is no such an interest-driven, to some extent, this market was laid to waste. Zhang Yana: I understand the general meaning of the soup; he said the distribution of world of warcraft power leveling. But I would like to ask, in the mobile reader terminal this perspective, everyone is content is what kind of choice? Mao-Fang: As mobile device manufacturers to talk about this angle.

There may even be topics in the fuzzy gray areas where the magic circle breaks down. Stay tuned!Next week, we'll examine some basics of contract law and the armory's new stalker feature activity feed.This column is for educational purposes only and is provided by Amy Schley through for informational purposes only. These materials are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, and they are not a substitute for sound legal advice. You should not base any action – or lack of action – on any information included in our website, without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. In reading this column, no attorney-client relationship is created. We do our best to provide you current, accurate and timely information; however, the law affecting aion power leveling is constantly evolving. We cannot guarantee that this information is the most current, complete or correct. We chose this point of view in the content. Of course, the more is that we are on the user's point of view to think this content. Why mobile phone literature, have not started mobile phone magazine, or the content of mobile phones has not been among the less we thought the popularity of. Our computer is also included to read this one has not been a big promotion. And then from another point of view, from the content providers to this point of view, why publishers are also very reluctant to own those books published in the newspaper do not want to put their content into our mobile phones, put us on the Internet, put to our computer, why is there such a situation? In fact, the reasons for a larger point are that this reading comfort, this is from the user perspective. Another point of view, that is just the total Tang said, the problem of copyright has not been completely resolved. The third problem, or from the product itself is the problem. We each put a price, whether it is PK Ye Halo, or malicious Ye Halo, the price pressure is very low. From our content providers that point, I am hard, such as the Beijing Times, I do not know whether there Xinhua Times, let's go write an article the process is very hard. This time travel more than a dozen individuals, their interviews with the cost is very high.

To what extent does the high? Some interviews with the high cost of money to 2, 3 million pieces. Our revenues for one year only 30000-40000 money, mean that the profitability of the year not as good as the cost of a day of interviews. There are Shanghai Publishing House, let's publication of a book is also very hard, from the content of the excavation, this angle is very large. And book liquidity was not as fast, if it is the moment to shift the cost of runescape power leveling, then the publisher estimates that are unable to pay the wages of every person come, to be closed down. So from this perspective, we Care, is unwilling to put this thing out of cheap. China Publishing Group with a boss, now a common phenomenon is a gold bullion content of money sold a Popsicle prices.


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